Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

799: 11 dollars. Can't buy it, lose m1y, can't be fooled

799: Eleven yuan, if you can't buy it, you can't be fooled

At this moment, the audience in Dr. Miao's live broadcast room is also responding:

"I couldn't do it before, my wife almost divorced me, after the treatment of Doctor Second, now my wife is obedient every day, for fear that I don't want her anymore.

"I used to be too young and was ridiculed by my girlfriend every day, but now I am twice as big as before, and my girlfriend loves me too much.

"I have too much say in this. Have you ever experienced a beginning called an end? I have experienced it for decades, and if it wasn't for Dr. Miao, I would still be experiencing it now.

Listening to Doctor Second's words, coupled with the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Tianxiang's heart moved fiercely.

I once thought I was going to live with this 02 disease for the rest of my life, but now there is hope for a cure, how can I keep him from being excited!

The key point is that the inspection fee is only 11 yuan, and it only costs 11 yuan.

At this moment, not only Lin Tianxiang was excited, but also the audience in the live broadcast room.

"So bullshit?"

"My heart was pounding hard.

"Me too.... It's only 11 yuan anyway, and it's fine to check.

"Yes, 11 yuan is not expensive, so don't worry if you check it out, if you have any problems, you can treat it in advance.

"I am seventy years old this year, where is the address of this hospital? Money is not a problem as long as it can give me a second spring. 99

Some viewers even began to wonder where the hospital was, and wanted to go for a medical examination.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan sneered:

"Go ahead, if you have a house, sell the house first, and if you have a car, sell the car. 39

"Prepare hundreds of thousands before you go, or you may have all the pants left in the hospital.



"What can you do for eleven dollars?"

"Yeah, I can pay for ten and eleven dollars. 35

"Don't say ten, I can do a hundred, it's just a pit, just a little money, brother doesn't care."

The male viewers in the live broadcast room quit as soon as they heard the pants that might be pitted in the hospital.

They all said that this does not exist, it is impossible, and 11 yuan can't cheat people.

Ye Xuan looked at this group of confident audience and couldn't help holding his forehead, feeling a little helpless. He looked at the camera and said:

"Beautiful boys."

"You guys have such thoughts, doesn't Lin Tianxiang not?"

"He also went with the idea that the medical examination was only 11 yuan, and he couldn't buy a loss or be fooled. 55

"But in the end, I spent 200,000 yuan, of which more than 100,000 yuan was a loan, and I was forced to commit suicide by throwing myself into the river."5

"From the 11 yuan medical examination fee to the last 200,000 yuan treatment fee, don't you think about the reasons in between? 35

The audience was curious and asked why Ye Xuan and Lin Tianxiang finally spent 200,000 yuan and still have not been cured.

Ye Xuan didn't talk nonsense either. He picked up the red dust beads in his hand, and a picture appeared in the red dust beads in the next moment.

On screen:

Lin Tianxiang stood at the entrance of an men's hospital, hesitant to enter or not.

At this time, Dr. Miao came out of the hospital door, saw Lin Tianxiang, and greeted him with a smile:

"Hey! You are Tianxiang, why didn't you come in, come in quickly, I've been waiting for you for a long time. 99

In this way, Lin Tianxiang was pushed and pulled by Dr. Miao and entered the hospital.

Doctor Miao first asked Lin Tianxiang to pay the examination fee, which was ten yuan.

Then came various inspections.

During the process, Lin Tianxiang was still very happy: it was really only 11 yuan, and Dr. Miao didn't lie to him.

But soon he stopped laughing.

I saw that in the office, Lin Tianxiang and Dr. Miao sat opposite each other.

Doctor Miao held the report in his hand and frowned deeply:

"Tianxiang, your illness is very serious.

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