234: These are the sins of your elders

at the same time

The middle-aged woman also pricked her ears and listened carefully, because she also wanted to know the reason for this phenomenon.

However, Lin Xuan sighed: "The current relationship between men and women, the reason why it has become like this is because of you.

Middle-aged man: "???"

Middle-aged woman: "???"

What's the meaning?

what's the situation?

How could it be their fault?

Before the two could ask another question, Lin Xuan had already begun to explain:

"The birth rate of boys and girls is basically 55 to 5. 35

"But in fact, men have short lifespans and are often engaged in dangerous jobs, and many people do not live to adulthood.

"Theoretically speaking, the number of women should exceed that of men.

"But what about reality?"

Having said this, Lin Xuan paused for a moment, and a recently-seen video suddenly appeared in his mind.

A woman in the video asks the doctor:

"Doctor, is my child a boy or a girl? A mother of 33 children.

The doctor replied: "Can't ask, can't say.

"Doctor, I just want to ask, is the child's gender like me, or like his dad?" the mother asked 697.

"Didn't you know when you were born?"

"Doctor, I want a daughter, what are the chances that my dream will come true?


"Do children have masculinity or feminine beauty?

"Rigid and soft!"

"It's said that my daughter is my father's sweet little padded jacket. What should I wear when it's cold?"

"Wear a down jacket.

"How to write the invitation card for the child's full moon wine? Are you happy with a daughter or a precious son?"

"Happy Daddy..."

Although this is a joke, it at least reflects the high professional quality of doctors. In order to prevent some unexpected situations, parents will not be told the gender of their children.


This was not the case before.

Especially in the 1990s, the B-ultrasound has been invented, and it is easy to identify the gender of a child.

Because they are pregnant with a girl, there are not a few people who directly abort.

It is precisely because of this that the ratio of males to females that should have been 100:100 became 100 females to 108 males!

After a little recollection, Lin Xuan spoke again: "Yi Xiaoxun, is it your third child?"


"Master, do you even know...even this?"

(bicg) The middle-aged woman was shocked all of a sudden, took a deep breath, and couldn't help exclaiming.

After exclaiming, the middle-aged woman continued: "Yes, my first child was a daughter, I discussed it with my husband and aborted the child. 99

"As a result, the second child is another girl."

"One: it's because of reluctance."

"Second: it is a fortune teller who says that a girl is an introduction. As long as she is born, the third child will be able to give birth to a boy."

"So, we gave birth to our daughter.

After listening to the middle-aged woman's explanation, Lin Xuan said slowly: "So, do you now know how you did wrong?

"How...how did you do something wrong?

Until now, the couple still haven't reacted.

Lin Xuan is really speechless, he doesn't even know if the two are really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

After checking that the two of them were really stupid, Lin Xuan explained lightly: "Things are rare and precious, and people are also precious!

"There are now more men than women."

"As long as men want to get married, they have to become better to attract women."


Before Lin Xuan could finish speaking, the middle-aged man suddenly interrupted: "Master Lin, wait a moment.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xuan asked?

The middle-aged man said in a depressed tone: "My son said before that the ratio of men to women in Xia is 108/100. 35

"Men are indeed more than women, but not by much.

"108 people, only 8 more people.""

"Not even a tenth!"

Then, the middle-aged woman said again:

"Yeah yeah.

"And my husband is five years older than me.

"Men get married later, women get married earlier.

"Older men can marry younger women, and in this way, the disparity between men and women is not huge.

"But, why is it like this now?"

Hear the word!

Lin Xuan chuckled.

He really did not expect that the two farmers who cultivated the land could even realize this kind of problem.

After sighing inwardly, Lin Xuan explained slowly:

"The reason for this is the way many parents are educated."

"Only Xia Guo's parents in the world would say when educating their children:

"The poor raise children and the rich raise daughters."

"Let the girls."

"Protect girls."

"Good men don't fight women. 35

"If anyone cares about women, let alone women look down on them, even men look down on them.

"If you see a woman beating a man on the street, people won't say anything.

"But if you meet a man beating a woman, there must be a lot of people shooting..."

After some explanation.

Lin Xuan explained the two paragraphs and made a final summary:

"Parents like you, because of some special experiences, have extreme preference for sons over females to have female abortions, resulting in a situation where there are more males than females."9

"Most parents, on the other hand, teach boys to let girls go, to protect girls, and good boys don't fight girls..."

"With the advent of the industrial information age, women can also study and work."

"Therefore, there are fewer girls themselves, and most men make this girl more arrogant."

"I was already very arrogant, and as a result, I studied, worked and received wages, and added the hype that there are more men than women. 99

"Isn't it normal to end up with such a result?

A word fell.

The middle-aged couple were dumbfounded.

If you think about it, it's really so.

For generations, women have lived under the shoulders of men, but with the advent of the industrial and information age, women can also work, and men's shoulders are not so important.

At this time, women want more, and they happen to have more men than women. The best thing is that the traditional education left behind is that men should let women.

So, now this situation is simply normal.

Just when the middle-aged couple was horrified, Lin Xuan added: "What is the most important thing in Xia Guo, filial piety!

"Girls are so difficult to deal with now, and most men don't want to fall in love and get married at all if not urged by their parents.

"It is because you are urging marriage, it is because you parents buy a car and a house for your son in order to get your son married. 99

"So, in the end, the result is that men are extremely introverted and women are extremely indulgent. 99

Hear the word!

The faces of the middle-aged couple were ashen.

Hear what Lin Xuan said, and think about what they did.

In order to get their son to marry, they did not hesitate to suck their daughter's blood and use the family's savings to buy a house for their son.


Isn't it the inner volume?

At this moment, the young boss who had been tricked by the milk tea sister Ge Na walked up to him and looked at the middle-aged couple:

"This is our company, what are you doing here, what's the matter?"

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