Alessa lay dying in the emergency room of the hospital, looking like charcoal, extremely scary.

But her resentment had left her body and materialized, turning into a vengeful demon!

She began to take revenge on everyone who had bullied her, without mercy, because these people did not deserve any sympathy.

Those classmates who had beaten her and insulted her in school were all killed by her, cutting off their hands and feet and sealing their mouths and noses.

Because these hands and feet had beaten her, and these mouths had insulted her.

And these classmates who were punished were the little monsters who had chased Cassandra and Sibyl before!

No wonder they had no hands and feet, no mouths and noses, but they were all solved by the black warrior.

The cleaner who defiled Alessa in the women's restroom was killed by her twisting his limbs and could only crawl on the ground with his lower body.

Because he violated Alessa, he must endure the pain of tearing his lower body forever.

And that was the male mummy who had chased Cassandra and Sibyl before, and was shot into a honeycomb by Cassandra with a pistol.

The believers in the town were tortured to death by her and suffered the pain of being burned by the fire!

Because they burned Alessa to death, Alessa had to make them feel the burning of the fire even more.

That's why the zombies that besieged Wang Ting in the cemetery were all charred black.

In the end.

The only remaining believers all followed Chrisbella to hide in the cathedral.

Their faith still worked. Under the guidance of Chrisbella, their Bibles and prayers formed a faith barrier that blocked Alessa's dark power outside the church.

Therefore, Alessa is currently unable to enter the church to kill these culprits, especially the initiator Chrisbella!

So, Alessa differentiated the only remaining kindness in her body and turned into an innocent little girl, Sharon.

It was Rose's adopted daughter.

Sharon was placed in an orphanage outside Silent Hill by Alessa, and then adopted by Sharon's family.

Now, Sharon felt the call of Alessa, so she brought her adoptive mother Sharon to Silent Hill. Alessa needed their help to break through the last fortress of Chrisbella.

To destroy this inhumane cult!

Therefore, Alessa controlled Sharon and kept bringing Rose into the town, just to lead her into this ward in the hospital.

The reason why the people in the church can't leave here is because they are trapped in the surface world. When Alessa's dark power descends, they belong to the inner world.

But the real world is called the real world, and they can never touch it.

So now, after 30 years, their appearance has not changed at all....


Sibyl's vision was restored.

She was now in a dilapidated ward, where Alessa was lying!

Everything that had just happened was still fresh in her mind. Wang Ting had already shifted the live broadcast perspective to Sibyl.

So all the scenes she had just seen, all the causes and consequences of Silent Hill, were also fully displayed in the live broadcast room.

Only then did the millions of viewers completely understand the ins and outs of the Silent Hill story and everything.

【So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is, Alyssa is so pitiful!】

【Damn this church, damn Chrisbella!】

【It's absurd that such a scum is not allowed to die! Just blow up the cathedral, don't even leave the ashes behind!】

【It is abominable that a person who claims to be a servant of God actually does such a devilish act....】

【Even I, a pervert, think they are too perverted. How can they do this to an innocent little girl? They deserve to die!】

【They killed Alesha and Rose. I can't stand it anymore. I'm so angry! 】

At this moment,

Wang Ting also walked into the room.

He and Sybil saw a little girl lying on the bed in the middle of the room. Her whole body was wrapped in gauze.

But her face was completely unrecognizable and she was no longer in human form.

"You are....Alesha? Oh my god, what did they do to you?...They should go to jail and be tried!"

Sybil looked at her with sympathy.

At this moment, a black light flashed, and a terrifying girl with a pale face and bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared in front of them! From this appearance, it was clear that she was not a human.

Wang Ting was not afraid, but stepped forward and said:

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the dark side of Alessa, the devil who wants revenge, right?"

The horrified little girl looked at Wang Ting coldly, grinning and revealing a cautious sneer:

"The devil? Those people in the church...That's what I'm called too....Because their hearts are filled with fear, they are afraid of me...."

Wang Ting nodded:

"Of course, otherwise they wouldn't have stayed in the church, but I think I am different from them, because I will help you get revenge."

The little girl raised her head slowly:

"Revenge? The only one who can help me is Rose, but she's already...."

"Listen to me first!"

Wang Ting interrupted her quickly. Otherwise, if Sibyl knew that Rose was burned to death, she would not know how she would react. Besides, Wang Ting had a chance to remedy this matter.

Wang Ting continued:

"They treated you like that, so they must pay the price, blood for blood, tooth for tooth!"

Sybil frowned immediately:

"Wang Ting, do you want to resort to lynching? No! Otherwise, what is the difference between you and those cultists? I guarantee that they will be punished by law...."

Before Sybil could finish her words, Wang Ting pushed her out the door!

"Okay, my Virgin Mary, your mission is over, leave the rest to me!"

Wang Ting didn't want to explain to her, and drove her out without saying anything and locked her outside.

Legal sanctions?

Are you kidding? I wonder if the audience hates the Virgin Mary now?

Sibyl is definitely an excellent police officer, but some things must be solved by special means!

After driving Sibyl away, Wang Ting looked at the dark side of Alesha.

He said:

"I'll make a deal with you. I know you want revenge and you want to enter the cathedral, but their power of faith is blocking you, right?"

The little girl responded gloomily:

"I cannot break their faith from the outside, I must use fear to break their belief, and then bring my blood of revenge into the church."

Wang Ting nodded:

"I can help you with all these, but as a condition, you must promise me one thing. I believe that with your strength, you can accomplish it."

The little girl looked at him coldly:

"What do you want me to do?"

Wang Ting smiled:

"It's very simple, resurrect Rose!"

The little girl nodded:

"make a deal!"...

Outside the ward.

Sybil paced anxiously. She could no longer enter the ward because Wang Ting had deformed the door lock.

At this moment, the door was opened forcefully!

Wang Ting walked out of the room.

"Let's go back to the church."

Wang Ting said in a deep voice.

Sibyl looked at Wang Ting in surprise:

"What do you want to do? I'm a police officer and I won't let you mess around!"

Wang Ting smiled evilly:

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