Cobra base.

This is not the headquarters of the Cobra Corps, but just one of the more active bases. Many killers are trained here.

Wang Ting's night vision can see various special training grounds around, and even some rare military equipment. He saw fighter jets and tanks.

You know, there are almost no wars in the current society, and many major countries have also greatly reduced their weapons, but I didn't expect that Cobra still has so much heavy firepower that has not been seen for a long time! No wonder they have been able to get away with it for so long. Ordinary small and medium-sized countries may not be their opponents, not to mention the police who have no combat effectiveness at all.

"Is this the reason you are so arrogant?"

Wang Ting sneered.

At this time, the heavy machine gun on the top of the base was aimed at Wang Ting. The next second, the flames were everywhere!

Bang, bang, bang!!!

The sound of the heavy machine gun was like thunder. This kind of big killer weapon with a caliber of more than 20mm can tear a person into pieces with one bullet. Even ordinary zombies can't stand it.

But Wang Ting jumped up to the turret of the machine gun!

Although he can't fly in the real world, he has mastered a part of the biological force field, which can allow him to resist gravity to the greatest extent. His body is light and it is not a problem to jump a hundred meters.

The machine gunner on the top of the base obviously didn't expect Wang Ting to jump directly onto the tower of more than ten meters. He looked at Wang Ting with stunned eyes and rushed towards him.


Wang Ting's fist pierced his chest, and his hand was holding his still beating heart.

Then Wang Ting jumped from the tower to the roof of the base. At this time, a muffled sound came from below! A fist-sized rocket rushed towards him.


This is a single-person rocket launcher used to attack tanks or helicopters. It has a tracking mode. It was used against Wang Ting.

Wang Ting looked at the rocket with his eyes flashing red!


The rocket exploded in the air, and a second later, the killer with the bazooka on his shoulder also exploded in his head.

At this time, Wang Ting heard the sound of the tank tracks turning, and the Cobra killer actually drove a light tank over.

Wang Ting laughed.

Use such a bulky thing against me?

At this time, the tank soldier was turning the muzzle to aim at Wang Ting, but just as he saw Wang Ting, Wang Ting had already taken off and jumped directly onto the tank from the top of the 20-meter-high base!

Wang Ting raised his fist and smashed it hard on the top of the tank.


With a loud bang, the tank was immediately dented!

The heavy steel was as fragile as tin foil, and it was flattened directly, and the driver inside was squeezed into a meat pie on the spot.

A dozen Cobra members rushed over from the distance. Wang Ting pulled off the tank's fuel tank and threw it at those people. The thermal vision in his eyes flashed.


The fuel tank exploded in the crowd, and the dozen or so assassins who had just appeared did not even have time to scream, and they had already turned into a pile of charred rotten meat.

At this time, Wang Ting heard a burst of gunfire and screams coming from inside the base. He immediately rushed in and saw Bai Ying holding a rifle and advancing inside, with the bodies of seven or eight Cobra members behind him.

Wang Ting was speechless. Didn't he tell her to wait outside?

Sure enough, powerful women are not very obedient....

Bai Ying saw Wang Ting and asked calmly:

"Have you found him?"

Wang Ting shook his head:

"I haven't seen it yet, but the Black Warrior must be here. You see, they are clearly well prepared. They must have calculated that your Jinyi Society would come to rescue him. The Black Warrior is their bait. This is the fish pond, so of course the bait must be placed in the bathing pool."

Bai Ying nodded and asked again:

"Your hearing is so good, can't you hear where he is?"

Wang Ting looked at her speechlessly:

"Then why don't you let your junior brother say a few words?....Don't you know he's a guy with a built-in silencer?"

Wang Ting wanted to listen to the movements of the black warrior, but how could he listen to this guy who hadn't spoken for ten thousand years?

You can never lock onto something that doesn't exist.

Bai Ying looked up and saw that there were four floors in total.

