Turning around, Chrisbella returned to her previous smile, as if she had changed her face.

She said to Rose:

"You must have searched a lot of places, have you found anything?"

Rose nodded:

"My friend and I walked all the way from the town entrance to here, and we looked everywhere along the way. But when I last saw her, she ran towards the cemetery near the church, but now she is not here. She must be scared, so she just keeps running forward."

Chrisbella thought for a moment and said:

"Since you have already searched almost everywhere, I think your daughter may have passed the church and ran to the end of the town.

Rose asked:

"Really? Can you tell me what's there? I'll go find her right away!"

Chris Bella said calmly:

"There....It's the hospital in this town. Your daughter might be in the hospital."

Rose immediately said anxiously:

"Then let's go find her! We can't delay any longer!"

At this time, Rose, who was eager to find her daughter, didn't notice that after hearing the word"hospital", a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of Chrisbella and her followers.

Chrisbella's tone was slightly hesitant:

"Um...Let's go together...."

But this subtle expression and tone were caught by many careful viewers in the live broadcast room.

【There is a problem. Why does this bishop look a little scared?】

【Nonsense, there are monsters and demons everywhere, who wouldn’t be scared?】

【Something is wrong. They seem to be very scared after hearing the word hospital. There are cemeteries all around them. Is the hospital scarier than the cemetery?】

【I have a bad feeling, please protect me with the barrage!!!】

【Rose is no longer protected by the landlord, so she might be in danger this time....】


Rose, accompanied by Chrisbella and several followers, arrived at the gate of the hospital.

The hospital looked no different from other buildings in Silent Hill, and it was lonely in the misty streets.

Before entering the hall, Chrisbella and the others obviously hesitated for a moment, but still walked in.

They were obviously afraid of some existence.

Just as Rose was about to go deeper into the hospital to start searching, the others behind her did not move. Rose turned around curiously:

"Why don't you leave?"

Chrisbella sighed:

"We can only accompany you here. I am the bishop. There are still many confused and helpless people in the church waiting for the guidance of the gods. Only I can convey the oracle to them. You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

These words obviously surprised Rose. He said he was here to help her, but he ended up leading her on a journey?

The comments also saw the problem.

【This archbishop is obviously a coward!】

【The words were too high-sounding, what oracle, what guidance, she was just afraid of death】

【The Archbishop can't defeat those ghosts? Weakling!】

【This job is still the landlord's. Who else but me can do physical exorcism?]

Rose was a little disappointed.

But the other party had already said this, and Rose had no right to force him to help her, so she nodded and said:

"Okay, that's right.....I have a few friends in town. If you find them, please take them to the church. I don't want them to be in danger."

The other party nodded and prepared to leave.

Rose opened the pendant on her chest, looked at the photo of her daughter Sharon, took a deep breath, and encouraged herself:

"I can do it, believe in myself, I will find Sharon!"

Chris Bella glanced casually, and when she saw the photo of the little girl in Rose's hand, her face suddenly changed drastically!

"Devil! Your daughter is a devil!"

Chrisbella seemed to have changed into a different person, with a face full of fear and anger, pointing directly at Rose and screaming.

Rose was stunned by this sudden scene, and stood there at a loss.

Chrisbella immediately said to the entourage around her:

"Catch her! She is a servant of the devil! She is a seducer! Take her back to the church!"

The attendant next to her immediately stepped forward and grabbed Rose's hands fiercely, and his attitude changed 180 degrees.

Rose struggled to break free:

""Let me go! You crazy people!"

A follower punched her in the face, and Rose fainted immediately, and then was dragged back to the church.

But Wang Ting did not see this scene.

Because he did not observe Rose's perspective all the time, he only looked at it occasionally when he remembered.

That's right, Wang Ting has completely recalled all the plots of Silent Hill, so he didn't care much about it. He felt that everything was under control.

Just follow the plot.

Sybil kept asking:

"Where is Rose? Where should we go now?"

Wang Ting remembered that he had just seen Rose's perspective half an hour ago, and heard that they seemed to be going to the hospital.

That's right, Rose in the plot must go to the hospital, so they can go to the hospital together.

But they can't go now. After all, in order to ensure the horror effect, they must let Rose adventure alone in the hospital for a while.

Wang Ting didn't know that Rose had gone deep into the hospital. She had been knocked unconscious by Chrisbella and others and taken back to the cathedral!

Wang Ting was deliberately slowing down the pace of everyone and walking towards the hospital.

If he remembered correctly, there was a group of very cold-eyed but extremely dangerous people in the hospital.....

And these existences will definitely create a very good live broadcast effect.

At the same time.

In the cathedral.

Rose has been tied up and trapped in the middle of the church. There is a pile of dead branches under her feet, and gasoline has been poured on them.

These local believers actually want to burn her to death!

Rose tried her best, but she couldn't break free. She could only curse angrily:

"You bunch of lunatics! What on earth are you trying to do!"

In the crowd, Bishop Chrisbella looked at her coldly, holding Sharon's photo in his hand and said:

"You are the mother of the devil, and you actually want to sneak into the sacred cathedral to seduce the gods, but you can't hide from the eyes of the gods, nor from me! What awaits you is the baptism of holy fire! You will never be able to destroy this sanctuary!"

Rose retorted angrily:

"She is not a devil! She is my daughter Sharon! You cultists! The gods will not bless you, you are the devil!"

Chris Bella's expression gradually became ferocious:

"Burn her to death!"

The surrounding believers also responded madly, raising their hands and shouting:

"Burn her to death!"

"Burn her to death!"

"Burn this devil to death!"

Bishop Chrisbella threw the torch in his hand into the firewood pile at Rose's feet amid the shouts of the crowd.

Instantly, Rose was engulfed by the fire. At this moment, she remembered the strange woman she met in the cemetery before, the woman who claimed to be Alessa's mother.

She once warned herself that the people in the church were liars!

But she didn't care at the time, and now it's too late....

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