855: No longer dare to eat out

All this was just a few seconds, and when Quan Honghong reacted, the shop owner had already collapsed to the ground and screamed.

At this time, when the police car that had just left the barber shop came back, the previous policemen got out of the car and relaxed and controlled the shop owner.

The two barbers who were escorted into the police car before saw the shop owner and laughed. They were very sad when they were arrested, and they felt much better when they saw someone they knew was also arrested: "Haha, Boss Wang, you were also arrested. ?35

Although Boss Wang is still in pain, he can speak: "What's going on?

Police: "These two guys were caught running a black shop like you."

Boss Wang shouted that he was wronged: "Police, I have not opened a black shop, I have clearly marked the price. 35

Policeman: "You just wanted to kill someone.

Boss Wang refused to admit it: "I was just joking with the little girl with a kitchen knife.

Policeman: "Then I pointed a gun at you and said I was joking with you. Do you believe it?"

Boss Wang was dumbfounded.

When the two barbers saw Boss Wang, they had a thought in their hearts: "Police, can you reduce the sentence by reporting someone else?

Policeman: "Do you have any accomplices?"

Two barbers: "It's not an accomplice, but we know that there are many black-hearted businessmen like Boss Wang in this street who kill customers."

Police officer: "It depends on your performance and the weight of those who report."

Boss Wang: "You two grandchildren, I usually sell your screw powder for 50% off, so you treat me like this. 35

Two barbers: "We only charge you 20 yuan for a haircut.

Boss Wang: "I only get a haircut once a month, but you are here with me only once for a few days.

Two barbers: "You don't even look at how black the fufu you sell, 10 yuan a bowl is all soup, and 5 yuan a bowl you make a lot of money.

A policeman persuaded the two of them: "Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, Boss Wang's screw powder is cheap, but it is very natural, even the mice will be put into the soup for you, 5 yuan a bowl is worth it. "

The policeman covered his mouth after speaking: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

After hearing this, the two barbers turned green and retched on the spot, but they couldn't vomit.

Boss Wang laughed: "You deserve it, let you two want to betray me."

The two barbers exploded with rage: "Don't think you can be complacent. We don't wash the scissors in our hair salon. They just blow away the hair on them when they're used up. You don't know, you're dirty."

Boss Wang's face was also green: ""You don't want to die in this business.

Two barbers: "To each other, to each other.

All netizens:

"A dog bites a dog, it's not sympathetic."

"It's called easy dung and eating.

"This street is the street of black shops.

"Poor Quan Honghong is unlucky to walk into this street."

"Little girl, can you still laugh now?

The whole red face made a smile that was uglier than crying: "The girl who loves to laugh will not be bad luck."

Ye Xuan comforted: "Quan Honghong, your bad luck today is over, buy something to eat on the way back to school, and then go back to the dormitory to wash your hair."

The whole red and red collapsed, and which pot could not be opened and lifted, she also had a haircut at that hair salon.

If she buys things outside, she swears that she will never buy food and eat outside in her life.

Quan Honghong felt embarrassed to stay in the live broadcast room: "I'll leave first, next time again, no ... never see you again in the future."

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