Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

133: Middle aged people cry bitterly, it was me who killed my mother

133: Middle-aged people cry bitterly, it was me who killed my mother


The middle-aged man's face was pale.

The whole person was struck by five thunders.

The head is blank and the body is shaky.

His father died early, and it was his mother who pulled them up.

In this world, he is most grateful for his mother. In order to let his mother enjoy her old age, he also specially arranged a nanny for her.

did not expect……

Never thought!

Mother was killed by the nanny he hired?


Because he couldn't bear the strong psychological impact, the middle-aged man sat on the ground and picked up the mobile phone, in great pain: "Master Lin, do you have any evidence?

"Stupid, do you need evidence?"

"Haha, when did Master Lin tell a lie?"

"Hey, please understand, after all, the relationship between mother and son is very deep, and it is normal to not accept it for a while. 99

"I can't blame this uncle, who would have thought that the nanny would choose to kill for more than a thousand dollars."

"Master Lin, give me some evidence. 35

"Come to some evidence +1!


a time.

While the fans in the live broadcast room sighed and sighed, they all asked Lin Xuan to add some evidence.

However, Lin Xuan shook his head: "No evidence!

The middle-aged man's face was full of struggles: "Master Lin, you have no evidence, how can I believe you, and how can the police believe you?"


"I called your mother out. 35

"Let your mother tell you how she died, won't you?

Lin Xuan said something lightly.

"Fuck, fuck, Master Lin is about to pretend."

"Quickly record the screen, quickly record the screen, Master Lin is about to cast spells again.

"Woooooo, so I'm going to see a ghost? So excited.

"Hehe, I'm an American, and you people from the Xia country are doing some stupid things, where in the world are there ghosts?

Fans exploded, and the middle-aged man was even more surprised, with an unbelievable expression on his face: " mother...isn't she dead?35

"It's dead!"

"But because Yangshou hasn't come yet.

"And if he was killed by the nanny, he became an ordinary ghost and stayed by your side all the time.

"Okay, stop talking, I'll call you out!

Lin Xuan said something indifferently, and then showed his words: "Li Cuilan, show up!


Beside the middle-aged man, an old lady phantom appeared.

The old lady was short and thin, wearing an old-fashioned black trousers and floral shirt.

The most bizarre thing was that the old lady's feet were half a foot above the ground, and she was actually floating in the air.

"Shit, shit, what a ghost?""

"Woooooo, I f*ck, have I seen a ghost again?

‘Hey, it turns out that there are really ghosts in the world, I was stunned. 55

"I have to say, Master Lin is so arrogant that he called the ghosts at random."

"I sell it, I sell it, there are really ghosts in the world, I want to take a picture and send it to the United States...'

under shock.

Fans in the live broadcast room went crazy.

As the middle-aged person involved, his eyes widened in shock, and he looked at the old lady hard to cherish: "Mom, you... how did you die, were you killed by the nanny?""

"woo woo woo


The phantom old lady tried her best to speak.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open his mouth and could only make a "woo woo woo..." sound.

The middle-aged man hurriedly looked at Lin Xuan with a worried expression: "Master Lin, what the hell is going on?"

"Your mother takes a morning break on the sofa. 99

"The nanny took a pillow and put it on your mother's face.

"Then the nanny sat on the pillow and suffocated your mother alive."

"Ghosts will remain in the state they were in when they died. When your mother died, you were in a state of closed breath, so you can't make a sound after you die!"


【Dreamland reward anchor, Carnival X100!】

The middle-aged man gave a reward of 30,000 yuan without saying a word, and said, "Master Lin, can you make my mother talk?"


Lin Xuan agreed, and then showed his words: "Li Cuilan, you can already speak" "!"


"I was killed by the nanny.

"I was killed by the nanny.

"Like what Master Lin said, I was suffocated by the nanny with a pillow during my lunch break..."

When Lin Xuan's voice fell, the old lady was able to speak immediately, and immediately described the killing process in tears.

After listening to the description!

The middle-aged man was furious, his eyes turned red, and he cried bitterly and kowtowed in apology:


"Blame me."

"It's my fault that I don't know anyone, it's me who hurt you."


Under the strong shame and condemnation, the middle-aged man began to open his mouth from side to side.

