The screen lit up.

A few street youths with tattoos and jingling gold chains were sitting opposite. They all looked unruly.

The young man in the lead started with a freestyle:

"Hey, isn't this a fortune teller? What's the point of calculating? Want to battle? I'll teach you a lesson in a minute!"

The companions on the side kept cheering.

【Wow, so sharp! The fortune teller is in danger now!】

【They are professionals, and the fortune teller might find it hard to resist them!】

【Stop talking, I'll burn some incense for the fortune teller first, and pray that he can get through this!

Shen Can smiled calmly:"I'm just a fortune teller, rap battle is not my specialty, but I can tell you each one of your fortunes and see what your future holds."

"What kind of fortune-telling is that? Isn't it just hiring some people and some internet trolls to lead the trend? What's the point of asking you to tell your fortune?"

【These little yellow-haired guys are so rude!】

【You accuse the master of being a liar. Show me the evidence!】

【Just talking nonsense here, do you really think you are a dissking? 】

Many viewers expressed dissatisfaction with the new rapper's behavior.

Shen Can still looked at the young man opposite with a relaxed look.

He actually smiled playfully.

"Heh, brother, you keep saying that I lied, that I asked for favors, and that there is a team behind me hyping it up, but you know in your heart that you can't produce any real evidence."

Shen Can's tone gradually became sharp:"Under the guise of a battle, you actually want to take advantage of my popularity to attract attention, right?"

【Ha, this troll always accuses people of being scammers, and he really thinks he is a messenger of justice?】

【Why don't you go to the sky, man? Show us some evidence! 】

Faced with overwhelming doubts, the young man became even more excited.

"Oh my god, there are so many brainless fans here? Do you believe me, I will reveal some more information to you?"

The young man lowered his voice in a mysterious way. He looked like he had something that you didn't know:

"Isn't your name Shen Can? I've already checked your background!"

"Why did you open a small shop called"Shen Ji Xiang Fu"? Have you forgotten how poor you were before you couldn't pay the rent?"

The young man proudly revealed the truth.

The younger brothers behind him nodded in agreement.

【Is this... is this real? It feels so fake.……】

"Let me tell you, Shen Can is just a charlatan. His so-called authentic Taoist priest and spiritual consecration are all tricks to deceive people! He has cheated many people of their money!"

【What the hell is going on here? Can we still have a proper battle? 】

But there are a small number of people who seem to have been brainwashed by the youth.

【Oh my god, I was deceived before. It turns out that the fortune-telling I had before was all done by someone else. How could someone tell fortunes so accurately?】

【It's terrible. He deceived so many people and let them trust him so much.……】

Shen Can listened to the young man's revelation quietly, with a faint smile on his face.

""Brother, you are really capable. You can find so much information."

Seeing that the young man was about to speak, Shen Can raised his hand to interrupt him.

"I have never done anything deceiving. I have been poor before, but I have never done anything that would make me feel guilty. I never bow my head when things go wrong."

"But you, a rapper, don't make music properly, but just throw dirty water on the Internet. If you have any questions, I can help you with your fortune, but if you are here to find fault, then I can only say sorry."

【The fortune teller was indeed amazing. He silenced the other party with just a few words!】

【Can you be more professional? It's too cheap to rely on popularity without any achievements.】

【A bunch of rubbish! 】

The young man was speechless for a moment, his face darkened.

He gritted his teeth and said,"Shen Can, don't be so proud! I know you plan to establish a persona and then grow stronger. What about 'spreading positive energy'? Bah! You just want to attract more believers and make more money!"

Several younger brothers behind him clamored to stand up for their big brother.

"Damn, do you really think you are so important? Believe it or not, I will make you socially dead!"

"I will smash your store tomorrow!"

When the young man got excited, he took off his mask, revealing a childish face.

【Damn, isn't this a kid who just finished the college entrance examination? Why is he pretending to be mature?】

【He is so fond of causing trouble at such a young age. What will happen in the future?】

"Listen up! I, Zhou Chen, will expose Shen Can's true face today under the watchful eyes of the public! Let everyone know that he is a liar!"

Zhou Chen faced the camera with a ferocious expression and fierce tone.

In contrast, Shen Can remained calm.

"Don't get excited, sit down and talk slowly."

Zhou Chen snorted coldly:"Heh, Shen Can, do you think that if you pretend to be deep like this, everyone will believe you? I already know that those who supported you just now were all the water army you paid for!"

【Were those little fans of the fortune teller really hired for money?】

【These days, as long as you have enough money, you can buy anything, including people's hearts.】

【Stop, I declare that I am not a water soldier】

【I am not one of them, so who is?

Zhou Chen continued to criticize:"Now is a new era of scientific prosperity, who still believes in feudal superstition? Fortune-telling is out of date! What's more, if you are really good at it, how can you be so poor that you can't pay the rent?"

Shen Can said slowly:"I don't force anyone to believe me, as long as you have a clear conscience, that's enough.""

【That makes sense! Don't always accuse people of something, it's no big deal】

【Master, don’t be angry, we believe you!】

【That's right, ignore these trolls! 】

Seeing that someone supported Shen Can in the comment section, Zhou Chen was furious.

He said sarcastically:"Shen Can, aren't you just a little clever? In my opinion, you probably cheated a lot of decent women and made them lose everything to accumulate this wealth!"

【Damn, this is too cruel! It directly blackens people in a negative way!】

【It's just a blind guess, don't say that, it's too low! 】

Shen Can's face darkened:"Please be careful when you slander others, or you will be punished."

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