Cassandra asked Wang Ting again:

"By the way, I haven't had time to ask you yet, why did you decide to reveal your identity? Wouldn't it be more mysterious to keep your identity secret? And you are actually Superman? No wonder I thought you looked familiar when you were flying in the air that day."

Wang Ting nodded and smiled:

"Look, even you feel familiar with him, how can hundreds of millions of viewers not recognize him? You know, Superman's abilities are very unique."The reason why Wang Ting revealed his identity this time, in addition to diverting his offline attention, is that he knows that he can't hide it for too long.

Before, maybe everyone just felt familiar with him. After all, super strength, super physique, and flying are not particularly characteristic.

But as Wang Ting's mastery of abilities continues to increase, when he uses Superman's signature abilities such as laser eyes and freezing breath, who can't see it?

So, since it can't be hidden, it's better to be open and honest!

Anyway, in the comics, Superman's existence is well known to everyone, and Superman has never hidden his head and revealed his tail, not to mention that this is in the system world.

Even a weak chicken like Iron Man dares to admit it in front of everyone, so what is there for me to be afraid of?

The next day.

Qiu Sheng came to knock on the door early in the morning. After Wang Ting opened the door, his eyes kept turning around Cassandra and Bai Ying.

Wang Ting cleared his throat:

"Ahem, you got up very early, is Uncle Jiu looking for us?"

Qiu Sheng reluctantly moved his eyes from the two girls to Wang Ting's face and said:

"Today is the day when the ancestral grave of the Ren family, the largest family in our town and the richest man in the town, is moved. My master is presiding over the event. He asked if you guys would like to go with him to learn more about the world."

Wang Ting nodded immediately. He certainly couldn't miss this opportunity.

Qiu Sheng looked inside again:

"Then hurry up, I'll wait for you at the door~"

After Qiu Sheng left, Cassandra asked curiously:

"Moving the ancestral grave? What does that mean?"

Wang Ting explained simply:

"The ancestral tomb is where your father, grandfather, great grandfather and others are buried. In China, the selection of ancestral tombs is very particular, but they will not be moved easily unless there is a problem with the ancestral tomb. It seems that this richest man has not been doing well recently."

After saying this, he looked at the two people:

"Would you two like to come along?"

Cassandra nodded immediately.

"Of course I have to go! I am very curious about these Eastern witchcrafts!"

Bai Ying said calmly:

"I'll go too."

The voice was very faint and very soft, but Wang Ting and Cassandra were both stunned.

What the hell?

Bai Ying actually spoke?

Didn't she never speak like the Dark Warrior?

Cassandra looked at her with eyes that were stranger than seeing a zombie. She blinked and pointed at Bai Ying:

"Sister White a nice voice!"

Wang Ting also laughed:

"Bai Ying, you can actually talk. I have already equated you with the Dark Warrior in my mind~"

The comments were flooded with comments because of Bai Ying's words.

【Damn! The goddess actually spoke?】

【This voice is so tempting, I can't stand it....】

【Like the landlord, I feel that White Shadow and Black Warrior are no longer talking, and I am still a little uncomfortable with it.~】

【It seems that there are some differences between the senior and junior sisters in this school. The White Shadow Goddess is not the female version of the Dark Warrior.】

【I envy the landlord! 】

Wang Ting was also relieved.

Finally, he didn't have to learn another sign language.


The three of them came to the gate of the yard. At this time, Uncle Jiu had already put on a yellow Taoist robe and stood with his hands behind his back. Wang Ting was stunned.

Uncle Ying, who was wearing a Taoist robe, would probably tremble if the ghost king came.

Qiu Sheng and Wencai took the things they needed for the ritual and came to the mountain stream behind the town, which was the ancestral tomb of the Ren family.

After arriving here, many villagers were waiting here to watch the excitement. Moving the ancestral tomb was a big deal. There was no Internet in this era, and there were almost no newspapers. People were idle all day long, and they would naturally come to see such things when they encountered them.

A middle-aged man in a gorgeous silk gown came up at this time, accompanied by a beautiful girl and a master.

There is no doubt that this person is the richest man in the town, Master Ren.

And the tomb to be moved is his father's tomb.

The two greeted each other and chatted for a while, then Master Ren led everyone to the ancestral grave. During the time, everyone looked at Wang Ting and the other two a few more times, because they were unfamiliar, especially Cassandra, the foreign beauty. Everyone was whispering and very curious.

Qiu Sheng stepped forward and said proudly:

"These three friends are overseas Chinese who have come from afar to seek my master's apprenticeship. They are my junior brothers and sisters~"

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at Uncle Jiu with admiration and whispered to each other.

"Oh, Uncle Jiu is really awesome. Even foreigners come to him to become his disciples!"

"Everyone in the surrounding area knows that Uncle Jiu is a master of Taoism.~"

"My family will also be holding a funeral in a few days, and I must ask Uncle Jiu to come and take a look."

Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng:


Then he continued to say to Master Ren:

"So this is your father's grave."

