Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 856: Forced sensationalism is the deadliest

Chapter 856: Forced Sensation is the Deadliest

Wang Xiaomin tried again to pull the bait with a double hook without a cannon. This time he turned over and caught a double tail.

Yue Feng saw this: "Okay, the preparations are complete, let's hug!"

On the next shot, Wang Xiaomin pulled down the float for about fifty centimeters, pulled the bait with the double hook, and squeezed the cannon with the hook handle, and just threw the rod and caught it.

The water ratio of the scattered artillery used to make the nest is very small. After entering the water, the flowers will explode after tens of centimeters, which basically does not affect the state of the fishing group.

The double-hook bait bait, because of its small specific gravity, lowers slowly, giving the upper-level fish a chance. After the float reaches the preset water layer, it pauses slightly, and puff is two mouthfuls.

Lift the rod and stab the fish, double tail!

Go back to the fish and unhook the hook, put the bait and cast the rod again, to the preset position, give the mouth again, and then lift the rod, it is still a double tail!

"Wow, Wang Xiaomin's double-tail rate is a bit exaggerated! What's the matter?"

"I can see it clearly, but I didn't understand the principles inside. Tell my brothers how Wang Xiaomin did it? Just now I was catching fish next door. It only took a few shots to catch up!"

Yue Feng nodded: "Okay, since everyone wants to listen, let's talk to the brothers about the details of fishing with the help of this fish love!

First of all, everyone has to understand that crucian carp is not a pure bottom fish. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the middle-lower fish. Especially the small crucian carp is active in almost all layers of the water.

According to water temperature, air pressure, dissolved oxygen and other conditions, determine the appropriate water layer.

When is it suitable for the fishing method of fixed layer? The state of the fish is relatively healthy, the density is relatively high, and the desire to chase bait is strong!

In the final analysis, the fishing set layer is a fishing method between the fishing stroke and the float. The lower the fish layer and the bottom interface, it will become the fishing stroke and bottom interface.

If the fish layer is a little higher, the float will turn into a mouth, and it will become a float without waiting for it to turn over!

I don’t know if you noticed the details of Xiaomin’s filling the nest just now!

Every time he takes a nest, after the float turns over and reaches a fixed fishing eye, he will shake off the bait on the hook and throw the rod again.

In fact, this is the key to catching the layer. The angler needs to have a certain understanding of the water layer where the bait is scattered in his heart. If it is scattered here for a long time, the fish can be attracted to this area to eat the bait.

When the number of fish is enough, there will be what everyone just saw. Pull down and float for a certain distance, and then the float will turn over and give the mouth, find the feeling, it is also the same thing to catch the double tail! "

"It's so easy to catch a layer? But usually, there are many times, why can't you pull the rod, and the fish always eat bait under or off the bottom! What should I do in this situation?"

Seeing the new question, Yue Feng smiled: "Brother upstairs, you made a mistake in a concept. Let's go fishing. We are fishing, not the fixed fishing method!

How to understand this sentence? Anglers need to choose the right fishing method according to the different fish conditions to get a good catch!

Why did Wang Xiaomin try a shot in the middle? It is to judge whether the fish situation matches your own fishing method!

Like you said, the fish eats bait underneath, which means that this fish is suitable for bottom fishing, make the bottom nest, and then choose a long-body float fishing suitable for bottom fishing!

If the rigid conditions of density and activity are not reached, the fishing layer will have no effect! If I went fishing instead, I still won't get a good catch! "

"Uh, I see, the fishing method is for fish love?"

Yue Feng: "Yes! The fishing method serves the fish situation. The fish situation is different, and the strategies used are also different. If you want to catch the fish well, you need to find the most suitable strategy for the fish situation at that time, and raise the efficiency of fishing to the highest level. It's that simple !

As for what you are curious about, why Xiaomin can know if there is any problem with Yuqing after experimenting with it. This is the advantage of practicing and catching Yuqing in advance! If you have found out the feeling of the fish and found the rhythm of the practice in the game, then you will naturally get good results in actual combat!

On the other hand, if the shot that Xiaomin tried earlier did not meet expectations, he must be re-adjusted to judge that the fish situation has changed. This is a very flexible adjustment process, and you need to use your brain when fishing! "

"Brother Feng said so good, there are many truths, the old man said when we learned to fish with the master, brothers in the live broadcast room have fun!

We used to kowtow to learn some fishing skills! Watching a live broadcast will teach you all without reservation! Give Feng Ge a thumbs up! "

Yue Feng: "In the self-media era, with the development of information dissemination, natural and traditional concepts are about to change! Watching my live broadcast is also a kind of support for me!

Isn’t everyone curious why I’m not on stage? The reason is very simple, because of you! The more than 10 million fans in my account, the tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, and the massive orders for each shipment are my foundation and confidence!

With you, my company has the most hard-core supporters. I have money to get clubs and recruit and train anglers. Even if they do not perform well temporarily, we have the confidence to give them enough time to grow! "

"I rub, force sensationalism, UU reading is the deadliest!"

"This wave of sensationalism is a bit too much!"

"Damn, Brother Feng is really a talent, so he is so refreshing and refined to talk about laziness!"

Yue Feng: "Hahaha, the second wave of lottery! This time, find a few lucky people and arrange a set of new black pit fishing rods from the company! Ten places, free lottery! Get ready for hand speed, let’s go, let’s go!"

Yue Feng, who felt it, became a big player again, and the new products from Yuefeng Company were top-quality goods. Ten spots don't sound like a lot. Good guys, in terms of commodity value, ten sets of poles are tens of thousands of yuan.

In this way, during the one-hour game time, Yue Feng interacted with the friends in the live broadcast room from beginning to end, and gave out part of the benefits after a while, almost without stopping.

From the beginning of the live broadcast of more than 10,000 people, the live broadcast to the highest popularity is more than 80,000. This is the only one among the daily live broadcasts.

At the end of the game, the referee blew the whistle, and soon all the anglers put down their fishing rods and waited for the weighing.

"271 tails! Brother Feng, Xiaomin's results should be okay?"

"It's more than okay, it's too okay! At a speed of 271, I didn't see the angler next door being shut up for the second half of the journey!"

"I don't know how the other four players' performances are? Isn't this game ranked according to total weight? Don't lose the chain! Feng Ge's full interactive live broadcast, there are fishing skills dry goods, and there is a prize draw, which is great. Up!"

With 271 fishes, this result is very good when the whole pit is full of people. Yue Feng got up from his seat and said, "Go, I will take everyone to the door and wait. Weighing is faster than counting the final result. Then You know!"

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