Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

143: There is such a background in the final level flip?

143: There is such a background in the final level flip?


Wu Dayong widened his eyes and took a deep breath.

They have been investigating for three days, and they have no clues or clues. Seeking Lin Xuan's help is a helpless move.

To tell the truth, he still somewhat distrusts Lin Xuan.

But now!

The truth they searched so hard to find was so easily revealed by Lin Xuan?

In shock, Wu Dayong, the leader of the arresting group, looked towards the live broadcast room with great respect: "Master Lin, thank you!


"Go handle the case."

Lin Xuan was polite and polite, and asked Wu Dayong to handle the case quickly.


A group of police officers surrounded Yang Tao, who was standing at the door of the classroom.

Seeing so many arrests surrounding him, Yang Tao, who was only 14 or 15 years old, was so frightened that his entire body was shaking.

Wu Dayong's face was ashen, and he said in a deep voice, "Child, did your father kill someone?"


Yang Tao was terrified for a long time, and hurriedly replied.

A few afternoons ago, Yang Tao's father took Yang Tao to take a bath in the river.

When it was getting dark, a woman in her forties came.

His father seems to know this woman, and has been begging this woman for something in a low voice.

This woman had a good attitude at first, but gradually became violent, pointing at his father's nose and cursing a lot of unpleasant words.


The woman was strangled to death by his father.

After being strangled, it was already dark, and his father asked him to be in charge of guarding, driving the BMW 5 Series into the water, and then swimming to the shore.

After the car and the corpse sank, his father brought a shovel and covered the car completely with debris such as sand and algae...

"Wow, I'm so curious.

"By the way, what did Yang Tao's father say to Song Qian?"

"I also want to know, why Yang Tao's father was low-key at first, but then he was excited to kill?"

"Master Lin, can you clarify your doubts?"

"Woooooo, ask Master Lin to clarify your doubts.

"Master Lin, please tell us why Yang Tao's father murdered...

a time.

Fans of the live broadcast room want to get answers from Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly: "Leave this mystery for now, you will find out later."

When Lin Xuan communicated with fans.

Wu Dayong, the leader of the catching fast, has already made the latest arrangements.

I brought a group of people to dig up Song Qian's body.

The deputy took a group of people to arrest Yang Tao's father at the crime scene.

blink of an eye.

Wu Dayong led the team to the place of Song Qian's death.

Under the command of Wu Dayong, Zhu Kuai quickly found the BMW 5 Series covered with sand.

Under the command of Wu Dayong, the BMW 5 Series was lifted from the sand to the shore by a crane. Inside the car was Song Qian's swollen corpse.

Saw swollen corpses.

Song Qian's parents hugged and cried.

That tragic cry made the listeners cry.

At this time, Wu Dayong's deputy also brought the murderer, Yang Tao's father, over.

"Clap clap clap..."

Song Qian's father gave the murderer a few slaps without saying a word, and roared with red eyes: "Yang Daming, we are all from the same village, why did you kill my daughter?"


"You still have the face to ask why?"

"Just your dog thing, you have the face to mention a village? 35

Yang Daming is not only not cowardly, but like an angry lion, jumping and roaring:

"Your family is the richest man in the county!

"Five years ago, your family built a shop."

"What your daughter Song Qian is promoting is to spend 800,000 yuan to buy a shop.

"After buying it, hand over the management right to you, and you will contract it to the tenants, and give me 5,000 yuan a month! 35

"Because it's from the same village, I'm asking your daughter to make money, right?"

"What your daughter Song Qian said was: [Brother Daming, we are all from the same village, can I still lie to you?]"

"I said what if you can't rent it out, your daughter Song Qian said: [If you can't rent it out, I will give you 5,000 yuan a month!]"

"After listening to your daughter Song Qian's words, I spent all my family's savings and took out loans and loans, so I scraped together 800,000 to buy your shop.

"But what's the result?

Speaking of this, Yang Daming's eyes were burning with angry flames:

"Because your shops are too far apart and the facilities are cut corners, no businesses are willing to settle in."

"Your daughter Song Qian promised me a monthly rent of 5,000 yuan, but she never fulfilled it even once.

"Every time I go to your daughter Song Qian, she always has a good attitude and says wait, she has already recruited tenants, all from the same village, can she still lie to me?

"I've been there so many times that the security guard knows me, and I can't even get in!

"More and more people came to my house to collect debts, my daughter-in-law couldn't stand the divorce, and left me and my son to depend on each other.

"Do you know why I took my son to bathe here?"

“Because there are people in my family who collect debts every day, I can’t even pay the water bill! 35

"You said, Song Qian shouldn't be dead?"

Yang Daming was like a crazy beast, roaring at Song Qian's parents.

Song Qian's father: ""

Song Qian's mother: "

Although the two old men were very angry, they could not say a word to refute.

Seeing that Song Qian's parents were speechless, the murderer Yang Daming continued to roar: "." I took my son to bathe here, but I found your daughter here to relax. "

"I begged her in a low voice to let her give me a way to live. 35

"Five years ago, I bought a shop with 800,000 yuan. Now I only need to give me back 600,000 yuan, and let me pay off people's loans and foreign debts."

"But what about your daughter?"

"At the beginning, he had a good attitude and perfunctory me, saying that he had already found another tenant.

'I was so annoyed by my questioning, your daughter Song Qian pointed at my nose and cursed.

"Call me an idiot.

"Say I deserve to be poor."

"Said my daughter-in-law should run away. 35

"Said my son and I deserved bathing in the river.

"Let me stop looking for her in the future, it is impossible for her to refund the money.

"She also said that if I look for her again, she will ask the security guard to beat me up and throw me out the door!"

"So, I got angry and strangled her to death! 35

"I don't regret it, hahaha.

After saying these words, Yang Daming suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, without a trace of pain on his face.

"Happy, it's really time (good)!"

"Damn, this is the end of bullying honest people.

"It's better not to force the honest people to the dead end, or the honest people won't even give you a way to survive."

"Yeah, do you see what Song Qian is saying? People deserve to be poor, their daughter-in-law deserves to run away, and they deserve to bathe in the river with their son. 35

"Savings plus foreign debt plus loans made up 800,000 yuan, but the result was a waste. The home was blocked by creditors, and I had to take the child to bathe in the river. It was really miserable."5


The style of the live broadcast changed, and he began to question Lin Xuan:

"Master Lin, what kind of plane are you doing?"

"Yeah, Yang Daming is an honest man who was cornered, why do you want to report him?"

"Yang Daming's murder is excusable, if you send him in now, who will take care of Yang Tao in the future?

"Master Lin, haven't you always punished evil and promoted good, how did you help the rich this time?"

"Master Lin, give me an explanation!"

Faced with the fans' questioning, Lin Xuan smiled slightly: "I do this because I have an inside story! 35

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