Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

151: How much damage does a strong woman do to the family

151: How much damage does a strong woman do to the family

Sun Baichuan has a bad relationship with women.

After seeing the place, but unable to contact the woman, he rushed into the room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his girlfriend lying on the ground covered in bruises, and he immediately burst into flames with anger, and when he was provoked by his girlfriend, he immediately shouted: "Wei Qiang, grass mud horse!

Along with the roar came a straight punch.


Sun Baichuan punched Wei Qiang on the forehead, knocking Wei Qiang backward.


Without waiting for Wei Qiang to react, Sun Baichuan went up to a set of punches and directly knocked the aged Wei Qiang to the ground.

Wei Qiang was beaten and sat on the ground, neither fighting back nor covering his forehead with his hands, instead he closed his eyes and yelled:

"You fight! 35

"You fight!"

"Kill me, this ungrateful scumbag!"

Sun Baichuan's anger surged, so he was not polite and continued to punch and kick Wei Qiang.

The woman hurriedly stopped in the middle with a nervous expression: "Don't beat him, don't beat him, he's almost sixty, if he's beaten to death, he'll be broken."

Sun Baichuan thought about it too.

Then, Sun Baichuan took the woman and left in a hurry.

Seeing the couple leave, Wei Qiang felt sadder in his heart and regretted what he had done.




Wei Qiang's big-eared melon seeds slapped his face, and at the same time burst into tears: "Ah, ah, I regret it, I'm not a human, I'm not a human..."

"Tsk, why do I feel that Wei Qiang is a little pitiful?"

"The building collapsed, the mistress ran away, isn't it very pitiful for the betraying relatives to leave?"

""Three Two Three" I feel that he really regrets it, and it hurts when I look at his big ears.

"What is a big-eared melon seed? When Sun Baichuan slapped him in the face just now, he didn't block his face, so he should really regret it.

"Sure, you must have regretted listening to the heart-wrenching intensity of his crying.

"Master Lin, can you help him?"

"That's right, Master Lin, can you help him?"

a time.

Many fans in the live broadcast room hope that Lin Xuan can help Wei Qiang.

Lin Xuan thought about it, Wei Qiang has been diligent and conscientious over the years.

She raised her younger siblings before marriage, and has been working hard for the family after marriage. It can be said that she has lived for others all her life.

It was not until his later years that he was deceived by Sun Baichuan and the woman together, and when he divorced, he gave half of his assets to his wife, which is not a heinous crime.

Just at this time.

Wei Qiang raised his head and burst into tears: "Master Lin, do I still have a chance to go back to the past? I regret it.


Lin Xuan simply answered with one word.

Wei Qiang's eyes lit up, and the originally hopeless eyes gleamed again: "Really...really? What should I do? 35

Lin Xuan replied in a deep voice: "Sell all your assets to pay off your debts!

"With all your assets now, you can basically pay off the bank's debts."

"Then, set up a tent in front of your father-in-law's grave and kneel before your father-in-law's grave for three years to repent."

"What you need to remember is that no matter what your original wife and children call you during these three years, you cannot go back.

"Only after kneeling for three years can the curse be suppressed."

"Otherwise, you will still be betrayed by the congregation, and your old age will be miserable!


Wei Qiang knelt directly on the ground: "Thank you Master, thank you Master!"


Lin Xuan didn't want to talk to Wei Qiang any more, so he just hung up the video.

After hanging up the video, Lin Xuan felt that there was a huge amount of merit added to him, and he was one point closer to opening the seventh page of the Wordless Book.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Xuan realized that there are still many hidden rich people in his live broadcast room. These rich people only have three things in their minds: promotion and getting rich and dying their wives.

As they grow older, their wealth and power expand gradually.

Their wives, however, became wrinkled day by day, bloated and had loose skin.

Therefore, these rich people also want to find young and beautiful women, but after seeing Wei Qiang's end, many people have given up the idea of ​​abandoning their original partners.

That's why!

There is so much merit.

After learning about the cause, Lin Xuan turned his eyes to the live broadcast room again: "Okay, the next live broadcast is about to start, and I want to make a fortune and send a barrage!"

