Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

721: There is no most shameless, only more shameless

721: There is no most shameless, only more shameless

The audience in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears and stared at the screen without blinking.

Just to hear what the big trick is.

As a result, Ye Xuan suddenly stopped talking in the middle of his speech, causing the audience to scratch their ears and cheeks in a hurry, and frantically sent out a barrage to urge:


"What killer move, hurry up and say it!"

"Quick drop, quick drop, what the heck!

"I'm almost dying of curiosity, hurry up and say what the trick is!

But there are still more viewers who expressed doubts:

"Why does -910 have to have a son?"

"Yes, isn't your daughter okay?"

"The daughter is still a sweet little padded jacket, what can the son do?

"I have three sons now, and I'm going crazy every day, and I just want a daughter.

The audience wondered why it was necessary to have a son.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan continued:

"Because she despised Meng Ting from the bottom of her heart, and she also despised Wang Meng.

"In her opinion, Meng Tingniang and the two are here to rob Wang Tao's property."

"Even if Wang Meng's surname is Wang, I think she is an outsider, just because she is a daughter, she will marry (acej) sooner or later.

" would be different if you had a son!"

"The son will always belong to his own family, and he can rest assured that the property is given to the son."

"So she found a way to let Wang Tao and his wife give birth to a son.""

"But after the first method of prescribing the medicine was discovered, he came up with the method of adopting a son.

"Especially her son who was carefully selected and strictly controlled by her."

"The No. 1 target is the sixth child, and he is also his son. He completed college with the support of Wang Tao, and he has a good relationship with Wang Tao. 99

"This person is very good, the relationship between the two sides is very good, it is perfect!

"But she ignored Liu Liu's thoughts... He was ashamed of such a shameless thing as his own mother.

"The adoption ceremony ran away before it was ready."

"Seeing that the sixth child ran away, Yang Huizhen was helpless."

"Then the second candidate appeared, the eldest son of the second brother's family.

"This eldest son can be called a wolf among wolves, and is very excited about this matter.

"Every day I'm thinking about how to pack a few xiaomi and raise a few sweeties after I get the property.

"And these two are ultimately family members.

"After the success of the adoption, she pushed the flames again and again, and all of Wang Tao's property will go to this son by then.

"But this kind of folk adoption ceremony has no legal benefit at all."

"What if they announce that the eldest son has been adopted.""

"There is no household registration book, and it is impossible for the bureau to recognize this kind of folk ritual, so it is not very useful."

"But....this ceremony can't be held in vain."

"After the ceremony, Yang Huizhen took decisive action and took this wild son to Wang Tao's branch to make trouble that day."

"The branch was directly shut down.

Hearing this, Wang Tao frowned and asked suspiciously:

"Master Ye, why I don't know about this...

"I remember that after the ceremony, nothing happened. The branch finally closed due to poor management."

"Why is it still related to that ceremony? 33

Ye Xuan said slowly: "This is thanks to you having a good daughter-in-law.

"If you don't believe me, take a look.

Ye Xuan said, and pointed to the red dust beads in his hands.

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