360: The first test all day long, the waste one

Xue Xiaojin, a nerd, doesn't know how to scold people at all, so he can only keep scolding:


"Scum! 35


Xue Jin smiled: "Son, you can't do it, you can't even scold people.

"Today, Dad taught you how to be a human being, lest you go out of society and do what - no. 35

"No matter how well you study like this, you won't be able to make a lot of money. You see, your father and I, who have never been to college, can earn more than 50,000 yuan a month. 35

Xue Xiaojin blew his nose and stared: "Who wants you to teach."

Xue Jin: "You can't do it if you don't teach it. You make less money, and you will send me less money in the future. How can I enjoy life."

Xue Xiaojin: "Ah!""

He was screaming in anger.

"Brother! 99

Xue Xiaoyin was afraid that something would happen to him.

Xue Jin said coldly:

"Who is angry."

"What a piece of trash.

"The first place in the test all day long, but I can't do anything except study.

"It's far from my illegitimate child."

Cai Li stared: "Okay, you really have an illegitimate child outside."

Xue Jin:

"Men, if you've been with a woman for a long time, you must have children, it's a big fuss.

Cai Li cried.

In the live broadcast room, netizens scolded again:

"Dog man!

"It's okay to raise a mistress outside, and have an illegitimate child.

"I'm optimistic that the money is given to illegitimate children."

"That's how men are, there's nothing good about it."

"Don't scold, that's Xue Jin, he doesn't represent all men. 39

"I'm going to scold, men don't have a good thing."

"Girl, don't be extreme, you have been with me for a few years, and you know that there are still good men in the world.


"What about that fox just now!

"Grass! Xue Jin is guilty, and that is also the vixen. She cannot be spared."

"Bitch, destroy other people's families, get out."

"Cai Li is such a good woman, she was all harmed by you.

Xue Jin's lover: "It's none of my business, and it's not that I want to have children."


"Go away! 35

"I dare not admit it, it's not.

"The belly is yours, if you don't want to give birth, how can he force you?"

Lin Xuan came forward:

"Everyone calm down and let Xue Jin's lover say a few words before scolding.

Xue Jin's lover had a chance to explain at this time:

"I just want to be his lover and take money from him every month.

"Who would have thought that he would make me pregnant with a child."

"After letting me get pregnant with a child, don't let me get rid of it.

"Finally born."

Netizens don't believe it at all:


"Okay, he deliberately made a hole in that TT to make you pregnant, and this may happen.

"Then after you are pregnant, if you go to the hospital to fight, can he still not let you go?

Xue Jin's lover:

"He said that if I aborted the child, it would be harmful to my body, and I would not be able to conceive in the future.

"And said I was born to give me a million. 35

"If I get knocked out, he'll expose my affairs to my parents.

"For money and face, I had to give birth. 99

All netizens:

"You vixen, when you are someone else's mistress, do you still want your face? 99

"You should be exposed, you have not dared to admit what you have done.

"If I were your parents, I would definitely kill you. 99

"Expulsion, I don't have a daughter like you. 35

"It's not about the money after all."

"What a ruthless woman, for a million, give birth to a child."

"After you get one million, your child should be gone, poor child, it's just a tool for others to make money."5

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Xue Jin's lover:

"No, I'm good with my kids."

"Xue Jin is also very good to my children.

All netizens:

"Then it shouldn't be."

"This wild child stole Xue Jin's love for the children of his native family!

Lin Xuan:

"Not only is it nice to the illegitimate child, but also very doting.

"As a result, Xue Jin's illegitimate son, who plays outside every day, is a prodigal son. 99

All netizens:

"Deserved! 39

"Think that child is innocent too. 55

"Nothing innocent!


"It should be Xue Jin's fault."

"Expose that kid."

They said, Xue Jin's family, the situation suddenly changed.

Xue Xiaojin was hit too hard a day later.

The whole person's spirit is really collapsed.

"Xue Jin! I'm going to kill!"

With red eyes, he rushed into the kitchen.

When Xue Jin and others were wondering.

Xue Xiaojin had already run back with a kitchen knife.

"Xue Jin! Die!"

"Little Jin! Hurry up and hurt your hand!"'"

"Brother! Don't be impulsive! 99

"Son, I'm your dad, you can't kill me!

At Xue Jin's house, Xue Xiaojin chased Xue Jinchopping with a kitchen knife, and Xue Xiaoyin and Cai Li persuaded him not to get too close.

Netizens were shocked:

"Nerds are being rushed."

"Quick! Where's the Internet police! Come and save people.

"It was too late, when the police arrived, everyone died.

"Master Lin, hurry up.

"Pfft, unless Master Lin can teleport."

"Alas! Xue Xiaoyin is unreliable, Master Lin reminded him before."

At this time, netizens are desperate.

They were not afraid that Xue Jin would be hacked to death, because a hundred times of death for a scum like Xue Jin is not enough.

They were afraid that Xue Xiaojin would ruin a scholar with a great future because of hacking people.

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