"Choose me, I am a bright red scarf. 35

"Master, choose me, I am a vixen, and I want to be subdued by you. 35

"Master, I really have something to do with you, my father, who has been dead for many years, has come back to find me.

"Master, my grandfather gave me a dream, saying that he just buried the treasure, should I go and see it?"

"Master, my son has severe depression, and even the doctor can't pry his mouth open, can you help?

a time.

Countless barrages.

Lin Xuan quickly flipped through the wordless book.

After a while of flipping through the pages, Lin Xuan finally locked on the nickname [Being a woman is so tiring].


Video invitation.

Video link.

The link was successful.

Appearing in the camera is a young woman.

The young woman was sitting on the sofa, eating grapes with a fretful expression.

After connecting to the video, the woman didn't have the slightest joy or surprise, but just shouted to her husband: "You only wipe the dirty parts of the table, don't you know how to wipe the dirty parts? Do you want someone to say this?

After a few reprimands.

The husband didn't dare to say a word, and silently wiped the whole table.

After wiping the table, the husband consciously picked up the broom and began to sweep the floor slowly.

Seeing the man sweeping the floor, the young woman reluctantly retracted her gaze and complained:

"Hey, being a woman is really hard."

"Not only to go to work, but also to have children, and to cook and do housework.""

"Really, it's annoying!

The woman said so.

Fans in the live room couldn't help it:

"F*ck, hard f*ck! 35

"Your husband has done all your life, you're such a jerk."

"Silly Cha, you sit and eat grapes while your husband works, but it's you who is in trouble?

"Tsk tsk, your husband did not marry a daughter-in-law, but an ancestor..."

Facing the complaints of fans in the live broadcast room.

The young woman just rolled her eyes, then looked at Lin Xuan and frowned: "Master Lin, my name is Liu Fang, I have something to do with you!


"I know.

"Your son has severe depression and has committed suicide twice.

"Sent to a psychiatric hospital, no matter what the experts and professors ask, the child just doesn't speak, right?"

"You haven't found anything unusual about the child, and you don't know why the child has severe depression, right?"

Lin Xuan asked with a chuckle.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Liu Fang's eyes widened and exclaimed in shock:


"Master Lin, you are really amazing.

"Yes, yes, my son has severe depression. He cut his wrists twice before. If he hadn't discovered it early, he would be gone now. 39

"I don't know what happened to this B child. Why did he get such a broken disease. The doctor asked my son what caused it, but my B child didn't speak."5

"Damn, the damn doctor didn't ask for the result, and he even charged me two thousand yuan.

"What the hell, hack my money and leave it for the doctor to buy a fucking coffin!"

At the beginning, Liu Fang was just shocked.

In the middle, Liu Fang turned into a complaint.

At the end, Liu Fang directly began to resent and curse the doctor.

After cursing, Liu Fang glanced at her husband in disgust and scolded: "Why are you lazy like a pig? The ground is so dirty, how can a broom be useful? Use a mop! 99

His husband didn't speak, and he took the mop and started mopping the floor again.

"I f*ck, is this your slave?

"As a boy, daily fear of marriage +1!

"Did you only +1? I've already +10086!

"Where's the f*ck getting married? It's like a man signed a prostitution contract!"

"f*ck, I seem to know why your son is depressed, and you are so controlled by you, it's hell if you're not depressed...

Fans in the live room.

They are complaining about Liu Fang.

Liu Fang rolled his eyes at the fans in the live broadcast room again, and then looked at Lin Xuan: "Master Lin, do you know why my son is depressed? He hasn't spoken for half a year."

"Know! 35

Lin Xuan replied.

Hearing this, Liu Fang was overjoyed, and scolded her husband who was mopping the floor: "Do you hear me, Master Lin, an outsider, knows why his son is depressed!

"You father, but you don't know why your child is depressed, you are really incompetent! 99

"Tonight, you will sleep on the sofa."

"Think about it!

The man who was mopping the floor, like a log, nodded in agreement: "Okay!

"Okay, okay, you know it's okay, you always have to remind you to know what to do, remember to water the flowers later, when can you let me save some snacks?" Liu Fang first ordered, and then a look of impatience rebuke.

"f*ck, is this a bitch?"

"Wait, is this woman a devil?"

