Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

377: Do evil again, your wife will not have children

377: Do evil again, your wife will not have children

Lin Xuan whispered:

"Fang Qing's temperament itself is like this, and she doesn't like fighting. 35

"And you're also nice to her, and she doesn't want to quarrel with you over this.

Zhao Ao sighed, and after a moment of loss, he quickly returned to normal:

"Master Lin, thank you for telling me the truth."

"But for this reason, I will not give up the pursuit of the opponent's boss.

Fang Mingli's face changed greatly, he held the sofa with both hands nervously, and leaned his body closer to Lin Xuan.

The situation is tense again.

Lin Xuan laughed:

"For a hero like Boss Zhao, it is impossible to give up the big profits in front of him because of the small favors in the past. 99

"But the 18 reasons I mentioned earlier are only one of the reasons why Fang Qing had a miscarriage.

"The second, the third?" Zhao Ao's brows twitched, feeling bad.

"Of course." Lin Xuan said lightly.

"You often do petty actions to other people's factories, such as dumping garbage and splashing dirty water, which are actually considered petty evils."9

"If you only do it occasionally, it's actually not a lot of things."

"However, if you do more of a small evil, it will naturally accumulate into a great evil. 35

"For example, when I was broadcasting live before, there was a person who often did small evils and was finally buried in the lake by a shared bicycle.

Fang Mingli almost laughed when he heard this.

He watched the live broadcast.

After doing a lot of small evils, even shared bicycles can kill people invisibly, which is terrifying to think about.

Fortunately, he never does bad things, and is worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth.

The old man opened his mouth slightly:

"Master Lin, I am also a master of physiognomy, and I know the retribution you are talking about.

"However, retribution is not unsolvable.

"When we do evil, we also do good at the same time, which is equivalent to resolving the retribution.

Zhao Ao nodded:

"Many of the world's top rich now, when they made money in their early years, the first pot of gold was gray."

"So after they make money, they often do good deeds to resolve their previous sins. 35

"We also occasionally do charity, build Hope Primary Schools for children in impoverished mountainous areas, and donate money to disabled people, and we are usually generous to our employees and have never been oppressed.

"So, is our good deeds not enough to counteract evil deeds?"

"Then we will do better in the future.

Lin Xuan was speechless when he saw that Hei Lao also agreed with Zhao Ao's idea.

The brain circuits of these two people are different from those of ordinary people.

Normal people know this and stop doing evil.

Lin Xuan helped his forehead helplessly and said:

"Good is good, evil is evil. Doing is doing. Even if it is offset, it is still done, and it will have an impact in the end.

Zhao Ao didn't care:

"To be human is to pursue a career. For success, this small price is worth it."

Lin Xuan reminds:

"Don't blame me for not saying, if you continue like this, your wife will never have a child, and she will have a miscarriage no matter how many times she is pregnant.

"Women's bodies can't bear a few miscarriages."

"If you take care of Boss Fang, this will be the second time.

"Fang Qing's body will be destroyed three times. After two times, the child born has a problem with IQ."

"What did you say!" Zhao Ao slapped the table, like a tiger about to explode.

Hei Lao bowed his head, his hands were marked with the seal, and he wanted to calculate the future.

"With your skill, you can't count." Lin Xuan raised his left hand and pointed to the old black man's left hand which was printing.

A mana that was so thick that it was visible to the naked eye shot towards Hei Lao.

"Be careful!" Zhao Ao shouted lowly.

Hei Lao was hit suddenly, and just as he was about to shout, he felt an unbelievably powerful mana pouring into his body, which made him speed up the speed of making the spell by three points.

"So strong! 33

When he was shocked in his heart, he only felt that the future, which could not be calculated before, suddenly became clear.

"Black old man?"

Zhao Ao said in a low voice when Old Hei was speechless for a long time.

The black brawny men around were gearing up for each other, as soon as something happened to the old black man, they would rush up and tear Lin Xuan and Fang Mingli to pieces.

"I'm fine.

Old Hei shook his head slightly, staring at Zhao 120 Ao with a look he wanted to say but didn't dare to say.

"Is something on my face?"

"No, I saw your future in a few years."

"Oh? What kind of future is that?"

Zhao Ao was surprised, Old Hei could only see his future in a few days before, but this time he could be so far away.

"In the future, you will kill Fang Mingli, annex his electronics factory, and then swept across the province. The company will go public in the United States and become the richest man in the province with a net worth of hundreds of billions.35

"And the business will become bigger and bigger, and it will be able to compete with Fukang and become a man of the world today.35

Hei Lao slowly told the result of fortune-telling, but there was no smile on his face.

However, Zhao Ao had lost his mind due to the great success and did not pay attention to Old Hei's expression.

"it is good!"

"Becoming a man of the world is the pursuit of my generation.

"I swear that as long as I become a rich man, I will donate half of all my property to the poor!"

"Boss Fang, have you heard that your factory will have a better future under my hands, so you should sell it to me.

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