Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

726: Putting on this mother, Wang Tao is too miserable

726: Putting on this mother, Wang Tao is too miserable

"I have a horrible guess!""

"I also have a terrifying conjecture!

"My God, there was a mother-killer before, and now a son-killer.

"It's a shame to say that Meng Ting will do all kinds of evil for the sake of money, obviously you can do anything for the sake of property!

"I felt a little sympathetic to Wang Tao in an instant, with a mother like this."

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately guessed what was going on.

And Yang Huizhen pointed at the screen with a panicked face: "Don't talk nonsense!

"Be careful, I beat the demon spirit and accuse you of framing me!"

"When you talk now, 910 will tell you the evidence. If you don't have anything, don't talk nonsense!"

Then he turned to look at Ye Xuan: "Your name is Ye Xuan, right?"

"You take care of your fans, don't talk nonsense outside, be careful that you won't know how to die in the future.

Upon hearing this, without waiting for Ye Xuan to answer, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded first:

"Master Ye, someone threatens me!"

"My God, I'm so scared."

"Woooooo...Master Ye, I need comfort!"

"You all get out of the way, Master Ye, you have to comfort me first, I'm about to be scared to death. 35

"You people, Master Ye is obviously my boyfriend, but you still want to comfort you, you have no shame!

They all pretended to be screaming so scared.

It's on par with Ye Xuan's acting skills just now.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan's sharp eyes poked directly at Yang Huizhen's body.

"I originally wanted to give you a chance to tell it yourself.

"But since you are threatening my pretty boys, I don't need to be polite to you anymore."

Her voice was low and her tone was icy cold, which made Yang Huizhen shiver and her heart beat very fast.

I'm so sorry, why did you say that just now?

But it was too late to beg for mercy now.

Ye Xuan didn't give her a chance, and his right hand stroked the red dust beads in his hand.

The next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

In the picture, Wang Tao packed up in the morning and just went out, ready to go to the company for the (acej) class.

As a result, an out-of-control car in the distance hit him directly.

Just hearing a loud bang, Wang Tao was like a kite with a broken string, and was directly knocked over a dozen meters away.

When I fell to the ground, I felt severe pain, and I felt that all the bones in my body were broken, and a mouthful of blood protruded.

I didn't even have time to look at the number and model of the car, so I rolled my eyes and fainted in pain.

Soon after the accident, a large crowd came to watch.

But the car had already run away.

at the same time.

Five streets away from Wang Tao's car accident.

A Volkswagen parked here, looking carefully, there were still drops of blood in front of the car.

This car is the car that Wang Tao had just installed.

I saw Yang Huizhen gasping for breath and getting out of the car, her hands and feet were a little weak.

He took a few deep breaths to calm his pounding heart.

Muttered in his mouth:

"My son, don't blame me for being cruel.

"Who told you not to listen to me and not want to have a son. 35

"Also, marrying that powerful woman makes me angry every day, and she has to rob us of property, so Meng Ting is to blame.

Saying that, he took out the bucket rag directly from the car, and wiped the blood in front of the car little by little.

After everything was done, the phone rang.

As soon as he answered, Lao Qi's anxious voice came from the microphone:

"Mom, it's not good, my eldest brother was in a car accident and is in the hospital now, let's go and have a look!"

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