Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

763: This mother gave birth to a daughter for revenge

763: This mother gave birth to a daughter for revenge

"Minato, my eyes!""

"Ah, kill the dog, kill the dog!"

"I used to kill directly, but now I trick the dog into killing it.

"The single dog has already cried out, it's like shrimp and pig heart."

"No, logically speaking, you should get married happily and have a few big fat boys. If so, what's there to regret?"

"Don't be so narrow-minded upstairs, "Nine Four Three" may be a regret in other aspects, not emotional."5

Listening to Mu Junjun's words, the audience in the live broadcast room directly called out dog abuse.

At the same time, I am also curious about what regrets Mu Junjun has.

Mu Junjun wiped the tears from his face, sighed, and his tone was full of grief.

"I didn't marry Li Jun, and I didn't give him several big fat boys."

"Even...I don't even know where he is now.

"I can't find him.

"I lost my first love."

As he spoke, he covered his face with his hands and kept crying, tears dripping from his fingers.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they were blinded, not knowing what the situation was and why they were not together.

Ye Xuan explained in a timely manner: "After graduating from college, Mu Junjun broke up with Li Jun and married another rich second generation."


"What the hell?"

"How can you kill a rich second generation halfway!"

"Good guy, I'm careless, it turns out that Mu Junjun is a woman who worships gold!""

"I f*ck, you don't want Li Jun who loves you so much, but you actually choose the rich second generation, you deserve it!

Listen to Ye Xuan's explanation.

The audience in the live broadcast room spit out fragrance.

Facing the madness of the audience, Mu Junjun wiped away the tears on his face, looked at the camera and said seriously:

"I broke up with Li Jun and married a rich second generation, I admit it.

"But you say that I'm a gold worshipper, and I definitely don't admit it.

"I have never disliked Li Jun, it was my mother who disliked him...

"At the beginning, Li Jun and I both planned to get married, rented a small house in the city, and worked together to build our own small family.

"But who knows, my mother suddenly stepped in and didn't agree with our marriage.

"Two of my uncles directly dragged me from our little house and locked me up.

"Tell me, my family has arranged for the rich second generation for me, and if I don't marry the rich second generation, they will not let me go."

"I already have Li Jun, how can I marry the rich second generation, Li Jun is still waiting for me at home.

"I protested, I went on hunger strike, and I wanted to force them to agree with me and Li Jun."

"But I didn't expect my mother to be more insane than me.

"She cut her wrists in front of me."

"It's like cutting my skirt in front of me for years."

"I watched her fall in front of me, the ground was full of blood, and I was really panicked at that moment."

"I lost, I lost because I wasn't ruthless enough to be as ruthless as my mother and let her fend for itself.

"I finally agreed to marry the rich second generation, and sent a text message to Li Jun to unilaterally announce the breakup.

"Block all the contact information of Li 4.9 Jun, that is the last time I have contact with Li Jun."

"A month later, I married the rich second generation."

Hearing this, the audience who had been scolding incessantly just now fell silent.

It's like someone you've scolded for a long time, and it turns out that she's actually the biggest victim.

The anger was blocked in an instant, and it was uncomfortable in an instant.

In the end, he could only vent his anger on Mu Junjun's mother and uncle.

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