"I suggest you don't take her with you. It's better for all of you."

After Wang Ting finished speaking, everyone else's faces changed.

First was Irene. She frowned and looked at Wang Ting:

"King, how can you speak like this? This girl obviously needs help, are you going to leave her alone in the wilderness?"

Pepper also spoke:

"How can you be so cold-blooded? Have you forgotten what happened when you stopped a car on the roadside? We stopped the car when you needed help, but now that someone else needs help, you let us walk away?"

Morgan, the loser, also waved his hand:

"My friend, your thoughts are indeed a bit selfish. Are you afraid that the car will not have enough seats? Although this is a seven-seater car, it is still possible to squeeze in."

But Cassandra did not speak, because she felt that Wang Ting seemed to have a plan for this trip. Her intuition told her that Wang Ting was not a cold-blooded person. Did he say this on purpose?

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was already brushing up!

【What a bunch of idiots! I've seen this movie before. This group of unlucky guys were killed by this woman. If they had just driven away, nothing would have happened! They are really asking for death!】

【I haven't seen the movie, but this woman looks miserable. It makes sense for her to help him, right?】

【I feel sorry for the anchors. I kindly reminded them, but I couldn't explain it too clearly, so they were despised by the crowd. What a tragedy.】

【Who is this anchor? I haven't seen him before. My goddess Cassandra is actually broadcasting with him. I want to see what he can do! 】

Wang Ting didn't have time to read the comments at this moment, and he didn't know that the number of viewers had exceeded 500. For someone who is broadcasting live for the first time, this is a good result.

Wang Ting was not surprised by everyone's misunderstanding.

Now he doesn't have any psychological burden.

I have kindly reminded you, but you don't listen. Then the tragedy that follows will not be my fault.

The muscular man Andy is obviously more straightforward. He sneered:

"I think that for safety reasons, it is better not to overload. Since our car can only seat seven people, I think it is better to let the tall and strong Wang Ting get off. With his physical strength, he will definitely be able to walk to the next town before dark. What do you think?"

The others hesitated for a moment. Although they were dissatisfied with what Wang Ting had just said, they did not want to abandon Wang Ting.

After Wang Ting heard what the muscular man Andy said, he suddenly had an idea.


This is not a bad idea.

He should indeed split up with them, let them continue to follow the development of the plot and experience those nightmarish fates, and Cassandra can experience it with them, just in time for the live broadcast! Anyway, there are two live broadcast cameras now, one for him and one for Cassandra.

This way, the horror index of this live broadcast can be guaranteed.

Otherwise, if Wang Ting encounters the murderer with them, who knows... Fortunately, I accidentally killed the chainsaw guy, otherwise this live broadcast would be boring!

Fortunately, Cassandra joined, otherwise I really don’t know how to maintain the horror effect while participating in the first-person live broadcast.

However, this may be a bit tragic for Cassandra who is not familiar with the plot.

Wang Ting can only hope that she did not just spend money to pinch her face, but also enhanced her physical settings.

However, as an experiencer, Cassandra will not really die anyway, even if she encounters a tragedy, it will only be a short-term pain.

Wang Ting naturally couldn’t let Cassandra know his dark thoughts, so he simply took over the conversation and said:

"Anyway, I don't want to squeeze with a woman covered in blood. In this case, I'd better get off the bus and walk by myself, so that you won't get a ticket for overloading....By the way, Cassandra, you should stay in the car with them. We will meet in the next town.

Seeing Wang Ting was so stubborn, everyone stopped talking to him.

"What a weird person!"

After Cape said this to Wang Ting, several people got in the car. Cassandra also looked at Wang Ting strangely, not knowing what he was up to.

Soon, the group was on the road again.

Wang Ting looked at the car going away and sighed calmly:

"Destiny cannot be defied"......

In the car, everyone looked at the bloody woman with concern, asking her what happened.

But the woman's eyes were erratic, her face was full of fear, and she muttered incoherently:

"I want to go home, I want to go home, don't come over here...."

At this time, Cape, who was driving, saw a road sign on the side of the road and said:

"I think there will be a town ahead, maybe we can find a hospital for this girl, or a place to call the police."

There were no mobile phones in this era, only landlines, so if they wanted to call the police for help, they could only find a small town or a house.

At this moment, the woman also saw the road sign, she suddenly became anxious, and shouted with a painful face:

"No! Don't go there! We will all die!"

As she said that, she stood up and rushed to Cape's side and tried to grab his steering wheel!

Everyone else was shocked by this sudden scene and hurried to stop her!

Muscular man Andy grabbed her hands tightly and threw her back to the back seat. Irene hurriedly asked the woman:

"What happened to you?"

But the next moment, the woman shook her head, crying in pain, and muttered vaguely:

"They will die. Everyone will die......."

As she spoke, she pulled out a bloody revolver from her lower body!

The people in the car were immediately frightened.

They all knew what the consequences would be if a madman held a pistol in his hand.

At this moment, everyone had only one thought in their mind: why didn't they listen to Wang Ting's advice just now? But the current situation seemed to be out of their control.

"Calm down, lady, please calm down, okay?"

Everyone suppressed their fear and advised the woman who was on the verge of collapse.

But the woman did not hurt them, but pointed the gun at her own mouth.


The woman pulled the trigger without hesitation.....

It seemed that something had brought her a fear greater than death, and death became a relief.

After a dull gunshot

, a fist-sized blood hole appeared on the back of the woman's head. The bullet passed through her head and then shot through the rear window, splashing red and white stuff all over the back seat.......


"Oh my god!!"

There was a sudden scream in the car. Both the strong Andy and the kind-hearted Irene felt a black screen in front of their eyes and almost collapsed!

Cassandra also stared at this scene with wide eyes, and even her thinking stopped at this moment.

At the same time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room also directly exceeded a thousand.

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