"Leave the first and second floors to me, you go to the third and fourth floors to look for it."Wang Ting thought to himself, I haven't investigated you for coming in without permission, and you're already ordering me around?

A woman with a queen-like demeanor is really not to be messed with.~

"Be careful. If you encounter that guy with super powers, don't try to be brave. Call me immediately. I can hear you."

After Wang Ting finished speaking, he began to search the third floor.....

The space here is large, but there are not many people. Many empty rooms and equipment rooms seem to have been vacated in advance. It seems that Wang Ting's guess is correct. This is indeed a trap set by the Rattlesnake Corps against the Jinyi Society.

If Wang Ting hadn't been here, the Jinyi Society would have been killed as many as they came!

No matter how powerful a martial arts master is, he is just a sitting duck in front of modern military forces.

Ancient martial arts���It was because of the emergence of hot weapons that it withdrew from the stage of history.

Wang Ting quickly swept the third floor, but did not find any trace of the black warrior. According to his estimation, the black warrior was most likely on the fourth floor.

When fishing, you naturally have to lead the fish to the deepest part.

However, Wang Ting's vision is currently unable to completely see through metal, and the walls and floors of this base are all metal structures. Otherwise, Wang Ting would not even need to come in to see the situation here.

Wang Ting came to the fourth floor.

As soon as he came up, he found something unusual here.

Quiet and empty.....

There was no assassin lying in ambush here. There were no people, no traps, only bare corridors.


At the end of the corridor, footsteps came from behind Wang Ting.

Wang Ting had already guessed who it was. No one except Magneto would show up so pretentiously!

The person behind him spoke:

"It's really surprising that you actually walked in here. It seems that we still underestimated the Jinyi Society, but you can only stop here."

Wang Ting did not look back and asked calmly:

"Where is the Dark Knight?"

The man laughed:

"That guy....I admire him very much. I will spend a year to conquer him and turn him into our Cobra. I have to thank you Jinyi Society for training such a good killer, but it is a waste for him to follow you."

Wang Ting also laughed:

"Incite the Black Warrior to rebel? You are overthinking this. Even gods cannot do this."

The man said coldly:

"If there is a god in this world, it can only be me...."

At this time, Wang Ting turned around with a smile on his face as if he had heard a big joke.

"You said so much, but unfortunately, I am not from the Jinyi Society."

Sure enough, the other party was the guy with tattoos all over his face, who was suspected to have obtained Magneto's ability!

At this moment, the other party also saw Wang Ting, and his eyes widened immediately, and his expression froze for a moment:

"you...It's Wang Ting!"

As someone who has obtained system power synchronization, he can naturally guess that Wang Ting may also have obtained some of Superman's abilities!

So the moment he saw Wang Ting, he could hardly suppress his inner shock.

Wang Ting raised the corner of his mouth and sneered:

"I didn't want to say this, I won't say I'm a god, but if anyone else claims to be a god in front of me, they are definitely not qualified."

The tattooed man's face changed, and he immediately raised his hand to grab Wang Ting!

The metal racks on both sides immediately wrapped around Wang Ting like vines, and the man clenched his hands tightly, wanting to kill Wang Ting instantly.

Wang Ting spread his arms, and with a few crisp sounds, the metal pipes that bound him broke into pieces.

The tattooed man was startled, and immediately controlled the metal fragments to stab Wang Ting at high speed! Ding Ding


Hundreds of metal fragments cut into Wang Ting's body crazily. Even an elephant would be turned into pulp at this moment.

But Wang Ting's body only emitted a series of sparks!

Wang Ting smiled calmly:

"I admit that you are good with metals, but the problem is not you, but that metals have no effect on me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Ting spit out freezing gas from his mouth, and the metal fragments around him immediately froze into ice cubes and fell to the ground!

Magneto's ability is to control metals through electromagnetic force, but the extremely cold temperature can make the electrons in the molecules of the material fall into an inert state, no longer active, and will lose its magnetism.

Wang Ting said:

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