Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 870: Poor polyculture fish

Chapter 870

At this time, Wang Zhen surreptitiously pulled Xiaomin behind his back and waved at him desperately for fear that his brother might make the wrong decision.

After all, the captain said that he would turn to the right after the game. If a girl gets into trouble, it is definitely not worthwhile!

After hesitating for a second, Wang Xiaomin shook his head: "I want to play, I want to play professionally!"

Yue Feng nodded: "Okay, then play normally in the afternoon! Play well, there will be rewards! Uncle Niu, submit the list, or follow the order of the target fish in the morning! Ready to prepare, and the draw will start soon!"

Emphasized the discipline, and then proceeded normally in accordance with the process of the game.

At 1:50, the mobile phone lottery ended, 8# fishing position, Zhao Ran was the first to enter the stadium with equipment on his back. At Yue Feng's request, the other players sat in a row under the parasols, obediently staring at the progress of the game.

There is an idiom called Xin Yuan Yi Ma. At this moment, Wang Xiaomin has the meaning of "Heart Yuan Yi Ma,"

Little fairy Taozi was sitting in a row not far behind her, but the captain Yue Feng was sitting next to her. Wang Xiaomin didn't even dare to look back, for fear that his small movements would make Yue Feng look impatient.

When the game started, Yue Feng also opened the live broadcast room in the afternoon.

"Front row sofa!"

"It can be regarded as the broadcast, almost late, Brother Feng, what's the situation?"

"Changed opponents? Nothing? There was no suspense in the afternoon game, it was another **** day!"

Yue Feng: "Hello everyone, I am Yue Feng! This is the second game of the second stage of the club league, mixed breeding! The game has just started, and the first one to play is Zhao Ran! The temperature today is a bit high and the air pressure is slightly lower. , I don’t know how the fish will be in the afternoon!"

"Will there be a change in the fish situation? I guess I will start to fly again after a disagreement, such a big pit, such a high density, no mouth, impossible!"

"Brother Feng, is the order of playing in the afternoon still the same as the previous one? What is the number of Xiaomin playing? I am a little looking forward to seeing how this guy flies!"

"The brother upstairs mentioned Xiaomin, I suddenly remembered, is Miss Peach in the live broadcast room? Wouldn't you really fly to find Brother Feng and Wang Xiaomin?"

Seeing someone on the public channel asked Taozi, Yue Feng felt a headache, hesitated a little and still did not respond positively.

In his two lives, Yue Feng is much more mature than his peers, and he can see this kind of thing more clearly.

For the young players, the beautiful young lady took the initiative to come and play with her. This is a great thing, but in Yue Feng's view, the problem is very big.

Everyone likes beautiful girls, but security issues, **** issues, and various risks are unforeseen. If something goes wrong, you can’t be held responsible.

In addition, the mentality of the players during the game is still very important. If the mentality of the game is lost because of this, it is equivalent to losing the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds, especially when Wang Xiaomin usually performs exceptionally well.

Based on these considerations, Yue Feng's previous performance was so strict, and even outsiders were somewhat unkind.

Yue Feng: "Okay, brothers, don't follow the rhythm, the game has started, let's take a look at Zhao Ran's strategy and the current fish sentiment on the court!"

On the field, Zhao Ran started to make a three-shot scatter shot in succession, fixed-point precision throwing to make a nest, and after three poles, the double hook rubbed the normal bait and guarded a shot.

While guarding the shot, Zhao Ran's gaze flicked among the fishermen around the neighbors on the left and right, with a pair of sword eyebrows faintly frowned.

The fish mouth is much worse than what was expected before the fishing started. With so many anglers around, no one caught the fish.

After the double hooks rubbed the bait into the water, the floats also behaved very quietly, and there was no small movement to judge.

In fact, there is no action, it is also a kind of fish sentiment, mouth difference, no fish, in short, it is a relatively poor game fish sentiment.

Initially making this judgment, Zhao Ran did not rush to adjust, but changed his position, patiently rubbed it again, and continued to try.

There is plenty of time, and accurately judging the fish situation is the first task of the first angler on the field. As for grabbing fish, just starting fishing is not the most important thing for Zhao Ran.

After changing two positions in a row, rubbing the bait still had no mouth, Zhao Ran had a preliminary judgment, and after putting the bait on again, he started fishing closer, and directly pierced the toad.

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng nodded and explained: "The game has just started to fish. For the time being, the fish situation on the field is different from the expected fast fish.

Zhao Ran tried fishing for a few shots at the den and the periphery of the den, but there was no movement in the float! This means that otherwise there is no fish, or the fish is in the wrong state, fluctuating or not speaking!

For competitive competitions, this kind of low-mouthed and slow-mouthed fish is still very common. Zhao Ran's reaction is quick and his response is very timely. Now he uses a toad fishing method of close-point fishing!

I told you about the toad in the live broadcast before, and in many cases, it has a certain effect! It is also very appropriate to use it at this time! "

"It's over, I can't see the love of flying fish to grab the fish! Slow fish is nothing to look at!"

"Take a toad and a toad, I caught three in a game. The fish is unpleasant, unpleasant!"

"This is good news for the fish hunter club next door. The fish is not fast. Even if you lose, it won't be too ugly!

I just don't know whether the target fish of the resurrection match is fast or not. In the morning, Brother Feng didn't say that the opponent's No. 5 angler touched the bait, maybe he was going to float this afternoon. "

The public frequency was chatting, and he saw Zhao Ran on the field picking his wrist, and the pole he was holding was lifted up and arched in an instant.

It's a fish!

Zhao Ran can be considered extremely skilled in the use of toad piercing skills. After reading the book, UU simply controlled the fish and lifted the fish out of the water, and then pulled the water skin to the edge of the dip net into the dip net. The first one was successfully opened. Rod up.

Yue Feng explained: "Everyone may not have noticed the drifting phase of the float just now! After the bait reached the end, there was no action, Zhao Ran deliberately picked the tip of the pole to tease, and took a small shot at the bottom!

Here is a detail! The position of the fish is slightly off the bottom, my personal judgment should be about ten to fifteen centimeters from the bottom!

Generally speaking, in polyculture, the whole pit fish mouth is not very good. It is not a problem of density or the state of the fish!

The density of the No. 2 pit of our current competition is definitely good. Combined with the position of the fish just now, I think it should be because the temperature rises today, which caused the fish to float slightly from the bottom, and then the food is not strong! "

"Wow, Brother Feng has made a judgment? That's amazing!"

"Understand, the fish is slightly out of the bottom, and then the temperature is high and I don't like to eat bait! It is the same as the black pit in summer, it will stop at noon, the same reason!"

"The reason is that I understand, I'm even more curious, how should I respond?"

"How to deal with +1!"

Yue Feng continued to explain: "This is simple. If there are two problems, just follow the questions and answer them!

The fish is slightly off the bottom, you can choose the appropriate tease, mainly pay attention to the movement of the bait during the second swing.

The food intake is not strong and the temperature is high. You can adjust the taste of the bait. If it is me, it will add a little bit of fruit acid! "

Just finished talking about the coping strategies here, Zhao Ran on the field opened the lid of the fishing box almost at the same time and took out a small spray medicine, nothing else, it was the essential small medicine for fishing in summer and autumn, fruit acid.

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