Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

139: What does the ultimate ingratitude look like? [Chapter 142 is important and must be seen! 】

139: What does the ultimate ingratitude look like?

"Pfft, hahaha."

"Did Master Lin speak so implicitly?"

"It hurts, it hurts, who can stand it?"

"For my girlfriend to go to school in 1989, I confessed my girlfriend, and it turns out that you are not worthy."

"Brother, don't cry, don't cry for the scumbag..."

The fans in the live broadcast room laughed.

Tang Bo himself was stunned at first, and immediately collapsed, with an unbelievable expression on his face:

"how so?"

"how so?"

"I was so good to her that I gave her everything. 35

"She clearly promised to marry me as soon as she graduated, and she didn't want a dowry.

"Wuwuwu, why is this happening, how can she treat me like this..."

Seeing that Tang Bo's spirit had collapsed, Lin Xuan sighed and reminded:

"Tang Bo, she promised to marry you as soon as she graduated, and she didn't want a dowry. That's what she said when she graduated from high school."9

"Since she went to college, her heart has changed."

"After going to graduate school, I don't want to marry you at all!""

Hear the word!

Tang Bo closed his eyes in pain.

After closing his eyes, Tang Bo's face was full of pain and regret.

Because of too much pain and regret, his entire face became distorted.

After a while, Tang Bo finally opened his eyes and muttered to himself with tears streaming down his face:



"I'm so nice to her!"

"How could she have the heart to abandon me?

When Tang Bo said this, fans in the live broadcast room immediately became interested: "Brother, talk about it, how did you treat her so well?

"Yeah, speak up and let everyone give you an idea. 35

"I also want to know how you paid, and then the female voter thinks you are not worthy of her?

"Speak up, speak up..."

At the urging of fans in the live broadcast room.

Tang Bo started talking about his relationship with his girlfriend:

"When I graduated from junior high school, in order to earn some money playing games, I went to work in a restaurant.

"It just so happened that she also came to the restaurant to work, but we didn't know each other well."

"The reason why we ended up being boyfriend and girlfriend is that the owner of our restaurant is a 40-year-old rapist who is always rude to her, so I have always been paying attention. 99

"Finally, when the boss called her to the warehouse to prepare for the assault, I, who was only fourteen, picked up a brick and slapped it on the back of the boss's head."

"Then I got beat up by the boss and fired us."

"When we left the hotel together, I learned that the reason why she worked part-time was because the family favored sons over daughters and prevented her from going to school, and she was earning high school tuition by herself."

"This is also the reason why she didn't dare to resign when the boss was in trouble.

"I slapped the boss on the back of the head with a brick, and as a result, we were kicked out of 260, and she couldn't get her salary.

"So, I blocked the boss by myself and asked the boss to pay us wages, otherwise I would go to the police."

"As a result, I was beaten again by the boss.""

"After I was beaten, I went to the police.

"Then the boss was freaked out and not only gave us wages, but also lost 2,000 yuan! 95

"Take the money and she goes to high school."

"At that time, we were already secretly in love, but no one pierced that layer of window paper."

Speaking of which.

Tang Bo suddenly stopped.

Tang Bo's eyes were full of memories of the past.

"Fuck, you're so brave."

"I have to say, he is such a man. 99

"At the age of fourteen, a brick was directly dried on the boss's head. Why didn't this fairy meet such a brick prince when I was a child?

"Wuwuwu, I'm also moved, when I was a child, I always fantasized about a hero appearing to protect me, but I haven't waited until now.

"Stop talking and kiss me!"

"What happened after that?"

a time.

The fans in the live broadcast room urged again.

Compared with the previous collapse, Tang Bo's mood has stabilized a lot at this moment, and he slowly recounted:


"She became my girlfriend.

"But when we were young, we were limited to holding hands.

"After that, she went to high school, but her parents chased her to the school and asked her to go back to help the family and stop studying.


"She broke up with her family and lost her source of life. 35

"I also went to high school at that time. Seeing her helpless appearance, I went home and told my parents that I didn't want to study anymore."

"My parents thought it was itchy again, and they had a mixed doubles meal."

"Before being mixed doubles, I'll give in very quickly."

"But that time for her, my parents were tired, and I didn't give in."

"In the end, I was sent to the hospital by my parents, and in the hospital I still insisted on dropping out. 99

"My mom told me to get out!"

"My dad said I don't have a son."

"She broke with my parents, and I broke with my parents."

"After cutting off the source of income, she has no money to eat, and can only drink water to satisfy her hunger. At this time, I appeared!"

"When I showed up, with a month's salary, she hugged me excitedly and cried for a long time, and we became boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Because of the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, I have a sense of responsibility and mission. I swear in my heart that I will confess whenever she reads it."

"Three years of high school, I have been supporting her to study."

