Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 868: What a beautiful lady

Chapter 868

A circle of people finished dividing six ice creams, leaving Zhao Zheng aside, there were two remaining in his pocket, but not four circles, but the cheap Yili Ice Factory, which also divided Xiaomin into one.

"Uh, is this a pass or a fail?"

"Tsk tusk, this wave is okay! Divide into one brother, talk about loyalty!"

"Speaking of loyalty +1!"

Yue Feng asked casually: "Why don't you buy four laps? How much is this stuff?"

Wang Zhen curled his lips: "Don't mention it, I want to make up the money and buy two more. The money in my pocket is not enough. This ice factory is two yuan, five yuan, and I can make do with Xiaomin!"

"Hahahaha, funny and sad!"

"Xiao Zhenzhen, don't be stingy, Brother Feng will give you a salary increase next month, you can eat a few yuan if you want to eat a few yuan!"

"Salary increase by +1! No problem with attitude!"

"It's okay, good performance, pay attention to stay high! Although we don't want to apprentice teachers like those old-fashioned teams, the team members should also be as close as brothers! These two are for you!"

Yue Feng gave the four laps of himself and Lao Niu to the two students, and he tore up the ice factory by himself.

In fact, these are just trivial things, but under Yue Feng's conscious guidance, it still affects the players and some of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

For a time, many people on the public channel forgot to speak, and they watched the game on the court quietly, and there was also the sound of Yue Feng gnawing popsicles.


Yu Wensheng’s test has achieved good results, and he quickly found a better flavored shotgun. Zhao Zheng, who seems to be unhurried, but very efficient, from the on-court to the end of the game. .

"Athletes, please pay attention, there are still five seconds before the end of the game! Please hear the whistle sound, put down the id fishing rod in your hand, and wait for the staff to weigh!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! competition is over! ! "

The whistle sounded, everyone put down their id fishing rods, and the first target fish game was over.

Although it hasn't been weighed yet, for Yue Feng and the others, there is no suspense in the group pk competition. The staff picked up the fish guards, 40-caliber competitive fish guards, and the bottom is half the scale, let alone the weighing. , Single-monitoring, are far beyond the fish hunter!

The weighing was completed quickly, and the fish hunter caught 37.7 jin in one and a half hours. Yuefeng fishing tackle caught 67.9 kilograms, leading nearly half of the catch. The horror of float fishing can be seen from this.

The one-and-a-half-hour game in the morning was over, and it was already ten o’clock unknowingly. According to the rules of the game, mixed breeding should start in the afternoon, so the morning schedule is over. Simply pack your equipment, find a place for lunch, and continue in the afternoon. Two-field polyculture.

It seems that Yue Feng played a certain role in the beating of a few young students in the morning, and these three guys have calmed down a lot.

But since Wang Xiaomin got in the car, he started sneezing frequently. He didn't know if it was being talked about or the smell of his nose was irritated.

At the other end, a small plane flying for domestic civil aviation started from the capital and landed at Linyi Airport. Soon after completing the formalities, a young and energetic girl dragged a suitcase and walked out of the airport's exit.

She looks about 20 years old, about 165 in height, three-quarter sleeve T-shirt, washed white jeans, a pair of flat sneakers, long pony tails, and light makeup.

The facial features of the girl are very exquisite, but not glamorous. It feels like the sister next door. People will turn their heads to look at her from time to time when she exits. She doesn't shy away from it, and generously gets on a Didi with an appointment.

"My nickname is Miss Taozi? Where are you going?"

"Hello master, it's me! Could you please send me to the Fahrenheit Fishing Base!"

"Fahrenheit Fishing Base? It's a bit far away, it's over there in the High-tech Zone Industrial Park! Are you sure?"

"It's okay! Just send me there! By the way, they should be holding a fishing competition over there, don't send it to the wrong place!"

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the place! Sit down, let's go!"

The driver master asked to understand the place, directly called the navigation software target location, stepped on the accelerator, and then went straight to the destination Taozi said.

At noon, the driver's master drove on the road like a swimming fish, constantly passing cars, then turning at the intersection and heading towards the destination.

Forty minutes later, Taozi came to the fishing base.

A long distance away, you can see the indication signs hanging on the road outside, plus various colorful flags, but it is different from the bustling crowds as expected. Get off the car and glance at the door. At this point in time, it is empty and there is no one!

Taozi settled the fare, and then found the old man who was guarding the door. After some inquiries, she found out that the game didn't start until 1:30 in the afternoon. Now it is 12:40, it's too early! Going out to eat and get dressed!

At this time, Taozi was gone. I bought a bottle of water from a cold drink vendor and a dry bread. I found a shady place near the gate and waited.

Taozi is just 20 years old this year, a sophomore student, studying finance, but he is very interested in outdoor sports, especially all kinds of live broadcasts.

The Beijing girl, whose parents are in business and living abroad all the year round, lives with her grandmother. She is an alternative left-behind child in the new society.

The conditions at home are good, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but lacks care, has been very assertive from a very young age, and has strong executive power.

I accidentally visited Yue Feng’s live broadcast room very early, and coveted Yue Feng’s appearance for a long time. Later, when the matter between Yue Feng and the doll was announced, the little girl converged a lot.

A girl like her from a wealthy family has high looks, and there is no shortage of handsome guys in reality. There are more suitors in college, but she just doesn't feel that way.

It wasn't until she saw Wang Xiaomin in the lens that she couldn't describe what she felt, but she was so tempted, she always wanted to come and see it in person, even if she saw it in person!

Fly from the capital to Linyi, saying that it is not far away, or that it is not too near. I asked for leave as soon as I gritted my teeth!

Speaking of this reckless journey, there is a maverick mentality among the young girls of the new generation, which is immature. But it was this mentality that was different from that of adults that made Taozi stand there so pretty and bravely took the first step.

At 1:15 in the afternoon, the car carrying Yue Feng and the others drove to the entrance of the fishing base. A long distance away, Taozi saw the Yuefeng fishing tackle logo posted on the outside of the car. So he pulled the trolley case and walked to the gate.

"Hey, look at the gate, there is a beautiful lady!" Wang Zhen sat in the passenger seat with the sharpest eyes and couldn't help but greet his companion.

Xue Kai: "I wipe it, it's really pretty, fairy spirit!"

"My fairy looks! If I could have such a girlfriend, I would wake up from dreaming! Aye!" Wang Xiaomin couldn't help but sneezed while looking at it.

In the next second, several people were dumbfounded. This girl with a face value of at least 90 points was waving at them!

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