The brothers who were helping Zhou Paopi looked at each other.

They were all so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Boss, this is too evil. I think we should stay away from you to avoid being implicated by you."

"Nothing good has ever happened to me since I started following the boss. I must have been infected by his bad luck!"

"Boss, can you please not drag us into this? No one wants to get into trouble!"

Zhou Paopi's face turned black when he heard his brothers say they wanted to jump off the boat.

He turned around and cursed,"Damn it, you bunch of bastards! I usually take you to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, and now you want to have fun?"

Zhou Paopi could only continue to ask Shen Can for help:"Master Shen, you have to save me!!"

"I remember when you were fortune-telling for people, didn't you always give several options? Just list a few options for me, and I promise to follow them!"

Shen Can sneered,"Brother Zhou, you want to see a few lifelines in the future, right? Then I will give you a choice, but with your fate, I'm afraid you can only choose death now!"

Zhou Pa Pi was stunned.

"How to die? Master Shen, what do you mean by this?"

Shen Can began to speak:

"The first way to die is being strangled to death while trying on clothes in a shopping mall.

You go to a shopping mall to buy clothes and try on a tight turtleneck sweater.

Because your neck is relatively thick, it takes a lot of effort to put your head in it.

But when you want to take it off, you can't take it off.

The collar is stuck tightly on your neck.

You are strangled so hard that you roll your eyes.

Finally, you suffocate to death."

Shen Can continued:"The second way is that you like to eat at roadside stalls and always like to buy some dirty snacks to satisfy your hunger.

As a result, you eat a chicken roll with worrying hygiene conditions.

The salmonella in it exceeds the standard.

You start vomiting and diarrhea that night, and your high fever won't go away.

You thought you had a cold and didn't care.

Who knew that you would be unconscious the next day, and you were already dead after being sent to the hospital."

Zhou Paopi was horrified.

But Shen Can hadn't finished speaking:

"The third type: dying in the toilet. You have a bad stomach and are often constipated, so it is very difficult to go to the toilet every time.

When you go home, you squat too hard on the toilet and your intestines pop out. The blood is all over the floor and no one notices.

When your younger brother smells the stench and goes to check, you have been lying on the toilet for a long time and died in a very embarrassing way."

【Hahahaha! I didn't expect there would be such a way to die! It's too darkly humorous!】

【Even squatting in the toilet can cost you your life, Zhou Paopi is so amazing!】

【To be honest, this is a funny way to die, but it's also quite sad. It's too shabby that he died on the toilet at the end of his life.】

【I hope Zhou Paopi can learn some life lessons from these deaths, and stop doing evil! 】

Zhou Paopi turned pale with fear.

He asked in a trembling voice:"Then...what if I don't go out or go to the toilet, will it be okay?"

Shen Can said dimly:"No, you may also be electrocuted while taking a shower. You didn't stand firmly while taking a shower and pulled the cord of the shower.

Because the bathroom was wet, and you stepped barefoot in the water, the high voltage current instantly ran through your body.

When you were found, you had fallen into the bathtub and became a charred corpse."

Zhou Paopi knelt on the ground in fear, tears streaming down his face:"Master Shen, I really know I was wrong! Please save me, I swear to be a good person from now on and never do evil again!"

Shen Can shook his head and said:"I don't want to lie to you. According to your fate, your end is coming today, and no one can save you."

Zhou Paopi saw that Shen Can had no way to save him.

Suddenly his face changed.

Break the jar and break it

""Shen Can, you liar! I will not die today, never!"

Shen Can said lightly:"Then let you fend for yourself, I wish you good luck."

Zhou Pa Pi became even more unscrupulous.

He grinned and said:"Shen Can, stop threatening me! I don't believe that! My life is in my own hands!"

As he said that, Zhou Pa Pi was about to reach out to press the hang-up button.

But just as his finger was about to touch the screen, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed.


With a loud noise,

Zhou Paopi didn't even have time to scream.

He fell straight to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut, and there was no sound anymore!

【Holy shit! What the hell is going on? Was Zhou Paopi struck by lightning?】

【It's over, Zhou Paopi is dead! Shen Shen really predicted his death!】

【No, what happened? How could Zhou Paopi disappear in the blink of an eye? Can anyone explain it?]

Zhou Paopi's brothers witnessed this scene and were so frightened that they rushed forward to check.

"Boss! What's wrong with you? Wake up!"

"It’s over, it’s over, the boss is really dead! There’s a large area of charred on his body, this… this must have been struck by lightning!"

"Oh my god! The boss is really dead!"

The younger brothers were terrified and could not believe what was happening before their eyes.

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