When he raised his head after swiping his mouth, he found that his mother had disappeared, and he was shocked: "Master Lin, why is my mother missing?"

Lin Xuan's tone was flat: "Your mother's soul body is not stable. After manifesting for a minute, the soul body will weaken by one point. If you lose too much, the soul will be scattered, so I let your mother continue to be invisible!"

"You'd better go to a nanny now, and let the nanny get the punishment it deserves, so that your mother's grievance can be resolved, and you can be reincarnated in the future! 99

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll go to the nanny now, can Master Lin tell me, where is the nanny?


Lin Xuan told the middle-aged man an address.

The middle-aged man first followed Lin Xuan's orders to call the police.

After calling the police, the middle-aged man started walking towards the address that Lin Xuan said.

It only took ten minutes for the middle-aged man to arrive at the address mentioned by Lin Xuan.

What appears in front of middle-aged people now is a garbage dump full of garbage and sewage.

"Big... Master, does anyone live in this place?" The middle-aged man looked stunned.

Lin Xuan pointed to a simple house made of asbestos tiles in the center of the dump: "See? The nanny lives there."5

The middle-aged man was stunned: "Master, the location you are referring to is in the center of the garbage dump, how can people live in that kind of place?"

"Yes, Master, did you make a mistake?"

"Even a scavenger can't live in a garbage dump, right?

"Master Lin, what is the situation..."

Seeing a lot of people asking, but Lin Xuan didn't explain too much, just said: "When you get there, you will know!"

Hear the word!

The middle-aged man walked forward.


"Give me money, give me money."

"I want to suck D, I want to suck D, hurry up and give me money, I'm going to die of pain..."

Before the middle-aged man came to him, hysterical scolding came from the room, and the voice was a young man.

"Hey, an addict?

"I'm sloppy, wouldn't I be smoking D?"

"Damn, why do you live in such a remote place, it turns out to be for sucking D..."

Just when the fans were talking about it.

Suddenly, a woman in her fifties ran out of the simple shed.

A young man in his twenties chased after him.

This young man was as thin as skin and bones, his skin was morbidly pale, and his eyes were empty, like a little devil who walked out of the world of demons.

At this moment, the young man was chasing after the woman with a distorted expression, shouting: "Give me money, give me money, I want to suck D! 39

"If you don't give money, I will kill you, and I will kill you!

"Give me the money..."

The women kept running ahead.

The young man, who was already crippled, saw that he could not catch up with the woman. He picked up a wine bottle from the rubbish heap on the ground and smashed it, and put it on his throat, making a ferocious threat:

"Give the money!"

"Give me the money or I'll die! 35

Seeing that the young man was about to commit suicide, the woman didn't dare to run anymore, she stood there and cried anxiously: "Son, mother really has no money, really has no money, the money is all for you!

"If you don't have money, what do you need?"

The young man was furious when he saw that he had no money, and slashed the woman's face with a broken wine bottle.

Seeing this, the woman hurriedly raised her hands to cover her face.


The sharp fork of the wine bottle ran across the woman's palm and arm.

Immediately, the woman's palms and arms were bleeding profusely, and the blood quickly stained the front of her chest.

"f*ck, is this a beast?"

"Stabbed my mother with a broken wine bottle, this is really a dutiful son.

"What, I really took a knife to draw a cow's butt, and it opened my eyes!"

"Damn, if I were a mother, I would throw it in the trash when I was born...

When fans were complaining, Lin Xuan suddenly thought of the drug police officer Li Zhengdao!

Li Zhengdao, who was an undercover agent, even if he died, he became a ghost chasing drug dealers until he reached Tianji Mountain.

Afterwards, Li Zhengdao even fought to destroy his soul body, entrusting every comrade in arms with a dream, and telling Trader D the real information.

When the anti-narcotics police were besieging and suppressing the drug dealers, Li Zhengdao's body had been eaten by Tibetan mastiffs beyond recognition, but he didn't even look at his own body, and he focused all on the extermination of D dealers.

at last!

When saying goodbye to family.

Confused little daughter.

Heartbreaking wife.

The white-haired person sends the black-haired person's parents.

Even thinking about that scene now, it still makes people feel sad.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan suddenly said, "Do you think it's too much for a son to scratch his mother with a wine bottle?

"Isn't it too much?

"Master Lin, aren't you talking nonsense?

