Wang Ting wants to take everyone away from here.

Wang Ting is not a saint, nor is he a kind-hearted person who is willing to help others, but he has the most basic empathy and sense of good and evil as a normal person.

Although these young people came to Gonjiam on their own initiative and attracted ghosts for the live broadcast ratings, they were indeed courting death.

But they did not harm anyone, nor did they do anything wrong that was against the will of heaven and earth. At most, they behaved inappropriately and were ignorant and fearless. Now that they have realized their mistakes and are extremely regretful, they should be given a chance.

In any case, the price of their actions should never be as serious as sacrificing their lives!

Zhixian's tragedy should not happen again.

If I put this group of young people in a desperate situation for the so-called live broadcast effect and the simple pursuit of fear value, then what is the difference between me and those perverts of the notorious Rattlers Corps?

I am a superman! Not a native!

At this time, Cassandra seemed to see what Wang Ting was thinking and asked:

"What are you thinking about? Is there a way to leave here? I will act with you."

Charlotte reminded:

"We should still be together. It is too dangerous to act alone. These evil spirits can change time, possess us, and interfere with our dreams to control us. Don't take risks!"

Wang Ting was curious:

"Changing time? Controlling dreams?"

At this time, the others told Wang Ting all their experiences.

Wang Ting looked at the time and found that his watch also stopped at half past two.

He frowned and said with some surprise:

"It seems that we have indeed underestimated these ghosts, but if they are so powerful, why don't they leave Gonjiam and go to other places to harm people?"

Cassandra looked at him.

"You mean, their abilities are limited?"

He Jun suddenly remembered something and said:

"By the way, when we went to Pumen Temple to buy the talisman for summoning spirits, we asked by the way whether the talisman would be effective in Kunchi Rock. The abbot of Pumen Temple said that it would be effective if it was a place where evil spirits gathered! In other words, the key point is the Kunchi Rock building itself!"

Wang Ting nodded:

"That's right, this is the limitation of these ghosts. Their abilities can only be exerted within the range of Gonjiam, which means that their energy comes from a certain place."

Everyone else was confused, and Charlotte asked:

"A certain place? Isn't it the entire area of the Kunjiayan Mental Hospital?"

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"Gonjiam is just a large area, and I'm talking about a more specific place. Didn't you also find that the ghosts on the third and fourth floors are stronger, while the first and second floors are relatively safer?"

Cassandra suddenly realized:

"I understand. You mean, the third or fourth floor is the source of their energy? Is it the key to their transformation into ghosts and their ability to possess these terrifying abilities? Is it the place where Yin gathers as the abbot of Pumen Temple said?"

Everyone looked at Wang Ting.

Wang Ting nodded and continued:

"If I'm not mistaken, the real gathering place of evil spirits in the Gonjiam Building is Room 402 on the fourth floor. It is the source of energy for all evil spirits. Therefore, anyone who approaches that room will die over the years! That's why the closer to the fourth floor, the stronger the ghosts!"

Everyone thought about it for a while, and then they all realized it.

Captain Ha Jun also exclaimed:

"That’s right! Only Zhixian went to the fourth floor with you. No wonder she was the only one possessed by the ghost. Maybe she was cursed from the moment she stood at the door of 402!"

Wang Ting nodded:

"There is this possibility."

Cassandra looked at Wang Ting and said seriously:

"So what do you want to do? Destroy room 402. Will that save everyone?"

Wang Ting nodded.

The others looked at Wang Ting curiously:

"Destroy room 402? How? We don't have explosives....."

At this time, Cassandra and the Dark Warrior looked at Wang Ting at the same time.

The audience also looked at Wang Ting.

【Dynamite? Homeowners are much more powerful than dynamite....】

【The homeowner was very happy as he could finally show off his skills!】

【For people like the homeowner, it is easier to destroy than to save people, right? Moreover, destroying is equivalent to saving people now.~】

【Only the landlord can do this job.】

【Let's wait and see if their speculation is correct. Anyway, I think it makes sense.]

Wang Ting saw the gazes of Cassandra and the Dark Warrior and smiled calmly:

"It seems that someone knows me very well, but I have to act on my own. Cassandra and Black Warrior, you two stay here to protect everyone and wait for me to make arrangements."

The two nodded. When Wang Ting spoke, they were still very obedient.

Strength is the capital of speaking!

This principle is the same everywhere.

Captain He Jun stood up again and said:

"I'll go with you! I just said that this live broadcast was initiated by me, and I won't leave any of you alone."

Wang Ting waved his hand speechlessly:

"Take a rest, don't make trouble."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the fourth floor again!

