"Can you tell me your true identity now? Mr. Wang Ting?"

Cassandra said bluntly.

Wang Ting looked puzzled and spread his hands:

"What do you mean? I am Wang Ting, what is your real identity?"

Cassandra chuckled.

"This is boring. The power you showed before is something I have never seen before. And the cost of improving the physical value setting is getting higher and higher, almost geometrically increasing."

"If an ordinary person wants to improve his physical ability to the level of a professional athlete, it will cost nearly a million dollars. To become a top athlete, it will cost tens of millions. To go one step further and become a human record holder, it will cost hundreds of millions!"

"If you want to surpass the limits of Superman, you need a much larger amount. So in theory, to increase your power to the level you have shown, you must first be one of the world's top billionaires. So your name must always appear in economic reports."

"However, there is no one named Wang Ting here, which means your name is fake! And you swore to me that your name was Wang Ting? It's not good to lie......."

Wang Ting was speechless. This little girl analyzed so many things. Did she work in mystery movies before? Are you Xiaolan?

Wang Ting shook his head helplessly:

"You've worked so hard to fill in so many things....I'll say it one last time. I am Wang Ting, absolutely genuine. But you have been using the name in the system. Who knows who you really are?"

Wang Ting just said it casually, just joking.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Cassandra looked at him with a strange expression, as if she had made some decision. She faced Wang Ting seriously, and her face suddenly blurred for a moment, revealing her true appearance briefly.

Suddenly, a face that was equally beautiful as an angel and captivating appeared in front of Wang Ting, only for a few seconds.

But these few seconds made Wang Ting slightly stunned.、

"you.....Is it Jessica?"

Yes, Wang Ting recognized Cassandra's true identity. This face is so recognizable!

To be precise, there are probably few people in this world who don't know this face, because she is the current popular first-line actress in the world, the world-renowned goddess Jessica Alba!

It was only nearly ten years ago that this system suddenly appeared and made people shift all their attention to the system.

The entertainment industry in the real world has gradually entered a cold winter, and those celebrities in the real world have also moved to the system and become popular players or popular anchors.

Of course, some superstars have disappeared from then on. Obviously

, Jessica in front of Wang Ting is one of them. This actress who was once rated as the most coveted goddess by men all over the world has completely disappeared from the real entertainment circle. It is said that it caused countless regrets at the time.

Before Jessica retired, she gave fans She left a letter.

The content was roughly that she had long been tired of the dirty and hypocritical entertainment industry, and she wanted to be an ordinary person, enjoying life freely.

She hoped to experience life again in the system world as an ordinary person. In these movie worlds, she was no longer a hypocritical actor, but could truly experience everyone's joys and sorrows.

She was no longer a role, but a real person who was integrated into the movie world.

After Wang Ting just crossed over to this world, in order to integrate into this world as soon as possible, he had collected all the major events that had occurred in this world in the past 20 years.

Because he himself was 20 years old, in order to integrate into this identity without any trace, he must have a clear understanding of the history of the past 20 years.

And this magical system began to appear 12 years ago.

Cassandra shook her head:

"The Jessica you are talking about is my mother. Everyone says that I look exactly like her, so I reshaped my face."

Wang Ting was a little surprised:

"Are you her daughter? No wonder, you do look very young, and your mother must be much braver than you. But then again, your mother was really a goddess of the whole nation back then, and you must have inherited her beauty."

Cassandra raised her head happily:

"Don’t brag about my looks, I’m tired of hearing that~"

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"I'm just telling the truth. After all, apart from your looks, I really don't know what to praise you for."

Cassandra glared at Wang Ting.

"If you really want to tell the truth, let me see your true face!"

Wang Ting sighed and shook his head.

"Sorry......In order to repay your honesty, I really hope that I can show you my true identity, but I am really Wang Ting, and my appearance has not been modified in any way. I am not lying to you."

Cassandra was about to get angry, but suddenly felt that Wang Ting's tone did not seem to be a lie, so she said with a straight face:

"I believe in your attitude, but you need to convince me with a reasonable reason. How did you raise your strength to this level?"

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"The magic of this system may be beyond your imagination. Nothing is impossible."

Wang Ting's answer was vague and ambiguous, but Cassandra nodded seriously and said:

"In fact, I had contact with the administrators of this system before, and I did find some magical things about this system. For example, who created this system? Why is everything so realistic? How do those parallel worlds connect to this system? There are really too many magical things."

Wang Ting immediately became interested and asked:

"Oh? Have you ever contacted the design team of this system?"

Cassandra shook her head:

"As far as I know, the designer of this system is a mystery, and all the backend personnel are just authorized managers and operators. It is as if this system is designed by the Creator, God, and it does not require energy or signals and can operate on its own.......Self-upgrade."

Wang Ting's eyes flashed with disbelief, but he smiled:

"Ms. Cassandra, in that case, just think of my ability as an automatic upgrade of the system. I am a special existence. As for the rest, I have nothing to say~"

Cassandra glared at him

"You are such a mysterious guy. I really doubt whether you are an insider of the system."

Wang Ting continued:

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