758: Master Ye: Friends of Women

"Who are you beauty?"

"I also gave myself to him, why did God do this to me. 99

Zhang Meng held her lower abdomen with an embarrassed expression, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first!

"I really didn't think I could look better than before.

"It's hard to lose weight after hormones gain weight.

"I'm skinny, I'm skinny!"

"Hahaha, I'm beautiful again! 35

When Zhang Meng heard this, there was no reason for it, so she nodded quickly and said, "I want it, I want it, I definitely want it!

"Can change everything about you now, do you want it?"

As the siren sounded farther and farther, it disappeared.

"Master Ye, kneel for the healing talisman!""

"At this moment, I have become like this, and I am self-inflicted...

Then she couldn't hold back any longer, and tears fell down drop by drop.

After the excitement, the audience in the live broadcast room spontaneously sent congratulatory messages.

"Master Ye.

"Master Ye, I will use my entire net worth to buy healing charms! 39

"Bai Lin really doesn't know what to do. Such a beautiful girl looks like that."

"Zhang Meng, this is a healing talisman.

Zhang Meng said, her tone was full of grievances.

But Zhang Meng seemed to be isolated from this excitement, and her eyes were full of loneliness.

After the consternation, they kept asking for Ye Xuan to sell them the treatment.

"I also want to say, who are you, beauty! 95

"Gududu..." 9

"I just want to have a sweet relationship, why is it so difficult."

"North-South University 301 Dormitory sent a congratulatory message "September 43" 35

Ye Xuan sighed, took out a healing talisman, looked at Zhang Meng and said:

"Thank you so much."

A few seconds later, Zhang Meng came out of the bathroom with gratitude on her face.

"Thank you so much, Master Ye!

"Congratulations from people all over the country!

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned at first, but Zhang Meng lost at least 34.9 pounds in just a few seconds!

At this moment, Zhang Meng, who was on the opposite side of the camera, faced Ye Xuan, bowed slightly, and said gratefully:

Then, trot all the way to the bathroom.

After Zhang Meng finished speaking, she laughed self-deprecatingly, blinked her eyes, and a drop of crystal tears fell down.

But it was useless for him to move, and he was taken away by the demon spirit.

The audience in the live broadcast room was as happy as the Chinese New Year.

"Thank you for your comfort. 39

"Master Ye...

"I'm really someone I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life.""

The audience in the live broadcast room widened their eyes:

"Fire the gun!"

Seeing this, Zhang Meng showed a wry smile:

"My God, it was good enough just now, and now it's like a fairy!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Meng's face changed greatly, and she felt a force slowly flowing to her abdomen.

"Guangdong Electronics Factory sent a congratulatory message!

"I actually lost weight back to what I was before.."

"Wow haha ​​sent a congratulatory message!

"My fat lines are gone, and my acne is gone."

After a meal in the bathroom, Zhang Meng's happy voice could be heard across the door.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt distressed, but they didn't know how to comfort them, so they could only ask Ye Xuan for help.

"Why do you want me to meet this scumbag Bai Lin.

"Can't blame anyone else."

"Finally got in, I've been waiting for this day for too long!""

Ye Xuan added the healing talisman with two fingers and turned it gently.

"Beep~! Beep~! Beep~!

"Congratulations, congratulations! 35

"Actually, what Bai Lin said was right, I was really blind, and I actually fell in love with her.


The audience found out and comforted them.

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