Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

724: I thought it was the end, but I didn't expect it to be the beginning

724: I thought it was the end, but I didn't expect it to be the beginning

Security is fast.

Yang Huizhen and her party were taken away in two or three times.

During the process, Yang Huizhen and the others were still screaming and screaming, shouting that they would come back.

When their figures disappeared in front of her eyes, Meng Ting felt a little cleaner.

But she didn't think that Yang Huizhen's coming was just the beginning.

After they were taken away by the security guards, the more they thought about it, the more angry they became.

That night, he took several buckets of red paint and splashed the door of the branch.

02 When Meng Ting went back the next day, the gate was in a mess, and it was not cleaned until noon.

As a result, red paint was spilled on it the next day.

Not only that, the door is also full of garbage and rotten eggs, making the door stink.

The employees in the company work on shifts every day, that is, they are constantly cleaning.

Most of them have just graduated from college, and there are many graduate students among them.

At this moment, I have to face these stinky garbage every day, and my heart has already been mourning.

Especially when one of the employees was off work, the wild son directly splashed a basin of cold water on his head.

She was admitted to the hospital that night. Meng Ting, after her busy schedule, compensated and took care of her before comforting the employee.

But after this incident, the other employees in the company are not calm, they are panicked, and they are afraid that the next time it will be broken, it will not be water, but sulfuric acid.

Several employees offer to resign every day.

Meng Ting was also overwhelmed by Yang Huizhen, and she was embarrassed to stop these employees when she saw this.

There was no problem, all signed directly, and each person was accompanied by a month's salary.

Within a week, dozens of employees resigned.

But Yang Huijuan and the others did not stop, and they still splashed paint on the door every day.

Meng Ting wanted to directly fight the demon spirits many times and take Yang Huizhen and the others away.

But thinking about Wang Tao at home, he still endured it.

Before long, only seven or eight old employees were left in the company.

Meng Ting sighed, paid severance pay to these old employees, and let them leave.

After the last employee left, the branch officially declared bankruptcy.

"This... 99

"This group of people is too shameless. 99

"Splashing paint on people's doors every day, and throwing garbage, you really have perseverance! 95

"Meng Ting is also very good, actually every employee has been compensated."

"Yeah, where can I find such a good boss! As a result, Yang Huizhen and the others have brought it down."

"Seeing me is really depressing, I wanted to rush in and beat Yang Huizhen several times."

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that in just half a month, Yang Huizhen and her party directly closed the branch.

The anger in my heart suddenly rose. If it weren't for the 910 screen, I really wanted to rush in and beat Yang Huizhen.

At this time, Wang Tao looked at the picture in the red dust, pouted, looked at Meng Ting, frowned and blamed.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"If I were here, I definitely couldn't let the branch go bankrupt in vain."

"This is also our hard work, do you think you can solve it by yourself?"9

"Tell me about everything first, and the two of us will find a way together. 35

Seeing Wang Tao's appearance of Zhuge Liang after the incident, Meng Ting became angry and turned her head, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

In the end, Ye Xuan said slowly: "Do you think it's useful for Meng Ting to tell you?"

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