He Jun was still confused. I am making trouble? Aren't you also an ordinary person? If you can go, why can't I?

Aren't only the black warriors who have killed evil spirits qualified to say this?

Because He Jun had never seen Wang Ting take action, he felt that Wang Ting was just an ordinary man like the rest of them.

So he muttered:

"There shouldn't be much difference between you and me....?"

But just after he finished speaking, he saw that everyone looked at him as if he was a fool, and Ha Jun himself didn't understand why.

Cheng Xun patted him and sighed:

"Captain, just listen to Wang Ting and wait here obediently. Don't be a burden to him...."

Cheng Xun had just seen Wang Ting's body shake and disperse countless ghosts in an instant.

In his heart, Wang Ting was no longer a normal person~

At this time, Charlotte's face became paler and paler, and Cassandra saw that her shoulder was completely soaked in blood.

When Charlotte was confused by the ghost just now, the wound was torn, and the bleeding could not be stopped.

Cassandra frowned and said:

"We need new bandages, antibiotics, and preferably some stitches to suture the wound, or she'll bleed too much!"

Ha Jun said:

"The other medical equipment is in the camp. I was in a hurry to leave and didn't take it."

Cassandra looked at Charlotte, who was already a little confused, and said seriously:

"No, if she is delayed, she will be in danger. We must give her the blood of stitches now!"

She was about to go to the first aid kit in the camp. The black warrior stood up and stopped him, pointing at himself, meaning that he should go to the camp and Cassandra should stay here.

After that, he went out and disappeared into the night.

Cheng Xu looked at the black warrior's back worriedly:

"Is it safe for him to go alone?"

Cassandra sighed.

"I don't know. The evil spirit that leaned over Zhixian just now has been eliminated by us. I hope there are no other ghosts outside now, but I don't know if Charlotte's situation will be delayed."

Everyone can only wait here anxiously at this time.

On the one hand, they are looking forward to Wang Ting's good news, and on the other hand, they hope that the black warrior can safely bring back the medical kit and not let Charlotte's life be in danger.

In such a complicated mood, they waited day by day...

At the same time.

Wang Ting has come to the fourth floor.

He passed through the dense ghost energy and stood at the door of 402. The scene inside was the same as what he saw before.

Wang Ting hoped that his analysis just now was correct, but the final answer could only be revealed by himself now.

He stretched out his hand to open the door, but suddenly found that he could not open this door with the same force that he had just opened the doors of other rooms!

Is it true that no one can enter 402?

"You ghosts, do you want to challenge my strength?"

Wang Ting sneered and kicked the door!


The huge vibration shook the whole building.

The people on the second floor were all stunned. Captain He Jun looked at the shaking walls and the dust around him, blinking and muttering to himself:

"Is it an earthquake? I haven't experienced an earthquake in years."

At this time, only Cassandra looked upstairs as if she had some guesses. Maybe it wasn't an earthquake, but someone had caused it....

The barrage was also speechless

【The owner started demolishing the house....】

【If the homeowner caused the building to collapse, wouldn't these people die at the hands of the homeowner before being killed by the ghosts?】

【Burying it on the spot, good idea of the homeowner!】

【Ghost: Big brother, if you have something to say, please tell me slowly.....Leave this house alone....】

Fourth floor.

The force of Wang Ting's kick could kick a tank into outer space.

But the door in front of him still didn't get kicked open!

Wang Ting himself was stunned for a moment.

Wow, it's really good~

This kick was almost 1% of his strength, but it didn't kick the door open?

There's a problem!

Because there was no trace of the door, as if the huge force of this kick was dissolved, or kicked somewhere else.

Of course, Wang Ting knew that if this was an evil spirit using supernatural power to fight, then everything was possible.

No matter how powerful he was, it was only on the physical level.

What should he do?

He had just said it. If he couldn't even get through the door, it would be a big embarrassment, and it would be hard to explain in front of millions of viewers.

But if he really used too much force and the building collapsed, Ha Jun and the others would die in his hands.....

It was really a headache.

But Wang Ting was wearing a headset and could contact other people. He sent a voice message to Cassandra:

"You guys go wait outside the building first...."

Wang Ting was ready to use more force, but in order to prevent the downstairs from being shaken and collapsed, it was safest to let everyone go out first. Cassandra was speechless, as if she had guessed something, and immediately led everyone out of the building.

But just as they walked out of the door, they suddenly found that it was not a square, but a closed space!

It was an empty, dark room!

At the same time, Wang Ting in front of 402 suddenly found a few more figures in room 402 with his perspective eyes, and he was immediately shocked.

It was Cassandra and the others!

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