Master Ren nodded and said with some pride:

"Yes, this is the treasure cave that my family spent a lot of money to find the most famous Feng Shui master in the provincial capital to choose. Uncle Jiu, what do you think of this place?"

Mr. Ren's tone and expression were not asking, but waiting for Uncle Jiu to praise this piece of land.

But Wencai on the side whispered:

"If it's really a good place, why would you move the grave?..."

The voice was not loud, but everyone heard it. Everyone tried to hold back their laughter. Master Ren himself felt embarrassed and blushed.

This time, Uncle Jiu did not blame Wencai because he was telling the truth.

Uncle Jiu took out the compass, put it on the ground with a red cloth, looked at it, and nodded:

"This cave has its own pattern, with complete dragon veins, surrounded by four sands, misty facing mountain, flat table mountain, with Xuanwu hanging its head behind, dragons and tigers on the left and right, hiding the wind and absorbing the air....."

When Master Ren heard this, he immediately interrupted with a smile:

"It sounds like it has all the advantages, it really is a treasure cave!"

But Uncle Jiu's next words made him feel disappointed.

"It's a pity that this cave has everything except the most important thing, water! So everything is in vain."

Master Ren's face wrinkled into a ball, and he smiled bitterly:

"What does that mean?"

Uncle Jiu squatted down, picked up a Luoyang shovel and inserted it into the soil of the cave. After pulling it out, he saw a layer of white lime in the soil.

He asked:

"Is this also what the Feng Shui master ordered?"

Master Ren nodded immediately:

"Yes, that gentleman said that lime can prevent moisture and corrosion!"

Uncle Jiu sighed:

"Everything has its pros and cons, and everything has its good and bad sides. It is true that lime can prevent moisture, but this place is dry and rainless, and water is the most important thing in Feng Shui. Water is the most important, and hiding the wind is the second! There are five points in the Yin house, namely dragon, cave, sand, water and direction, and water is the only indispensable one!"

"There is no water outlet here, and you covered the top of the tomb with lime, completely cutting off the water source. It is true that you cut off the moisture, but mountains control population and water controls wealth, so you have completely cut off your family's wealth."

Master Ren immediately cried:

"Uncle Jiu, you are really right. Since my father was buried, my family's business has been getting worse and worse. It turns out that there is something wrong with the ancestral tomb!"

Qiu Sheng muttered at this time:

"That's how you can become the richest man...."

Uncle Jiu did not blame Qiu Sheng this time, but continued to say to Master Ren:

"My apprentice is right. Losing money is just a small matter. Master Ren, you are not short of money anyway. But this layer of lime is more than just losing money. I am afraid that something more serious will happen."

Master Ren was shocked:

"More serious? Is there anything more serious than losing money? Is it bad for my family? Uncle Jiu, you have to explain it clearly~"

Uncle Jiu nodded and said:

"Lime is moisture-proof and anti-corrosion, but after death, people want to be buried in the ground and their bodies turn into mud, so that they can return to nature and continue to live forever. Why do you want to prevent embalming? You know, if the body is not rotten,....That's going to change!"

Hearing this, Wang Ting immediately used his X-ray vision to look at the body of Old Master Ren in the coffin underground.

Then, Wang Ting's eyes narrowed.


There is indeed something wrong with this body, a big problem.

It has been buried for twenty years, but the body has no signs of decay, and the face is green, the fingernails are also green, and have become very long. It is developing into a zombie!

Uncle Jiu obviously thought of this at this time, and immediately ordered:

"At 3:30 pm, open the coffin and examine the body!"

When the sun was at its highest point, the servants carried out the coffin of Old Master Ren and tried to pry it open with great effort. However, the coffin was nailed shut and was now rotten. Even seven or eight strong men could not open it.

At this time, Wang Ting stepped forward:

""Let me do it."

After saying that, he raised his hand lightly, and with a click, the rusty nails broke and the coffin opened.

At this moment, the birds and beasts in the woods in the distance screamed and fled in all directions, and the sun in the sky seemed to be a little dim.

At this moment, everyone had no time to think about Wang Ting's strength, and they all stretched their necks to look into the coffin!

【The coffin is open! What’s going on?】

【There seems to be a gloomy aura. So many birds in the woods have flown away.~】

【Danmaku protects you! Is something powerful coming?!】

【There won’t be any zombies flying out in broad daylight, right?】


At this time, Uncle Jiu also saw the body in the coffin. After just one look, his face suddenly became solemn.

Wang Ting was also very surprised.

Because at the moment of opening the coffin, a thin layer of green hair actually grew on the surface of the body. It was very fine, but Wang Ting was sure that these green hairs were not there before the coffin was opened.

What's going on?

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were the most bluffing, and they exclaimed at the same time:

"Wow! Green hair!?"

Cassandra poked Qiu Sheng:

"What do you mean? What is green hair?"

Qiu Sheng whispered to her:

"If a corpse turns into a zombie, it will also have different colors. Green is the scariest and most ferocious. My master and I have never seen a green-haired one in all these years."

Uncle Jiu said seriously:

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