Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

739: Is this still the gentle and well behaved Zhang Meng?

739: Is this still the gentle and well-behaved Zhang Meng?

Zhang Meng held the phone tightly in her hand, anger surging in her heart.

The veins on the neck, arms, and hands appeared, and the knuckles were slightly whitish.

Looking at the mobile phone at this moment was like seeing Bai Lin, he gritted his teeth and directly put the mobile phone on the ground.

The screen of the mobile phone was instantly filled with cracks, but Zhang Meng was so angry that he went up to mend his feet, and the mobile phone was almost scrapped.

When Bai Lin came out of the bathroom, all he saw was Zhang Meng jumping on the spot.

Stepping on a flat phone under his feet.

Bai Lin was confused.

what's going on......

Is this still the gentle and well-behaved Zhang Meng I know in 02...

Quickly took a few steps forward, walked to Zhang Meng's side, took the other party's hand and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Did someone make you angry?"

"Tell me, I'll help you beat him!"

Bai Lin raised his head and kept looking around, wanting to know who was bullying Zhang Meng and venting her anger.

And the audience in the live broadcast room who knew the truth burst into laughter.

"I see you punch yourself a few times first.

"How many punches are enough? I have a mace here, give yourself a few sticks.

"I have dichlorvos here, don't be polite to me, just take a sip of it all.

"Let me figure it out, if you jump straight off the tenth floor, Zhang Meng might forgive you."

At this moment, Bai Lin was still confused, and he never thought that his secret had been discovered.

Seeing the screen of Zhang Meng's mobile phone, a flash of light flashed in my mind, and I instantly understood.

Pointing at Ye Xuan on the screen, he said solemnly, "Did you bully our Mengmeng!"

"Who are you? You dare to bully my wife, tell me where you are, and I will come to your door to make an appointment with you."

Looking at the arrogant Bai Lin, Ye Xuan was stunned, pointed to himself and asked back, "Are you looking for me to fight? 99

Bai Lin nodded solemnly.

Ye Xuan sneered: "Then I guess you can't find me, I usually only see people who are destined."

Hearing this, Bai Lin laughed out loud: "Joke, there are still some people who are destined for shit now."

"Besides, how do you know that I can't find you, what if I'm a predestined person? 35

Ye Xuan looked at Bai Lin, looked up and down several times, shook his head and said, "No. 35

"Look at you, with dark blue eyes, thin body, typical overindulgence."

"Also, the face is oily, and the face is bloodless, so it is very likely that the kidneys are deficient.

"Are you related to me? I think you are related to the hospital mortuary. 35

Ye Xuan said a few words and Bai Lin was speechless.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter when they saw this.


"Killing me?"

"Master Ye, your mouth is too poisonous, but I like it."

"You upstairs is so panting that I almost can't keep my knife.""

And the happier the audience in the live broadcast room laughed, the darker Bai Lin 927's face became.

Looking at the barrage, I realized that Ye Xuan had been teasing himself just now.

The anger rose instantly, and he pointed at Ye Xuan who was about to scold him a few more words.

As a result, before the words could be said, a crisp slap sound was heard.


Bai Lin's face was directly beaten in the past.

Looking at Zhang Meng in front of him in a circle: "Mengmeng..

"What are you doing? Are you stupid?

"I'm trying to vent your anger now, but you're actually beating me. 35

Zhang Meng sneered, picked up the phone on the ground, and threw it on Bailin's body.

"Don't install it again, I have seen everything in your phone."

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