"Her tuition, living expenses, all expenses are paid by me!"

"When she graduated from high school, she cried and hugged me, and told me that she would marry me in the future, and she would not want a dowry!"

Speaking of this.

Tang Bo was already in tears, and his face was full of sadness.

"Woooooo, touch your head.

"It's so touching, the moved old man wants to cry."

"What is a man, this is a man, in order to let his girlfriend study, he just stopped studying himself, cow!

"I was hospitalized by my parents for mixed doubles. I didn't hesitate to break up with my parents, and I also had to work part-time for my girlfriend to study. Little brother, I was moved, I don't want a dowry.

"Little brother, if you are half good to me, my family doesn't want a dowry, and I will give you a lot of money!

"Later, let's talk about it later.

"Later +1!


In addition to being moved.

Fans in the live broadcast room urged again.

Tang Bo wiped his red and swollen eyes: "Later, she went to college.

"The cost of living and tuition for university costs 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a year.""

"So I changed jobs and moved bricks and steel bars on the construction site for her to go to school."

"I send her good morning and good night every day.

"I was afraid that she would not feel safe, so I reported her itinerary every day.

"I am afraid that her life will be boring, so I will share with her any interesting things I encounter on the construction site."

"I know she likes those skin care products, so every time I think she's running out, I buy her in advance.

“I know what snacks she likes to eat, so I always buy them and send them to school when I can. 99

"I know that she is reluctant to buy clothes, so when the salary starts, I will buy clothes for her when I see any clothes that look good.

"If there are ten points in love, I will love myself one point, relatives and friends one point, my parents one point, and the remaining seven points are all about loving her!"

"From high school to high school three."

"From freshman to senior year. 99

"And now she's graduating from graduate school right now.

"I did everything I could to be nice to her, but...why did she treat me like this, why?"

The story is over.

Tang Bo collapsed and cried.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also angry:

"Fuck, kindly fed the donkey's liver and lungs. 35

"This special girlfriend, her conscience was eaten by a dog!"

"What's the matter, such a good boyfriend doesn't cherish, she doesn't want me!

"Since ancient times, I have been passionate and spared hatred, and my passion has always been ruthlessly disturbed. From then on, I will be a heartless person."

"Hey, this is probably the reason why there are more and more scumbags. If good men don't get good rewards, they can only be scumbags."


I do not know how it is.

The style of the live broadcast room changed, and it became like this:

"Master Lin, can you help him?

"Yes, Tang Bo is a good man, he is so pitiful.

"Woooooo, ask Master Lin to help him, kowtow to Master Lin, dong dong dong!"

Immediately, many people in the live broadcast room were begging for Lin Xuan to help Tang Bo.

Lin Xuan sighed: "Tang Bo, do you think you paid a lot?

Tang Bo's eyes were red and swollen: "I dare not say that I have paid a lot, but I have given everything.

There was a lot of sympathy in Lin Xuan's eyes: "You go to the auditorium of your girlfriend's school now, remember to enter through the northeast gate, the specific address is...


Lin Xuan says an address.

Tang Bo followed Lin Xuan's instructions and entered the school auditorium from the northeast gate.

Looking at the designated location that Lin Xuan said, I saw a familiar figure, it was his girlfriend Bai Ying!

According to Lin Xuan's instructions, Tang Bo sat quietly behind Bai Ying.


Bai Ying is smiling and chatting with her best friend.

The best friend pointed at the little fresh meat star on the phone, with a crazy face: "Wow wow wow, my dragon is so handsome, he will marry me tomorrow."5

Bai (bicg) Ying pretended to be annoyed: "Hey, don't be ashamed, Long Long is obviously my husband, we have already obtained the certificate, I will give him a monkey tomorrow.

"Hmph, don't you have a boyfriend? What's your name Tang Bo?" My best friend was not to be outdone.

Hear the word!

Bai Ying's expression suddenly turned cold, and she said with some disgust, "Why did you mention him?"

"I saw your question on Zhihu, let's talk about it." My girlfriend looked curious.

Bai Ying was a little irritable: "What does he have to say?"

"Tell me, tell me, please.

The best friend took Bai Ying's arm and acted like a spoiled child.

Helpless, Bai Ying sighed: "Hey, let me tell you, I really hate him.

"I admit that he did have a favor with me."

"If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gone to graduate school.

"However, we are really not suitable now, and we are really not in the same circle."

"The boys around me are tall, handsome, and educated. They can beat Tang Bo's Eighteen Streets."

"If we marry boys of the same class, we can buy a house in a big city in the future, give our children a good education, and support our parents.35

"But what about marrying Tang Bo?

"Hey, I can't imagine it.

The girlfriend took Bai Ying's arm and acted like a spoiled child: "What's unimaginable?

