604: Mother who prefers women to men

The next day, when Lin Xuan started broadcasting, Shen Yuantu rewarded 10 rockets.

Shen Yuantu sent a barrage:

"Master Lin, thank you, I asked my brother to go home and smash my dad's induction cooker, which contained a very thin coil.

"And that coat, I don't even know what kind of plastic it is made of, and I smash it to pieces with my hands. This is also called high technology?"

"My dad was so angry that he uninstalled Douyin and swore that he would never watch Douyin again and never shop online again. 99

Lin Xuan smiled: "As long as your dad is safe.

Netizens also comforted:

"It's a trivial matter when money is gone, and it's good for people to pay for it."

"Buy a lesson, isn't it bad for domestic products? What imported products are bought, they are basically fakes."

"That's right, the liar is taking advantage of people's love to buy imported goods and turning junk goods into imported goods for sale."

"Master Lin saved another life.


"I showed my mother the last live video, and she likes to buy some very cheap things. Last time, a socket cost 5 yuan, and it took two days to cause sparks. It was too dangerous.


When netizens talked about their parents, Lin Xuan pointed out that among the people watching the live broadcast, one's mother would have an accident.

Lin Xuan sends a video link invitation to that person.

A middle-aged man in tooling is on the air.

The man is wearing a protective hat and behind is the construction site.

Lin Xuan said lightly, "Shen Ruida, hello."

"You are 40 years old today. You are a foreman on the construction site. You also have a sister."5

"I was right.

Shen Ruida was in shock. He didn't watch Lin Xuan's live broadcast much, and was surprised by Lin Xuan's magic.

Lin Xuan continued:

"I think you want me to help you calculate your career, because you are not willing to be an ordinary person, you want to be (bich) a millionaire. 39

Shen Ruida was convinced: "Master Lin, you are all right. Can you help me do the math?

Lin Xuan instead said: "Don't worry, I have a more important thing to tell you than this."

"you say."

"Your mother was just diagnosed with terminal cancer in the hospital alone. You can still say a few words when you go back to see her. If you go back late, I'm afraid you won't be able to see anyone. 35

Shen Ruida was stunned when he heard the words, but soon recovered his calm.

He said blankly: "Oh. 99

Many netizens questioned the bullet screen:

"What's your reaction?

"I don't ask you to cry, why do I think you are a stranger to your mother?"

Shen Ruida said bitterly: "She and I are strangers in the first place. If she dies, she will die. I have long thought that she will die. Anyway, her life has nothing to do with me. It is even more impossible for me to go back to see her after she dies. my sister look.

If the live broadcast room is bombed by planes:


"How much hate, your mother abandoned you, you have to say such things.

"Crap! Don't let me know that your mother treats you well, or I will teach you a lesson for your mother, this unfilial son."9

"Even if you hate your own mother, you still want to make a fortune?

"Even if this kind of person makes a fortune, he will die if he gets a black heart.

"Even if you have misfortunes in your childhood, can you still be seen by a 40-year-old?"

"If you have something to talk about, you are middle-aged, why should you be sullen like a child. 39

"Don't talk too politely to him, if I were your father, I shouldn't have given birth to your curse.

Shen Ruida saw the netizens scolding him, and the anger accumulated for many years broke out in an instant:

"Don't persuade others to be kind without suffering others! 35

"Do you know me? Do you know what happened in my childhood?""

"You don't know anything, you don't know anything!"

"Your heart is full of flesh, and my heart is made of iron?"

Lin Xuan motioned him not to get excited.

Shen Ruida was even more angry:

"Can I not hate it?"

"My father died early, my sister was one year older than me, and my mother raised me and my sister since childhood."

"I was born in a rural area, and other people's families are more patriarchal. I don't ask my mother to be like other people's families. I won't have any complaints if she can be equal between men and women."

'But she values ​​women over men, and is particularly partial to my sister. ""

"Even if my sister did something wrong, my mother never said it. Even if I did nothing wrong, my mother would always scold me."

"One of them impressed me the most. She held a stick with a thick arm and beat me all night. No matter how much I cried or begged for mercy, it was useless. She didn't stop until the stick broke."

"That night, I was beaten so badly that I couldn't walk in bed for half a month. 99

Shen Ruida breathed fire: "The day after I was beaten, I had a high fever of 40 degrees, and she didn't send me to see a doctor.

"If it wasn't for my sister dragging me to see the village doctor, I wouldn't be alive today."

"Every time my mother scolds me and deducts my food, my sister comforts me and distributes it to me.

"So I hate my mother but not my sister."

When the netizens heard his words, they were so shocked that they couldn't say any more curse words:

"This...what did you do wrong in the first place.

"There are still women who are more important than men in the countryside, see you soon.

"This mother is too weird, is it because she was abused by sons and daughters when she was young, so she has to turn around when she grows up.

"You first talk about what you did, and let us analyze it."

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