Ye Yi couldn't help but smash his mouth, what kind of immortal delicacy is this, this crab yellow is also too delicious, right?

That's right, if you don't taste it yourself, you won't know what it's like.

It is different from other crabs, does not have the slightest fishy smell, and although it is eaten raw, it seems to have been treated in some special way.

Like soft fine sand, crab yellow spreads out in the mouth, and as soon as it comes into contact with the tip of the tongue, it instantly melts and enters every cell in the body.

And with this crab vinegar, it can also be said to be a perfect match.

Ye Yi tasted a few bites lightly, feeling that he would never eat enough.

And he feels that this whole plate of sashimi, the protagonist should be this small bowl of crab vinegar, but if you think about it, this statement is not appropriate, it should be said that everything is the protagonist, and there is no supporting role at all.

If there is no such a high-quality five-star pine leaf crab, what can just a bowl of crab vinegar count, it is just a seasoning.

But if this sashimi dish loses this bowl of ingenious crab vinegar, then it is equivalent to losing its soul, although the taste is not bad, but it will always feel that something is missing~something.

Looking at Nanako Yuki on the side, she was trying very hard to pull the meat on the crab with a tool.

The meat of the crab body is not as easy to get out as the meat of the crab leg, and the meat of the crab body is a little woodier, and there is very little meat.

All in all, Ye Yi didn't like to eat the meat on the crab body anyway, but Nanako seemed to like it.

Although she worked hard for a long time to get a little bit, she was happy to do it, and a little sweat bead oozed from her tired forehead.

Ye Yi smiled and said, "Let me help you, right?" "

Immediately, he picked up the tools on his plate and took the initiative to help Nanako and pick up the meat on the crab.

Ye Yi's movements were very focused and extremely gentle, for fear of accidentally destroying the fibers and textures inside the crab flesh.

If this meat is crushed, it will inevitably be unaesthetic and seriously affect the taste, so the meat that Ye Yi picks out is a trace, looks white and tender, and is rich in protein.

Eating the crab meat that Ye Yi picked out, Nanako felt sweet in her heart, she always loved red face, and without exception, two red clouds flew up again...

And this scene was inadvertently captured by a table of guests not far away, who suddenly pointed at Ye Yi's side with great interest, whispering something in Fusang.

As he spoke, the light in the eyes of the two men and women became brighter and brighter, and bursts of laughter broke out from time to time.

Their laughter was very abrupt in the entire restaurant, and Ye Yi looked over with some curiosity, just opposite the Fuso woman's eyes.

The woman nodded at Ye Yi and threw a friendly smile, Ye Yi returned a smile, and then continued to pick out the meat on the crab for Nanako.

At this time, among the guests at the table, the Fuso woman said with emotion: "Look at that handsome man, he is so considerate to his girlfriend, and the most rare thing is that his image and temperament are so good, it makes me feel a little moved!" "

The man across from him couldn't help but laugh and quip, "Miss Sakurai, if you don't recommend inviting him to dinner, I think you'll be able to get his phone number, won't you?" "

Miss Sakurai burst out laughing, like a brilliant cherry blossom in bloom, and the beauty was no less beautiful than the cherry blossoms.

"Forget it, but I have an idea that maybe it can become a reality, or not."

"Oh, Miss Sakurai has any whimsical ideas, might as well say it..."

Soon after, the top five-star pine leaf crab dish in front of Ye Yi and Yuki Nanako had been dried up, leaving only an empty plate and a pile of crab shells.

A small bowl of crab vinegar has also bottomed out, Ye Yi said that this crab vinegar is really delicious, he dips a lot every time, a small bowl is simply not enough to eat.

At this time, Shiye Village appeared in time, and it was the second pine leaf crab dish he was holding in his hand.

I saw him holding a square plate made of metal in his hand, with three small bowls on it, each bowl was inverted with a metal cover.

Shi Yecun patiently uncovered all the bowls, carefully put them down gently, and then began to introduce:

"For the second pine leaf crab, I chose three methods, one is to use the salt bureau, which uses the most ecological seven-star white sand salt in Sapporo City, produced under the frozen soil of the snowy mountains."

Obviously, this Sapporo City's seven-star white sand salt name is very large, and Nanako couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Shi Yecun continued to introduce: "In this second course, I chose to fry the crab body with vinegar, and used the strongest and authentic crab vinegar to fry the appearance of this pine leaf crab, which is guaranteed to make the two of you never forget." "

"And the third course is my personal favorite way to eat, eight treasure crab pork rice."

This eight-treasure crab meat rice made Ye Yi really a little unexpected, just like eight-treasure porridge, but it added delicious and sweet crab meat, and the specific taste will be tasted to know.

Ye Yi warmly invited Mr. Shi Yecun to enjoy these three dishes with him, but Shi Yecun politely refused.

In his words, he has been making the top crab dishes for a lifetime, and his principle is never to share with his guests.

Ye Yi could only choose to respect this respected Fuso top chef, and then tasted it with Nanako Yusei.

These three dishes were indeed top-notch delicious, and Ye Yi was not disappointed at all.

In particular, the eight-treasure crab porridge was the best among the delicious, making his mouth feel like a baptism.

At this moment, two men and a woman at the table next to them walked towards them.

The Fuso woman named Sakurai stretched out her hand and signaled to Ye Xuan: "Hello, this handsome gentleman!" Introduce myself, my name is Hanamizu Sakurai, and I am the deputy minister of the Ishikari Culture and Tourism Department. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The other two men also introduced themselves, Ye Yi was a little strange, he didn't expect that the officials of the local government of Ishikari were so low-key?

I will also come here to eat after work, just like a dinner with friends.

And then Miss Sakurai even said her purpose, so Ye Yi didn't expect it.

It turned out that after a period of discussion, the three of them all felt that Ye Yi's image and temperament were really unique to them.

And Ye Yi's careful and gentle help to form Nanako and eliminate crab meat reflects his caring heart for his girlfriend.

In addition, Ye Yi tasted the top five-star pine leaf crab in Ishikari Bay, so the vice minister of culture and tourism decided to make Ye Yi their tourism ambassador.

And as one of the rewards, this Miss Sakurai can replace Ye Yi and reimburse two top five-star pine leaf crabs... Every....

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