Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

697: Don't be in a hurry to sympathize 1, after that it's more shameless

697: Don't be in a hurry to sympathize first, after that it's more shameless

As Meng Ting spoke, she took out a briefcase, which was bulging in the middle.

Meng Ting took out the contents in the same way.

As he took it, he said: "This is the bill for his fourth sister's daughter to go to the noble elementary school. It costs 20,000 yuan a semester. At that time, my husband gave 100,000 yuan directly. 55

"This is the tuition bill for his second brother's daughter to go to the beautiful country. Including living expenses, it is 300,000 yuan a year. At the beginning, my husband gave 500,000 yuan and then returned 700,000 yuan. A total of 1-1,200,000 went out. "

"This is the fee for his third brother's wife's nephew to go to kindergarten, 5,000 a month, and my husband-in-law gave 50,000 at the time."

"this is......

Seeing that Meng Ting took out the bills and invoices one by one, she could accurately tell how much money she had given.

The mouths of the audience in the live broadcast room are getting bigger and bigger:

"so much!"

"It turns out that there really are such bad people.

"I finally understand why I am poor.

"If I had this kind of bookkeeping ability, would I still be so poor?"

"It's too real. I don't even bother to remember the money I borrowed. I think it's too troublesome."

By the end, the look in Meng Ting's eyes had changed from questioning to amazement.

I really didn't expect that she would be able to write down every transaction and take out all the invoices and bills.

Looking at these evidences, the audience in the live broadcast room has no doubts at all.

Meng Ting looked at these barrages, but became more worried;

"You now believe that such a bad person is really such a good person."

"Be kind to others and cruel to yourself."

"When our economy was tense a few years ago, we almost went bankrupt, and I asked him to return all the money he borrowed.

"He also quarreled with me, saying it would be too humiliating to come back."

"He definitely wouldn't do such a shameless thing."

"I fought hard every day. During that time, my daughter knew that the economy was tight, and she was scared to study abroad and almost dropped out of school.

"Fortunately, I still have some private money to stabilize my daughter and let her continue to study."

"As for my nephews and nieces, they don't care at all, they just remember asking my husband for money when they have no money.

"The key is that my husband even gave it to him!

"He gave it, his daughter will have no money to go to school, he will give it back to others!"

"I really wonder if our family owes his brothers and sisters in a previous life.

"I came here to take revenge in my life.

0.. ask for flowers...

Meng Ting said at the end, full of sighs, she had no strength to get angry.

It is also possible that it has been so long that it has been seen.

"This kind of relative is really down."

"The key is to take other people's money with peace of mind, which is shameless."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not worth being angry for this kind of relative.

"We can't afford to be provoked and can't run away, so we quickly moved to stay away from this group of relatives.

Listening to Meng Ting's words, the audience in the live broadcast room comforted one after another.

Seeing this, Meng Ting sighed, shook her head and said:

"Don't be in a hurry to sympathize with me, just listen to me."

"The later ones are even more shameless.""

"I hid in other provinces at first, but those relatives were like dog skin plaster.

"I don't even know where it came from, and I can't get rid of it.

"Every day I cry in front of my husband that he is poor, that he is old, can't find a job, and no one wants them.


"My husband started a company for them."

"Let them take a temporary job in the company, do nothing, don't go to work, don't work, and get paid 3,000 yuan a month,"

"He also helped to pay social security and pension." Fan.

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