Live Fortune Telling: No One Knows Fortune Telling Better Than Me

616: No m1y for medical treatment and m1y for marriage

616: No money for medical treatment and money for marriage

Lin Xuan listened and smiled lightly:

"You can't choose, but you don't have to.

Ji Chuqing raised her eyebrows:

"Master Lin, what do you mean by that? Could it be that he forced me because I was seriously ill and couldn't resist?"

Lin Xuan laughed

"You married him after you died."

Ji Chuqing:??????

Her brain is about to explode, how can she get married even if she is dead?

Did she become a ghost and was forced by other ghosts?

This is contrary to the science education she received as a child.

Lin Xuan still didn't understand her, and truthfully said:

"After you die, your parents will sell you to someone else for a "103" ghost marriage.

Ji Chuqing's eyes widened, Lin Xuan's words exceeded her imagination.

"My parents usually treat me, although they are not as good to my brother, how could they sell me to someone else for a ghost marriage, and my family is not a rural family.

She was pale, unable to accept Lin Xuan's message.

The audience in the live room was equally shocked:

"It makes sense to be sold to marry after death. 35

"Damn it, if my daughter is dead and sold to someone else for a ghost marriage, is this using her daughter as a tool to make money?

"People like that don't deserve to be parents."

"Having a younger brother, is it because he sold his dead daughter to collect a dowry gift for his younger brother?"


Lin Xuan sighed: "There are already fans who guessed that Ji Chuqing's parents had this idea."

Ji Chuqing retorted loudly: "It won't be like this!"

"If they're for the money, then why have they been so nice to me since I was a kid."

"Then why did they send me to the hospital immediately when I got sick, and they didn't treat me because I had a terminal illness, not if I could be cured and didn't want to treat me.

Lin Xuan laughed, he considered whether to tell the truth or not, and finally decided to tell it:

"Think about it, your parents have really treated you well since you were a child?"

Ji Chuqing wanted to refute again and thought about it patiently, but it didn't seem as good as she thought.

What I got from my little brother was a little more than her.

When she was in school, she had to study by herself when her grades were not good, and her younger brother was sent to remedial classes when her grades were not good.

But to say it was bad for her, forcing her, etc., she couldn't imagine it.

So she said:

"They treat my brother a little better, I know that.

"From this point of view, I don't think it makes any sense to say that they are going to sell me for money."35

Lin Xuan saw that she didn't believe it, so she said:

"Do you know what disease you have?"

Ji Chuqing: "terminally ill."

"I'm asking about your specific illness. 35

Ji Chuqing wondered: "I don't know, is it important? It is probably some kind of cancer. They are afraid that I will be sad and don't want me to know."5

Lin Xuan is half-smiling:

"The result I calculated is that your disease can be cured, but it will cost hundreds of thousands."

Ji Chuqing heard Lin Xuan say this, her eyes were slightly red, and she deceived herself: "Maybe a hundred thousand is a lot for my family, and it is normal to die.

Lin Xuan added: "Do you remember your brother was hospitalized last year?"

Ji Chuqing was startled.

Lin Xuan hits hard: "It cost more than 300,000 yuan to cure your brother's illness."

"It's not that I don't have money to treat you, but that after treating you, I don't have the money to buy a house and a betrothal gift for your brother, plus someone else is seriously ill to buy your ashes for a marriage, so they are short." "

Ji Chuqing Petrochemical, is this the truth?

The live room exploded again:

"Don't lie to yourself, Master Lin won't make a mistake."

"Alas, it is miserable for a girl to be born in a family that favors sons over daughters.

"In order to marry your brother, I can only give up on you.

"You are unlucky to be born in such a family."

"You can't give up on yourself, you have to fight them to the end."


Ji Chuqing shed tears unwillingly: "I don't believe it, I have to call and ask them!

The call is connected.

It was Ji Chuqing's mother who answered the phone.

Ji Chuqing: "Mom, are you planning to sell me? 35

Ji Chuqing's mother: "Silly daughter, what are you talking about?"

Ji Chuqing: "No need to pretend! I know everything! You don't plan to treat me, you want to wait for me to die and sell me to someone else for a ghost marriage, right?"5

Ji Chuqing's mother: "There is no such thing, we all love you, and your illness can be cured without money.

Ji Chuqing: "I have already asked the doctor, and it can be cured with as little as a hundred thousand."

There was a long silence on the phone, and then came Ji Chuqing's mother's scolding voice:

"That dog doctor, you agreed not to tell you the information!"

Ji Chuqing almost fainted when she heard the words, but it turned out to be true.

When Ji Chuqing's mother saw that the matter was exposed, she had to play the emotional card: "Chuqing, it's not that your mother doesn't save you, it's that the family can't make money.

2.8 Ji Chuqing cried: "I can't get it because I want to marry my brother, right?"

Ji Chuqing's mother said softly: "You are your brother's sister, can you bear to watch your brother fail to marry a wife?"5

Ji Chuqing scolded: "Of course I can't bear it, but this is a matter of choosing one of the two?"

"I'll graduate from college and work in a few years. At that time, won't I be able to earn more money, so you will be stingy with the small profits in front of you?"

Ji Chuqing's mother said:

"Chuqing, my mother can't help it either. After you graduate to earn money back, many years later, the income from part-time work is low, and you are a girl, so you can't save any money at all.

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