Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

848: Purchase price of 10 bottles of 20,000

848: Purchase price of 10 bottles of 20,000


"No way, hair dye is so cheap?

"It was so cheap.

"I'm dizzy, isn't he cheating at this price? 99

"If you are a profiteer, you also believe that there is no second place in the world to dye hair at a cost of 3,500 yuan."

"It's amazing, what magic does this hair dye have, and it's worth so much.

"I don't know "Zero Zero Seven", maybe it's expensive.


The police clearly did not believe the barber's words: "How can there be such an expensive hair dye."

The barber refused to admit it: "It's so expensive.

Policeman: "Did you say 3500 is 3500? How do you prove it?

Barber: "The purchase price is 3500.

Policeman: "Is there a purchase order?"

Barber: "Lost the list."

Policeman: "That means there is no evidence."

Barber: "What I say is proof.

A group of policemen laughed in anger: "Are you a policeman or we are a policeman, you speak more arrogantly than us."

The barber blushed.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan half-smiled, "I have the evidence? Do you need me to show it?"

Another barber even winked at his companion: Don't be rude, Ye Xuan can really come up with evidence.

The stubborn barber pretended not to have seen it, and still stubbornly said, "My purchase cost is so expensive!"

Everyone was convinced, knowing that Ye Xuan could show the past with the mirror of red dust, but he still said this. When the truth came out, wouldn't this be asking for hardships?

All the policemen also laughed angrily: "Okay, you don't think so, when Master Ye shows evidence that your cost is not 3,500 yuan, then you can go back with us."

The stubborn barber still didn't let go.

Ye Xuan didn't speak anymore, and the red dust mirror in his hand released the picture of the past.

One day in the past, the barber went to a hairdressing shop.

Barber: "Boss, give me ten bottles of hair dye."

Store owner: "Okay.

Barber: "Old rules, old prices.

Small shop owner: "OK. 35

The shop owner wrote a receipt to the barber as he spoke: 20,000 yuan for ten bottles of international big-name hair dye.

Everyone who saw this was stunned:


"What's the situation, the purchase price of these ten bottles of hair dye is 20,000? What brand is this? 35

"The brand bottle says: International big brand 0.."

"I'm dizzy, this name looks like a cottage, and is it worth 20,000?"

"No way, how can this little shop have such expensive hair dye? Are you sure it's not a joke?"

"I don't think this hairdresser was tricked by the owner of the small shop. He really thought that the hair dye he bought was worth so much money.

"It seems possible.

"Sorry, I thought this barber was bad, but he was stupid.

"Ah... what about the cost of dyeing this time?"

"The cost is a matter of the barber shop, and it has nothing to do with the red-colored hair dye, why should they let Quanhong-hong pay for their high cost. 35

Even the other 5.0 hairdresser was stunned. He has worked with this guy for so long, why doesn't he know that hair dye is so expensive? When the two of them calculate the cost every month, they have never seen him report such an expensive bill.

If he remembered correctly, every time the bill was 20 yuan for ten bottles, could it be that this guy was a rich second-generation who came out to experience life, and the expensive money was paid by this guy himself?

This is too outrageous, even novels dare not write like this, are there really such boring people in reality?

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