In the alley, five pistols roared wildly, and the sound echoed through half of the town. After a few minutes, the firepower gradually died down.

No bullets, no one was out of bullets.

And it was not a problem of ammunition, but the triangle-headed demon king on the opposite side simply ignored the bullets. Even the Darth Vader's shrapnel could not cause him any harm, leaving only shallow blood marks on his body.

At this time, they all realized that this triangle head was indeed the final boss of this group of monsters!

Cassandra came to the Darth Vader:

"Hey, do you have any secret weapons? Like bombs, rockets, etc.?"

After saying this, Cassandra felt that she had asked a nonsense question. The Dark Warrior was wearing light armor all over his body, without even a pocket. In addition to two guns and some bullets on his waist, he couldn't even put a grenade. The

Dark Warrior also spread his hands in a funny way, with an innocent look, indicating that he really had nothing.

The barrage also burst into laughter

【Darth Vader: I really don't have a drop left~】

【What is Ka Jie asking? Rockets? Does he think Darth Vader is a human cannon?】

【Shit, now I’m screwed! How can I do this?】

【It’s over, it’s over, Sister Ka and the Dark Warrior are going to die...】

At this time, Sibyl stepped forward and said:

"I'll attract it! You two take the opportunity to run!"

As a police officer, Sybil still did not forget her responsibility to protect civilians at such a moment, which also moved many viewers.

But can they run away?

At this moment, the sharp hood of the Pyramid Head Demon King was facing them, and the three-meter sword in his hand was raised.

The black warrior stretched out his arms and blocked the two ladies behind him, but the Pyramid Head was already walking towards them step by step, and they all began to slowly retreat.

At this time, Cassandra had already accepted her fate.

At worst, she would be dead, and she would not really die anyway. It was nothing more than embarrassing herself in front of millions of viewers. Anyway, she was a girl and would not be overly criticized.

After all, this is the world of horror movies. Faced with such an invulnerable demon king, no one could do anything.

The Pyramid Head had already come to the front, and the sword chopped straight down, and Cassandra closed her eyes..


A sound like a bell came, but it was definitely not the sound of a knife cutting into flesh, but the sound of cutting into some kind of metal.

Cassandra opened her eyes and found that the surroundings were not the interface of the system hall, but Silent Hill.

They are not dead?

In front of the three of them, a familiar figure has appeared at some point.

Wang Ting!

And the knife just now was cut firmly on Wang Ting's shoulder.

However, the current picture is more like Wang Ting blocking the knife with his shoulder!

Because this knife did not even cut into Wang Ting's body by a millimeter, not a drop of blood, not a single hair was shaken off!

At this moment, Cassandra, the Dark Knight, and Sybil all stared at Wang Ting in front of them, their mouths opened so wide that a basketball could almost fit in.

Of course, no one can see the expression of the Dark Knight, but he is also tilting his head at this moment, obviously he has been stunned. Why is the barrage unexpectedly quiet at this moment?....

That's right, the live broadcast room was not frantically swiping bullet comments at this time, but was completely silent. Everyone had forgotten to leave comments or send gifts, and they all stared blankly at the jaw-dropping scene in front of the screen.

In the alley,

Wang Ting carried the big knife as if nothing had happened, turned around and said to the three people:

"Finally found you."

Cassandra was about to tell Wang Ting to be careful, but she swallowed the words back.

Be careful? Be careful of what?

The big knife of the Triangle-Headed Demon King?

But looking at this scene, are you sure this is the big knife that just chopped through the wall, not a toy knife?

Wang Ting waved his hand at the three people:

"Stand back a little, I'll see what this faceless guy is capable of."

The three of them immediately retreated to the corner!

The Triangle-Headed Demon King swung his sword again, and swung it in the air towards Wang Ting's neck, trying to behead him.

But this time, the sword stopped in the air again.

Wang Ting held the blade with one hand and stopped it in the air.

The Triangle-Headed Demon King wanted to pull back the sword, but it didn't move at all, as if it was fixed in the air! No matter how hard the Triangle-Headed Demon King tried, the sword was firmly in Wang Ting's hand.

Wang Ting spoke:

"You and the dark forces behind you may have some grievances, but you shouldn't have messed with me!"

After saying that, Wang Ting dodged the big knife and slapped the triangle head with the blade of the knife.


With a muffled sound, the body of the triangle head was hit hard and flew away, breaking through the wall and being buried by countless bricks.

Wang Ting threw down the twisted sword, stepped forward, passed his hand through the layers of rubble, grabbed the triangle head's headgear, dragged it out of it, and threw it on the road.

"I know that this guy with the triangular mask is just a puppet and your thug. Why don't you dare to show your true self?"

After saying that, Wang Ting stepped on the chest of the triangular-headed demon king, and then stretched out his hand to its mask.

Wang Ting has always been curious about what face this demon king has under his triangular mask. This is purely his personal curiosity. After all, the triangular iron head in Silent Hill was also one of the famous BOSS shapes. Just as Wang Ting's hand was about to touch the triangular mask, the surrounding scene suddenly began to change. The inner world disappeared, and the outer world is coming again!

The triangular-headed demon king on the ground gradually disappeared, and the surroundings returned to the previous foggy scene.

"What a shame, I almost got to see what he looks like..."

Wang Ting said with some regret.

At this moment, Cassandra and the other two were completely speechless!

We were almost killed by the Triangle-Headed Demon King just now, and you just wanted to see what he looked like?

You are simply not a human.....

The barrage also reacted from the shock and daze at this time

【It exploded! It exploded! I dare say this homeowner is the best on the Internet!】

【I was completely speechless! Was that an illusion? Or was it a special effect?】

【Good Guy.....This time I saw it clearly, the homeowner is simply superman!】

【This is fucking....Could the owner of the house be a cultivator or the richest man in the world? What level is this physical data? Please explain! ?】

【I'm a big fuss.....This is too much. Could the homeowner be a humanoid robot, like the Terminator?】

【I want to say that the Terminator doesn't have such power...】

The live broadcast room was flooded with gifts so many times that the screen almost froze and the images were not clear. The audience had to turn off the gift effects.

Cassandra recovered a little. She felt that Wang Ting might have obtained a template as rumored, and gradually accepted this fact.

She asked:

"Wang Ting, where is Rose? Isn't she with you?"

Wang Ting nodded:

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