Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 843: High standard fishing base

Obviously, after helping Zhao Zheng to fix most of his troubles temporarily, this guy's state was obviously a lot easier. The brothers hooked their shoulders back to the residence, and soon this guy with the opposite **** and innocent went back to his room and called. Now, it looks like I want to tell Tingting the news of Lao Ma's mouth!

As for Yue Feng, he poured more than a catty of liquor in the evening, and blew the cold wind back and forth several times on the road. When he returned to the bedroom, his eyes were a little blurred, his socks were not taken off, he directly stuck his head on the bed, and soon he snored. .

Seeing Yue Feng's virtues, Wawa was angry and funny, so she hurriedly took off his clothes and covered the quilt. Then she locked the door and went back to her bed to turn off the light and rest.

The single bed in the dormitory made the doll seem to have returned to the dormitory years when she was studying before. Yue Feng was stunned, and the doll leaned on the bedding, staring at the starry sky outside the window. For a while, her thoughts did not know where she had flown to.

Early the next morning, Yue Feng was awakened by his biological clock on time. He got up and glanced at the environment. He felt that his memory seemed to be blank for a short period of time, and he couldn't remember how he came back.

The doll was still asleep, curled up on the bed like a kitten. Without waking her up, Yue Feng tiptoed to the toilet to wash her face, and quickly opened the door and went downstairs to move around.

The living area around the small building is almost exactly the same as two years ago. Yuefeng took a half-hour morning jog on the familiar road. After he started his whole body activity, he wandered back to the bedroom, shouted the baby, and then asked the others to eat together!

Yesterday Xiao Hai gave everyone a meal card, and all three meals can be eaten in the small cafeteria. Yue Feng feared that the team members would not be familiar with it when they first arrived, so he personally brought a group of people to familiarize themselves with the environment.

After breakfast, Xiao Hai rushed over early and took Yue Feng and the others to the newly built Fahrenheit fishing base.

At first, Yue Feng thought that the base was also on the factory side, but when he asked, he realized that this was not the case at all. Taking advantage of the opportunity to engage in sports, the old man asked the leader to take a large piece of land, more than 100 acres. , Not in the Hua school factory area.

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Xiao Hai drove ahead and took the lead. Yue Feng and the others followed closely. They drove for about half an hour and quickly arrived at their destination.

Across the distance, Yue Feng saw the big golden characters at the door.

Fahrenheit Fishing Base

There are red small prints underneath, Linyi City focuses on supporting sports development projects.

Xiao Hai honked the horn in front, and soon the doorman opened the door. Several cars filed in and quickly entered the interior of the base.

It didn't feel like there was a wall outside. The car drove into the base. The huge plot and the very high-standard performance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

From the entrance, there is an asphalt road more than ten meters wide, a large area of ​​connected parking lots, training areas, functional waiting areas and other areas with signs set up very neatly.

Looking from a distance, several long standard ponds can already be vaguely seen, and on the east side, there is also a large three-story building.

The car drove until it stopped in the parking lot next to the competition pool. Soon Xiaohai got out of the cab.

"Brother Feng, the construction of the first phase of the fishing base has been completed. How do you feel when you come here for the first time?"

Yue Feng looked around and couldn't help but be speechless.

Forget the asphalt pavement, the construction standard of the competition pond is higher. The edges of the pits are all made of marble. The area in the middle of the ponds is covered with colorful mosaic tiles, and the area beside the walkway is planted with a regular lawn.

Among other things, the cost of this one hundred-meter-long sports pond alone should be over seven figures.

"This construction standard is too bad! The old man said that he invested a few million, is it a bit low-key? I feel that the cost of this pit is dozens or even more than one million!"

"Our own money is only part of it. This is not a cultural and sports project led by the city. Our company is a big taxpayer and has financial allocations! Besides such a large fishing base, if the competition is really popular, it will be done to the local people in the future. What an impact the economy has! You say so!"

"Yes, nothing wrong! I think there are four pits here, all of which are fished? What kind of fish situation and density, you tell me!"

"No. 1 and No. 2 are the main competitive pools. The fishes have been put in it. No. 1 is the target fish crucian carp. About one or two silver crucian carp are the main ones, 200,000 tails, white crucian carp slightly less, 10,000 tails. There are a small amount of engineering crucian carp.

No. 2 is a large polyculture pit, the main fish species are crucian carp, carp, herring, grass carp, silver carp, 2-3 taels of silver crucian carp, about 10,000, about 0.5-1 catty of carp seedlings, 10,000 catties, 2-3 catties of carp, 5000 Catches, 8-20 catties of herring carp is about two thousand catties, plus about 100 catties for water purification, about ten catties of silver carp.

No. 3 and No. 4 are empty, and these two pits are not used for the time being! There are also fish in the small pit No. 5. UU Reading, but the density is very low. If the race is started, new raw fish will be temporarily placed in the small pit No. 5 to reach the peak of the final race. night of! "

"Fuck, the density of fish in this pit is high enough!" After listening to Xiao Hai's introduction, Yue Feng couldn't help exclaiming.

The length of the standard pit is 125 meters long, 22 meters wide and 2.1 meters deep.

In such a pond, No. 1 pond is okay to say, after all, they are all low-oxygen and cold-tolerant crucian carp, while in No. 2 polyculture pit, Yue Feng's rough calculation is close to 20,000 catties of fish. The density is already very exaggerated.

"Yes, the density is indeed very high! The old man said, just get it right, and minimize the influence of external conditions such as terrain factors and location factors as much as possible! The league is a league, and you can't rely on any luck to advance! Such a high density , Can't catch fish, find the reason for yourself!"

"Aren't you afraid of turning over the pond under normal hypoxia?" Yue Feng was a little worried.

"It's okay! There is a dedicated person to manage it. The silt pumping and water exchange pipelines are embedded underneath. There are enough oxygen pumps. The density is calculated based on the experience of the old factory area for many years. problem!"

"Okay, great, great! By the way, are there any scruples or restrictions here?"

"No, pay attention to safety, just do whatever else you want! By the way, I will show you a few pass cards to get in and out of the door under the glass of the car and leave it alone! The fish is grumpy, it's suitable for practicing those flying and floating attacks. Sex fishing!

The first team will also come to practice when there is nothing wrong with them. Teacher Hua has reminded them to wake up, pay attention to unity, you can say hello to me if you have anything to do, it's your own family, you are welcome! "

"Okay, it's done, thank you buddy! Put the team down first and invite you to dinner tonight!"

"no problem!"

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