Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

828: People who commit suicide cannot go to heaven

828: People who commit suicide cannot go to heaven

Ye Xuan didn't hesitate either.

Two fingers clip out a healing talisman and turn it slightly.

The next moment, the healing talisman spontaneously ignited without fire, and soon burned out.

At the same time, the face of Mrs. Lin on the opposite side of the camera was ruddy visible to the naked eye.

The cold hands and feet also warmed, and the eyeballs kept rolling under the lids.

The next moment, he woke up.

"Scared me.

"Nine Nine Zeros" "It's still Master Ye's cheating!"

"My little heart was about to come out just now. 95

"At the time my grandmother died of a heart attack. I wish I had known Master Ye earlier. 39

"I gave Master Ye 82 points, and I gave the remaining 18 points in the form of 666.

Seeing that Mrs. Lin was rescued and returned, the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

He started to flatter Ye Xuan again and again.

But the old lady Lin was not as happy as she imagined, but sighed and said: "Master Ye, why do you still save me this bad old woman. 39

"I'm all set to meet my grandson."

"But you...


"Do you know that this is to let me live alone.

"Without my grandson, what's the point of my life, it's better to die."

The old lady Lin sighed as she spoke, her eyes were full of sadness.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said, "Even if you die now, you won't be able to see your grandson."

"what's the situation?


"Why can't I see you? 35

"Could it be that Mrs. Lin's grandson hasn't died yet?"

"Isn't the one upstairs stupid, Mrs. Lin's grandson is lying next to him, how could it be so obvious that he is still alive.

"What is the situation, Master Ye asks for an answer."

"For an answer +1.'

"Answer +2."

"For answers +10086."

The audience was bewildered, begging Ye Xuan to answer.

Ye Xuan explained: "Ms. Lin, you have been kind all your life, taking care of your grandson, and working hard without complaint.

"Never done anything wrong, you will go to heaven after you die now."

"And your grandson is different, though he has done nothing bad either. 35

"But he killed people.

"Kill himself."

"Suicide is a big sin, you can't enter into heaven, and you won't accept it in hell.

"You can only be a lonely ghost in the world, repeating the content of suicide every day.."

"My own resentment is also very heavy, I can't be reincarnated, and can only float in the world. 35

"So, how do you say you meet?

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, Mrs. Lin was a little confused, she didn't understand what heaven and hell were.

The only thing she knew was that she would never see her grandson, and that her grandson would still suffer in the world.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Lin's expression was helpless, and tears flowed down instantly:

"Master Ye, what should we do?"

"Please save my grandson!"

When the audience saw the old lady's appearance, they couldn't stop feeling distressed:

"Master Ye, don't hesitate!

"Master Ye, I know you can do it!"

"Master Ye, old lady Lin is pitiful, hurry up and take action!"

"Master Ye, if you save Mrs. Lin 4.9, I will be your daughter-in-law!"5

"Master Ye.

After feeling distressed, they all asked Ye Xuan to take action.

Ye Xuan clamped a charm with two fingers and turned it gently. The next moment, the charm ignited without fire, and it quickly burned out.

Ye Xuan looked at Mrs. Lin and said, "Ma'am, now go to the river where your grandson committed suicide.""

"You can see what you want to see."

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