"By the way, can you see that store?" a

few neighbors began to chat.

"No, I can't see it. "

But Captain Wang went in

just now!" "Yes, this man, what is Mr. Chen's man, he also came out of that so-called house with Captain Wang just now

!" "Damn, it's so

strange!" "I heard that he is a fortune teller!" "Well, it doesn't seem very strange when the fortune teller says that!"


Hey, what, Mr. Chen, can you help us calculate a hexagram?"

One of the women, a little bolder, stopped Chen Yu before he could walk into the wall.

Chen Yu looked back and smiled slightly, "I'm sorry, it's a little late, let's rest early! "

Naturally, if you don't have a chance, you just have to think about it!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu went back to the room directly.

Good fellow, I can't sleep at this time!

But fortunately, it's almost dawn at five or six o'clock.

Forget it, no matter how much you sleep, you can't sleep, so Chen Yu came directly to his desk and found the system again to buy silk cloth.

【Host's current merit remaining: 3840】

A new round of painting, start again!Chen Yu took out the set of pen, ink, paper, and inkstone that he bought from the system.

This time, Chen Yu painted a mountain, followed by a lake, and the silence was terrifying.

Two hours later, the painting was finished.


The ancient voice sounded, hitting Chen Yu's heart hard, giving Chen Yu a few steps back in direct shock.

"Hey, I said Qinglong, how can you bully the juniors? If you want to kill him, you will kill yourself! And me!" said the little phoenix angrily.

This green dragon, who is not light or heavy, actually hurts people so directly.

".......Huh? Little Phoenix, is

that you?" Only the voice of the green dragon appeared, but I didn't see the form of the green dragon, and it was estimated that it was still at the bottom of the lake!

However, the little phoenix appeared directly in the painting, "It's me, you green dragon, can you be nice to Chen Yu? He and I can be regarded as a symbiotic relationship now!"

Qinglong was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "Why, you actually signed a contract with a human being?" or a ....... Such a terrible and low human being?"


"Poof—that's good, I hope you don't dislike him when you know why you're here. The little phoenix sneered mercilessly.

"Eh, I said that when the two of you are chatting, can you not hurt the innocent? I'm on the side, and I'm also very helpless when I listen!" Chen

Yu is a little speechless

, how can these words describe him? I don't know how many people adore him now!

"Hmph, what kind of thing are you, you dare to talk to me?"

Qinglong snorted coldly, and directly didn't give him face!

"I .......

"Okay, now, this day, it's really, I can't talk anymore."

"Xiaohuang, go and communicate with him! I really don't want to talk at this moment, I'm afraid, I drew for him, gathered his form together, in the end, I was killed by him, then I am really wronged!"

Qinglong was stunned for a moment, "You said, you gave it to me, and you drew it? It was your form that gathered it for me?"

Is this such an ordinary person, who is still poor, able to do it

?" "Xiaohuang, you're not lying to me, are you?" Qinglong asked suspiciously.

The little phoenix directly gave him a big roll of the eyes, "Do you think that if I cheat you, I may appear like this? How much more cultivation is than mine, and you don't have any points in your own psychology? You haven't been able to gather your own form, do you think I can do it on my own? I'm still lying to you, are you thinking too much?" Hearing the little phoenix

say this, Qinglong was silent in an instant.

Yes, what the little phoenix said is right, whether it is cultivation or strength, he is among the four divine beasts, and he is stronger than them, I don't know how much.

I have been in a position for so many years, thousands of years have passed, how can it be possible, the little phoenix is better than himself to gather first,

but when it comes to the man in front of him, it seems that it is unlikely to .......

However, Xiao Huang, there is no need to lie to him, is it true? Could this man, have any adventures?"

"Xiao Huang, during this time, it is what happened after your form gathered, tell me everything!"

Xiao Huang rolled her eyes directly, she was too lazy to say, but she was afraid that this guy Qinglong would launch a nerve to eat Chen Yu directly, so what should I do?

So, Xiao Phoenix told Qinglong everything.

Qinglong looked at Chen Yu in disbelief, and then said, "Young man, if you are willing, help us find our form, and when the time comes, I will definitely repay you!"

Chen Yu smiled coldly, where did he need to repay

? They have a request for themselves now, why don't they sign a contract like the little phoenix?

Even if they can't control them, if they are in danger, they won't let themselves die, and they won't let themselves have an accident

! That's enough

! This is equivalent to an extra hole card!

Before Chen Yu could say anything, the system came out to speak.

[Qinglong, if you don't sign a contract with the host, your form will disappear quickly.

Qinglong's pupils shrank, "Who is talking?"

Chen Yu smiled slightly, the system is really good! He was still worried, how could he let Qinglong sign a contract with him

! No, is it solved! [I'm not anyone, I'm the system!]

"System? I've heard of the system, it's

just, it's the first time I've met it."

Although Qinglong was very shocked in his heart, he still spoke very calmly.

He still knows what the system is, and the people who can be selected by the system are all related to the people above.

To put it bluntly, that

is, there is a fairy fate! Well, since there is a fairy fate, then, signing a contract with such a person is not considered to have wronged oneself.

At least, I can still be reborn

! Reborn, back to the human world, this is more important than how much

!"Alas! Then sign a contract!" Qinglong said with a sigh.

Although he said that he knew this truth, he was still a little, sad!

After all, he was now actually reduced to relying on an ordinary human being to gather form and form.

However, if you rely on your own ability, you don't know how late it will be, and when the time comes, if you don't do it, the divine power of the form will not be there, and it will dissipate between heaven and earth.

That's really, the gains outweigh the losses.

As the saying goes, the opportunity must not be lost, and it will not come again

! People are under the roof, and they have to bow their heads!

Chen Yu saw that Qinglong compromised, just like before, he signed a contract for the little phoenix, and signed a contract for Qinglong.

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