734: Normal people have secrets

"I recognized him right away, but he didn't know me at all. 35

"I don't want to watch such a good and hard-working young man spend his youth handing out flyers on the side of the road."

"Through the relationship, I recruited him into the company again."

"At this time, I discovered that his work ability is particularly good, and it is logically impossible for him to be a small employee in three or four years.

"I learned later that it was because the previous manager disliked him and deliberately targeted him, so he was still a small employee in 2024."

"And now, with my help, he became the team leader in three months, which is two levels higher than before.

"Just like that, we've gotten to know each other well.

"And.... I confessed to him."

"The key is that he directly rejected me after I confessed for the first time. 35

"I didn't see his person at work the next day, but a letter of resignation was placed on my desk. 39

Thinking of what happened before, Zhang Meng couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

With a sigh, he said with a smile: "Fortunately, under my stalking offensive, I finally caught him.

"One year in love, he cooked me meals for a year."

"He knew that I was allergic to crabs and didn't dare to eat them at all, and he was worried that the cooks outside were not serious. 39

"He helped me make bento every day, and he made my lunch every time I went to work.

"And he never kept secrets from me, and his mobile phone was generously placed in front of me."

"I just flip through it, and I don't care if I look at it.

"If you don't believe me, look.

As Zhang Meng said, she flipped the camera over, and on the vacant seat on the table opposite her, a mobile phone lay quietly on it.

After watching it, he turned the camera over and Zhang Meng continued:

"After we ate in the restaurant, he didn't take his phone to the bathroom, I could watch it anytime.

"Moreover, he is also very kind to me. He says every day that I am too thin, so I need to eat more and drink more."

"In just half a year, I gained twenty pounds by her. 35

"But I don't care, I know, these are happy fats. 399

Zhang Meng said with a happy smile.

The eyes of the single dog watching the live broadcast room were all red.

"Cry, cry."

"I beg all couples in the world to be brothers and sisters."5

"My single dog burst into tears.

"Ah...my eye...it's going blind!"

"Why is this kind of everyday love not my turn!

The audience in the live broadcast room was jealous.

Zhang Meng also deliberately showed off, directly taking her boyfriend's mobile phone and pointing it at the camera.

"Look, his cell phone is in my hand."

"Does your boyfriend dare to check with such confidence?"

"Little girl, someone here reminds you that the more 927 has no secrets, the more suspicious it is."

"Yes, normal people don't have a lot of secrets, and generous ones like this are the most suspicious."

"I've seen a lot of silly white sweets like you who are just out of the woods, and they're the easiest to be deceived. The more you deceive a few times, the more experience you will have.

Zhang Meng originally held the phone to show off to the audience.

As a result, the audience did not buy it at all, and went back directly.

Ye Xuan also looked at the camera and said blankly, "Actually, I'm not too embarrassed to interrupt you."

"But, you can look at your boyfriend's phone now, he has dual systems on his phone.

"You enter 010713 directly, and you can enter another system.

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