Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

676: Let you go to study, you want to go to herd sheep

676: Let you go to study, you want to go to herd sheep

As soon as he saw Bi Nian holding the knife on his neck.

The shadow of jumping off the building before reappeared, and the blood rushed to the top of the head.

She was so excited that her eyes darkened, and if she hadn't bitten her own tongue, she would have fainted.

Looking at Bi Nian and crying, "Nian Nian..."

"Don't mess around, don't scare mom, put the knife down quickly."

"Do you want your mother's life? Mom is really not scared.

Bi Xiong also stood where he was, not daring to step forward, clenching his fists and shouting angrily:

"Suicide again, this is your first time this week!"

"Do you know that every time you say suicide, we are about to collapse."

Not only Bi Xiong and his wife, but also the audience in the live broadcast room were helpless:

897 "I'm going!"

"Here again!"

"Good guy, if you don't agree with each other, you start suicide."

"I can instantly understand why her parents collapsed and committed suicide as soon as they said anything. Who can stand it."

"Just let her commit suicide. This kind of person is tormenting each other when they stay, so it's better to just give her a good time."

Seeing that in the camera, Bi Nian was about to commit suicide with a knife.

The audience in the live broadcast room understood why Bi Xiong and his wife were so broken at the beginning.

Let Bi Nian commit suicide directly, it is better to be relieved than to suffer each other.

But there are also many viewers who are against it:

"Let you go to study, but you go to herd sheep.

"You are just standing and talking without back pain.

"Yes, do you really understand depression? How could you say such a thing."

"Don't you think that depression is just being in a bad mood, and you go to the top of your head? If this disease is not good, it will really kill people."

"Even if Bi Nian did something wrong, but she is ill and her parents are suffering, Bi Nian must be suffering too. We still need to understand each other."5

The previous audiences saw that they were scolded, and they could bear it, so they went back directly:

"Yes, it's really painful. I don't even see my illness. I spent tens of thousands of dollars to go after the stars."

"If she is a star-chasing star, she says she wants something, she will definitely give it for a little money, the key is that she deceives people!"

"Especially if you fail to deceive people and use your own illness as a shield, this kind of person will be too embarrassed if they don't go up and scold a few words.

"Yeah, definitely (acej) have to say something..."

Seeing that the two sides refused to give in to each other, they fought directly in the live broadcast room.

But I have the experience of being blown away for swearing before.

The people on both sides didn't say a single swear word the whole time.

Looks very civilized.

Ye Xuan was helpless when he saw it:

"Beautiful boys.

"You calm down first."

"Don't worry about anything, rest assured that Bi Nian will not commit suicide.

"She just sent Kun Xu's personal belongings, it is impossible to commit suicide under this circumstance. 39

Upon hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little confused:

"So sure?"

"No, don't be too absolute in everything."

"In case Bi Nian really committed suicide, it would be a life.

"Master Ye, you are so confident, don't you know something?"

"Nonsense, Master Ye must know something if he can say that, hurry up and tell us, we are all dying of curiosity.

After the confinement, the audience must be sure that Ye Xuan has started to sell things again.

At this time, in the camera, Bi Nian took the knife and approached his neck a little bit.

Tears kept streaming down, looking at the parents and shouting:

"Why can't you understand me.""

"Why are you forcing me like this!"

"I am also in pain every day. 39

As he spoke, the sharp blade cut through his neck, and it turned red.

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