Bai Ying sighed and said:

“I am a graduate student, my salary will be tens of thousands upon graduation, and it will increase in the future. 35

"What about him, he's just a migrant worker who graduated from junior high school, and his salary is just a little bit.

"As a result, I am a woman who has become the backbone of the family? I still have a long way to go in my life, and I don't want to bear so much pressure."

"And you know, he doesn't even want to give a dowry?"

"Now the whole society is dominated by males and females. How many people can't get a wife, yet he doesn't want to give a dowry?"

"My parents worked so hard to give birth to me, and he didn't want to give me a dowry?

When she said she didn't want to give the bride price, Bai Ying showed an incomprehensible expression.

"I can fuck you!

"How much dichlorvos did you drink to say such ungrateful words?"

"You have more than 10,000 graduate students. If it wasn't for Tang Bo, how could you go to graduate school?"

"Grass mud horse, you are afraid of lowering your quality of life after you get married, so Tang Bo has been studying for you for eight or nine years, and his quality of life hasn't been lowered?

"Tsk tsk, this girlfriend Bai Ying's mouth is full of the stench of double standards. When Tang Bo was beaten up by his parents, he didn't study by himself, but instead worked for you to study, but you were so preoccupied with betrothal gifts?

"Grass mud horse, white-eyed wolf is nothing more than that!"

Fans in the live broadcast room were filled with righteous indignation and scolded them one after another.

In reality, the girlfriend asked curiously: "Sister, after all, he has been studying for you for so many years, you can't just consider it from the economic aspect.

"It's not just the economy.

"It's us who really don't fit."

"Let me list a few things for you."

Bai Ying showed a serious expression and continued:

"You know, he texts me good morning and good night every morning and night.

"Sometimes Good Morning wakes me up before I wake up in the morning; at night I was watching a drama and was disturbed by his good night message.

"Really, it's annoying!"

With a disgusted expression on Bai Ying's face, she continued:

"I am a graduate student, and he is a migrant worker."

"We are two worlds now, and he texts me when he encounters a big thing on the construction site, which is really boring and ridiculous.

"And he seems to be sick. Every day, he sends me a message to report what he has done, saying that he is afraid that I will not feel safe. I am such a graduate student, and I am afraid that he, a junior high school student, will abandon me. already?

"It's really annoying..."

The girlfriend hesitated for a moment: "Maybe people care about you."

"Thank you, stop, come on, I don't need that kind of concern. 35 Bai Ying said with disdain and disgust:

"And ah, and ah! 35

"The skin care products I use now are all fairy water, big brands like Tiffany & Co.

"What about him, what kind of snake oil ointment and doll oil are you giving me? Every time I take it, I can only throw it in the trash and tell him not to give it again. Hey, he still doesn't listen?

"The most important thing is that he is really a big idiot with no aesthetics!"

"Every once in a while, he would send me some trashy clothes, which was really disgusting.

"I haven't worn those clothes, so let him stop sending them to me, and that idiot said I'm reluctant to buy clothes?"

"Most of the living expenses he gave me every month were used by me to buy clothes. He also said that I was reluctant to buy clothes. Do you think he is sick?"

"By the way, send me some snacks.

"What sachima, chocolate, spicy strips, Xizhilang jelly, stupid dogs... all of them are things that children eat."

"Is this what I want?"

"What I want is Bulgari's afternoon tea, and what I want is a yacht on the beach in the afternoon.

"Can he give these?"

"He can't even give it."

"So, we are really inappropriate!"

at the same time.

Tang Bo's heart was broken.

Fans in the live broadcast room are also frantically spraying:

"Ahhh, I'm pissed off."

"It's a wonderful world to have such ungrateful scumbags. 35

"I'm so angry, why didn't God come with a thunderbolt and chop this thing up?"

"I beg you, be a person, say something that a person should say, these words are full of tiger and wolf words."

"I think the ungrateful should go into law and sentence these ungrateful sluts!

"Sentence or not, I don't know, but I would never be so nice to my girlfriend.

"As a girl, I'm also very angry..."

After hearing Bai Ying's bizarre remarks.

The fans in the live broadcast room were so angry that they exploded.

At this time, Bai Ying started a new story with a look of chagrin: "Everyone should live for themselves, and should not tie up their life because of moral kidnapping!

"I have only gratitude to Tang Bo, but no love."

"I don't want to marry someone just because I'm grateful, it's not fair to me! 99


"Do you really have no love for me?"

Just when Bai Ying was about to speak, a familiar voice with a choked sob suddenly came from behind.

Bai Ying suddenly felt her scalp go numb, she turned her head and her eyes widened: "Tang...Tang Bo? 35

PS: There is something at home today, and the remaining two chapters can only be updated after 8:00 p.m. I'm really sorry, I beg all readers to understand!

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