"Tsk tsk tsk, if this is not excessive, what is excessive? 39

"Master Lin, I think you have something to say, please start your performance..."

Lin Xuan said slowly: "People who suck D are inhuman!

"Some people choose to sell their daughters and wives in order to take a sip."

"Some people kill their family members as if they were enemies after inhaling D. 35

"When D addiction is committed, you will feel that there is a scorpion lying on every cell stinging you, making you experience a more painful punishment than Ling Chi."5

"That's why people who take D are no longer human, but demons who have always been wearing human skin!

"If you meet D-product again, let's take a look at the nanny her son!"

After speaking, Lin Xuan looked at the scene again.




The young man stabbed the nanny with a glass bottle with a hideous face.

The nanny wanted to run away, but was afraid that the young man would commit suicide, so he could only retreat and hide while picking up the garbage on the ground.


The nanny's arms were slashed with blood, and blood was all over the floor.

The woman only felt a dizziness in her head because of the excessive bleeding, so she cried out in pain: "Younger, stop now, my mother is going to die, who will take care of you when my mother dies...

"Just die, you can't give me money, what's the use of your life...

The young man roared with a ferocious face and continued to stab the nanny with a glass bottle.


This time it was only halfway through.

The young man suddenly twitched.

The next second, the young man lay directly on the ground, his body curled into a bow shape, and he let out a painful howl:



The woman saw the young man lying on the ground and howled, knowing that it was her son's addiction, she squatted on the ground very skillfully, took out a wooden stick from her pocket, stuffed it into the young man's mouth, and hurriedly shouted:

"Quick bite. 35

"Bite your son.

"Don't bite your tongue, don't bite your tongue..."

The young man bit the stick with the last bit of reason, and then continued to roll on the ground and howl.

Just now, the babysitter's arm was full of blood, but there was no tears.

But seeing his son rolling around and screaming, his eyes were red, tears were rolling in his eyes, and his mouth was comforting:

"It's quite a bit."

"My son is quite good."

"It will pass immediately, and there will be no pain."

"Mom will make money for you later, and I will make money later..."

When the nanny was comforting the young man, the middle-aged man had already walked up to the nanny and pointed the camera at the face of the young man who was rolling on the ground.

What kind of face is that!

The originally normal facial features have become twisted, like twisted twists.

Because of the intense pain of the D-addiction attack, the face of the young man was full of hideous words, and his facial features were dislocated. He looked like a ghost who came out of hell:

"I f*ck, it's horrible.

"Woohoo, I'm going to have nightmares. 55

"This f*ck, it's so shocking (De Nuo Zhao), I've been inseparable with the D product ever since!

"This is what pain looks like. The special effects of the movie can't make this kind of effect at all..."

Just when there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

The young man had fainted in pain.

Even after fainting, the young man's body twitched from time to time.


The young man's body twitched and spit out white foam like washing powder foam, which looked extremely disgusting.

But the nanny seemed to be accustomed to this scene, tore off the sleeve, and carefully wiped the foam from the corner of the youth's mouth.

at this time!

The middle-aged man could no longer hold back his anger and yelled at the nanny: "Zhao Xiufang, you killed my mother!"5

"Fuck you, who are you?"

The nanny who was kneeling and wiping the foam from the corners of the youth's mouth suddenly turned around, showing an extremely resentful expression and scolding!

Seeing the nanny's son sucking D, the middle-aged man still had a trace of sympathy in his heart, but the nanny's attitude was so bad that his anger surged up, and he thought of his mother being smothered by suffocation!


In anger, the middle-aged man kicked the nanny's back.

The nanny herself was kneeling on the ground, and after being kicked by the middle-aged man, she fell directly on the ground.

Surprisingly, the nanny was kicked to the ground. Instead of being angry, she showed an excited expression.

Next up!

The nanny rolled on the ground and hugged the middle-aged man's thigh with a wicked expression: "You just kicked me and broke my back. If you don't give me 20,000 yuan, don't even think about it today. Walk!""




Just then, a siren C sounded in the distance.

The three police officers got out of the police car, and the nanny suddenly lit up and shouted:

"I've beaten someone, I've beaten someone, the police officers come and see, this man beat me, cut my arm, and won't give me any money!"

PS: I beg you to order a custom order, all orders are made, thank you sir!

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