Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

819: Master Xu, do you still need apprentices?

819: Master Xu, do you still need apprentices?

The dean said without raising his head: "Yes, I have decided to report it."

When Master Xu heard this, he took a few steps forward and said anxiously:

"You can't report it, Xiao Yang is still so young, if you report it, your life will be over. 35

The dean frowned and slapped his palm on the table, angrily said: "Don't report?

"Do you know that it is illegal to forge academic qualifications, and it is to enter the orange."

"Besides, this is a doctor, a doctor who treats diseases and saves people. You don't know how serious the consequences of falsifying academic qualifications are.

02 "If a patient comes to the hospital to see a doctor and finds that the doctor's education is fake, do you know how much this will affect the image of the hospital?

"After this, there may be many patients, and many patients will doubt our hospital. Do you know the consequences?"

Master Xu stomped his feet in a hurry, punched his leg with a punch, and sighed:


"I know.

"I understand the consequences are serious."

"But I believe Xiao Yang has difficulties."

"We can just fire him."

"You can't take my face and don't report it. 35

The dean shouted in an iron-clad voice, "What kind of ecstasy soup did that Xiao Yang drink for you? 39

"You believe him so much?"

"He misses my son so much...

Master Xu's tone was low, and the grief in his voice could not be concealed.

After a pause, he continued: "My son fell ill and passed away a few years ago.""

"Xiao Yang's father also left early."

"I've been treating him like my son for so long.

"Although I usually scold a lot, I really care about him."

"I really can't bear it now, and I just watch him enter the orange."

"He's still so young, just expel him and block him in various hospitals.

"At least he can change industries, but if he gets into Orange, his life will be ruined.

The dean pointed at the master and gritted his teeth angrily: "

"Does that bastard know you're helping him like that?"

"Forget it, stop talking.

"For the sake of our work together, I'll give you a face. 99

"Don't report him, but it's impossible for him to stay in the hospital.

"I'll send an email later, saying he has a bad style, I'll be fired, and he'll be banned in the medical industry.

Master Xu breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, "Thank you very much."

The dean snorted coldly: "I'm looking at your face, remember to tell that bastard to pack up and leave quickly."5

"Don't show up in any hospital!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll talk now.

After Master Xu finished speaking, he left.

"Master Xu, do you still need an apprentice?

"Master Xu, is it too late for me to study medicine now?

"Master Xu 973, you belong to that department, is it too late for me to be sick now?

"I was in the middle of staying up late to write a paper for my master and I cried out!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were moved when they saw that the master was so kind.

He kept asking which hospital Master Xu was in, and now he is going to study medicine and become an apprentice.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan said, "Maybe you don't have this chance.

"Master Xu retired early every time after Director Yang was fired."

"Also, in the middle, there is also Director Yang's credit.

"Xiao Yang, are you saying that?

Ye Xuan said, squinting at Director Yang.

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