As a comics fan, Wang Ting has always been one of his favorite characters. As a boy, no one does not yearn for a perfect character like Superman, who is impeccable in terms of figure, appearance, ability, and world outlook.

But such a perfect person is destined not to exist in reality. After all, Superman's greatness comes not only from his ability, but also from his character that combines humanity and divinity.

And Wang Ting is not a great saint. He just wants to use Superman's ability to have fun!

As a Superman fan, Wang Ting knows that Superman's ability fluctuates greatly.

In each version, Superman's ability is also different.

For example, the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Black Iron Age, and so on.

Specifically for individuals, there are Supreme Little Superman, Golden Superman, Silver Superman, Justice League Superman, Man of Steel Superman, Black Iron Superman and other versions.

Powerful versions such as Golden Superman can almost represent the will of the universe, second only to the existence of the Creator, and can almost say what he wants and change the reality of cause and effect. There is also the Silver Age Superman, who can blow out stars in one breath, faster than the speed of light, and can reverse time and space at any time.

The strongest Superman Supreme can break the multiverse wall with one punch, break the void with one force, and destroy the universe with one hand. The weakest first-generation Superman is just an enhanced version of human, but with greater strength and harder skin. He can neither fly nor have supernatural skills such as heat vision and freezing breath.

So, what Wang Ting wants to know now is which version of Superman's strength he has obtained?

This is very important!

For example, if he has a Superman strength above the average level, he can basically walk sideways, and 99% of horror movies don't have a headache for him.

But if he gets the weakest version of Superman, he will still die.

So, Wang Ting carefully searched the information in his mind, and soon, he got a feedback. What he got now is the ability of Superman in the"Man of Steel" version!

This makes Wang Ting a little excited, because the Superman in this version has reached the average level of Superman strength, and can almost be said to be immortal!

In this version of Superman, even after being killed by a nuclear bomb, he quickly resurrected with full blood.

Although there is kryptonite to restrain Superman, Wang Ting is not worried.

Because kryptonite is something that will never appear in horror movies.

However, the ability he has obtained so far is only super strength.

As for super physique, flying ability, super vision, super hearing, thermal vision, freezing breath and other abilities, they still need to be unlocked.

And Wang Ting already knows how to unlock them.

That is, the fright index!

That's right, from now on, every time Wang Ting enters a horror movie, he needs to start a simultaneous live broadcast, and the audience watching the live broadcast will evaluate the star rating of the fright index based on the live broadcast content. There are five star ratings in total, from 1 star to 5 stars.

As long as you reach a 3-star fright index in the current horror movie, you can unlock new abilities.

And if you reach 5 stars, you can unlock another new ability!

When you get all the abilities, you can start the second stage of the Superman version, and the specific version is still unknown.

Wang Ting thought for a moment and felt that this was relatively simple.

He only needs to try to find some movies that have a high score in horror movies, and the final score will definitely not be low.

The full score is 5 stars, and you can complete the task with only 3 stars, which is a passing score. He believes that he should be able to do it relatively easily.

Although Wang Ting doesn't know what ability he will successfully unlock next, he guesses that it will only take about five or six movies to unlock all of the abilities of Superman in the Man of Steel.

Flight, super physique, super senses, heat vision, freezing breath....

These are probably the five abilities.

As long as these abilities are gathered, Wang Ting believes that he can become the most invincible existence in the entire system.

What kind of experience will that be?

Imagine that people all over the world are in the same system, but he will be the strongest one, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a bug!

Thinking of this, Wang Ting could not hide his excitement and immediately opened a warm-up room.

The warm-up room is a room for those who have paid to improve their physical abilities and quickly adapt to the physical process.

For example, a skinny and sick rich man who spent a huge amount of money in the system and set up a body comparable to that of a top athlete must need a certain amount of time to quickly adapt.

Fortunately, he now has privileges. This kind of room was not originally opened casually. It can only be opened after paying to change its own settings.

But now Wang Ting has the ability of a new character, so he can open it at any time. After Wang Ting entered the warm-up room, he immediately looked around curiously.

This was his first time entering this room. He saw all kinds of irregular substances composed of horizontal and vertical lines floating around, like mosaics.

Then, he heard the sound of the system prompt coming from the current room.

【Welcome to the warm-up room. You can choose any environment background. The current room will immediately change into the corresponding environment. The adaptation time is 30 minutes. Please choose. 】

Wang Ting nodded.

So that's it. Now these things around are the basic molecules that make up matter. They can only become the corresponding environment after he chooses.

Wang Ting looked at the options in front of him.

City, jungle, ocean, hills, desert, snowfield......

There are more than a dozen options in total, representing almost all types of environments.

Wang Ting fell into a brief thought.

Now that he has super powers, he should choose...City bar!

"I choose the city." As soon as Wang Ting finished speaking, the molecules around him changed rapidly.

In just one second, Wang Ting found himself standing on a busy street in a busy city, which made him a little dazed for a moment.

In this world, people stay at home almost all the time to experience the fun of the system, and there are few pedestrians on the streets.

The advanced metabolic system in this world can ensure that a person does not need to eat for ten days or half a month.

So at this moment, Wang Ting suddenly felt like he was back in the old world.

But he knew that the people and objects around him were simulated by the system, not a parallel world like the movie world he entered.

Therefore, he can do whatever he wants here without worrying about any consequences.

He looked at the beautiful women on the street and shook his head quickly.....

How could I have such an idea?

After all, there was only half an hour left, and there was no time to do anything. I might as well test my ability quickly.

Under the temptation of absolute power, other desires were nothing!

Thinking of this, Wang Ting clenched his fists. He felt an indescribable force flowing through his muscles.

He took a deep breath.....

Then, he suddenly jumped up!


The super strength from the Iron Man Superman was revealed at this moment.

Wang Ting felt that his legs were like rockets, launching his body directly into the air!

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