"Why don't you resist, that husband, have you been stunned? If so, just blink your eyes."

"What's the matter, I'm 100% sure that the child's depression must have something to do with women...

Just when the fans are complaining..

Liu Fang turned his attention to Lin Xuan again, complaining reluctantly: "Hey, my husband is really useless, he is always under my command, he is willing to do things, like a waste, If only I had a husband like Master Lin.

"Call your son. 35

Lin Xuan didn't want to talk to this silly woman, so he asked her to call the child.

"Oh, oh, I almost forgot, I'll call now!

While speaking, Liu Fang went to the house and led a thin boy with a gloomy expression from the house.

This boy looked fourteen or fifteen years old. Ordinary boys at fourteen or fifteen were about one meter six in height, but this boy was less than one meter five in height, and his development was obviously a little abnormal.

Moreover, on the wrist of the boy's left hand, there are two clear scars.

At a glance, he knew that the boy had cut his wrists.

"Zheng Kai!

"Guess what, can I know why you're depressed?"

Lin Xuan asked with a chuckle when he saw the boy.

The boy named Zheng Kai lowered his head and did not speak as if he didn't hear him.

Liu Fang angrily reprimanded: "You B boy, Master Lin is talking to you, hurry up and answer."


The depressed boy named Zheng Kai was indifferent.

Seeing this scene, Liu Fang raised his slap in anger and wanted to call.

But halfway through the slap, he seemed to remember something, and said to Lin Xuan: "Master Lin, the doctor said that you can't beat and scold the child at will, otherwise the condition will worsen.

"But without beating or scolding, no matter what I ask, he doesn't speak."

"He hasn't spoken for half a year now. Master, do you think he has been possessed by some evil spirit?"

Lin Xuan ignored Liu Fang, but looked at the depressed boy and chuckled:

"How about this."

"I'll tell you a story. 35

"Speaking of a boy, he was thin, short, and introverted.

"But he was sitting at the same table with a girl, who was fat, tall and ill-tempered. 39

"When I was in school, a tall and strong girl drew a line on three-fifths of the desk and said that if a boy crossed the line, he would hit the boy."

"So, boys are always on two-fifths of their desks, while girls are constantly occupying boys' parts.35

"The boy was not happy, so he reasoned with the girl.

"The girl couldn't say anything to the boy, so she started to fight, and the boy fought back.

"But because of his height and weight, the boy was beaten on the ground by the girl."

"Because my mother said men can't cry, so even if the boy didn't hit the ground, he still didn't cry."

"Girls ride on top of boys and beat and cry."

Lin Xuan said here.

The boy Zheng Kai, who had a gloomy expression before, finally had a 2.6 wave in his frozen expression.

Lin Xuan knew that these words were useful, but they were not enough to break the shackles in the boy's heart, so he continued:

"When the girl finished beating the boy, she lay on the table and cried."

"In the afternoon class, the teacher saw the girl crying and asked what was going on."

"The classmates said that the boy and the girl were fighting, but the teacher was very angry, saying that the boy bullied the girl and beat the boy again.

"After the fight, the teacher called the parents again and asked them to come to the school, telling them that the boy bullied the female tablemate and beat the female tablemate to tears."

"So, after returning home, the boy's mother beat the boy again.

Speaking of here.

Lin Xuan gave Liu Fang a special look.

Liu Fang's eyes widened at this time, as if thinking of something.

Lin Xuan's voice only paused for a moment, then resumed: "The boy was beaten three times in one day."

"When I went to school the next day, the male classmates laughed at the boy, saying that the boy, as a boy, couldn't beat the girl?

"The female classmates also laughed at the boy, saying that a handsome boy actually fought with a girl, and he lost the fight?"

"Boys explain to others and get ridiculed."

"So, the boy became more and more silent.

"Long silence makes the boy depressed."

"The sun shines on everyone and makes everyone feel bright."

"But the sun shines on the boy, but the boy can only feel a deep coldness. 99

"In the end, the boy felt unworthy of the world and committed two suicides. 55

"So, is this boy you?"

At the end, Lin Xuan looked at the gloomy boy Zheng Kai.


The gloomy boy Zheng Kai replied.

Before that, Zheng Kai had already burst into tears.

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