Wang Ting's sudden words stunned the two people in front of him.

Laura looked at him blankly, like an outsider, while Manager Yuanshan said with a confused look on his face:

"Is Renmei in danger? Why? She was fine this morning. Although she was a little nervous, it was a case of her brother, sister-in-law and mother all missing. Any girl would be in a trance, right? Last year, the father of a family here passed away, and his daughter..."

Manager Yuanshan started talking nonsense again.

Wang Ting couldn't help but said sternly,"I'm so angry!"

"Come on, let's go find Renmei!"

Yuanshan shuddered suddenly. At this moment, Wang Ting had a feeling that made him unquestionable and unresisting. He nodded immediately:

""Okay! Let's go now!"

The audience laughed.

【The master of nonsense finally got it right for once. Wang Ting should have done this a long time ago.~】

【He is the luckiest person among those who have faced Wang Ting when he lost his temper....】

【This is true. Anyone who makes Wang Ting angry, no matter how evil he is,���It's all cold~】

【Being able to irritate Wang Ting with just his mouth, this manager is really talented!】

On the way, Yuanshan, who always talked nonsense, said nothing, but glanced at Wang Ting nervously from time to time, obviously frightened.

Laura asked the question that had been in her mind just now:

"Wang Ting, why do you say Renmei is in danger?"

Wang Ting said:

"Because Renmei had been in that house, although it was only briefly, but she had been in."

Laura asked in confusion:

""I've been into that house? What do you mean?"

Wang Ting explained:

"Think about it, Takeo Saeki's family of three, Katsuya's family of three, and the volunteer who went in to clean up, these people should be all the people we have heard of who went into that house. They are all missing or dead. Haven't you realized it yet? It's like a curse."

The audience was a little speechless.

【Laura's reaction was really slow. She didn't even react?】

【Understand, after all, he was just a live streamer before.~】

【I just realized that something bad will happen if we enter this haunted house! 】

At this time, Yuanshan, who heard Wang Ting's answer, finally couldn't help but speak:

"Look! I knew someone would believe me! I said this house is cursed and haunted! But the police said I should see a psychiatrist! These bastards, they haven’t solved a single case so far, and they still dare to mock me~"

Laura looked at him puzzledly again:

"But didn’t Mr. Yuanshan also go to that house? How come he is fine?"

Yuanshan immediately waved his hand and said:

"No, no, no, I didn't go in. The first time I went to look for Shengye's family, I found the door locked, so I called the police and didn't enter the room! And the last time I went to look for Rika, I also found the door locked, I called the police again, and I didn't step into the room at all!"

Wang Ting was speechless.

Why don't you just say that you entered the room twice? This nonsense ability is really invincible.

Manager Yuanshan continued:

"I later asked the monks in the temple, and they told me that there is a kind of ghost called the earthbound spirit, which can only move in a specific area, such as the place where one died, so anyone who enters this area will be killed!"

Laura seemed to finally get it at this time, she nodded and said:

"You just said that when Rika was in the yard, he saw a little boy who looked like Junxiong, and then he went into the house to look for him. In other words, the little boy might have deliberately led him into the room? Because they had to go into the room to kill each other?"

Yuanshan clapped his hands!

"Yes! This makes more sense! Haha, finally someone believes me~ Yes, if what we guess is true, Renmei is really in danger!"

The three of them quickly came to Renmei's house.

Before knocking on the door, Wang Ting had already seen Renmei through the wall. At this time, the girl was wrapping herself tightly in the quilt, as if she was frightened by something.

Yuanshan immediately went to knock on the door, but when the knock sounded, Renmei seemed even more frightened!

She covered her ears tightly, closed her eyes, and kept muttering to herself:

"It's all an illusion! It's all fake!"

Wang Ting took a step forward, gently pushed open the door, and went straight to the second floor.

The three of them came into the room. Yuanshan was also very surprised when he saw Renmei's situation, and hurried forward to lift her quilt:

""Renmei, it's me, I'm Yuanshan, what's wrong with you? Calm down!"

Wang Ting looked around at this time, and he felt a familiar energy, the magnetic field of ghosts!

Yes, it was the kind of ghost he encountered in Kunjiayan.

But what puzzled Wang Ting was that if their previous speculation was correct, the ghost of the haunted house would only move around in the house, why would there be a faint magnetic field in Renmei's house?

If that ghost can leave the house, why didn't Renmei die at this time?

Perhaps this ghost can already leave the haunted house initially, but the energy will be very weak when the distance is far, so it can no longer kill people.

Wang Ting can only make such an inference for the time being.

But no matter what, it seems that Renmei is safe now, and the magnetic field has left.

Laura stepped forward to comfort Renmei and asked softly:

"What did you see? What happened here?"

Ren Mei saw the three living people in front of her, and her mood gradually calmed down. She said with lingering fear:

"In the morning, I went to see Manager Yuanshan to ask about my brother and mother. I went to my brother's house and took a look. I saw a woman's face on the second-floor window! When I looked again, she was gone. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became.....I left immediately."

Yuanshan nodded, looking terrified.

"No wonder you looked dazed this morning. I could tell something was wrong with you. Why didn't you tell me? If you had told me earlier, I probably wouldn't have let you go home alone, because we...."

Wang Ting saw that Yuanshan was talking nonsense again, so he quickly interrupted him and asked Renmei to continue.

Renmei continued:

"When I came back at night, I thought about it and thought that maybe I missed my brother too much these days and had hallucinations, so I took some tranquilizers and wanted to sleep. As a result, in the afternoon, I suddenly couldn't move! Then, I saw a scary little boy standing by my bed! He stared at me! It took a long time for him to disappear....."

Laura frowned after hearing this:

"Could it be sleep paralysis? It is easy to have hallucinations when you are sleep paralyzed. You must have been too tired these days."

The audience was terrified!

【Renmei saw a ghost! She also saw the little boy!】

【It was definitely not sleep paralysis. Renmei and her family had just moved in and had no idea what had happened in the house before, so how could she just happen to have a hallucination of a little boy? She must have really seen it....】

【Damn, that's scary....I'm in the quilt now. I don't dare to sleep tonight....】

【Didn't Wang Ting and the others just deduce that the ghost was a ground-bound spirit and couldn't leave? How could it come to Renmei's house?】

【Maybe things are not that simple. Let's see how Wang Ting handles it.】

At this time, Laura and Manager Yuanshan also began to realize that there was something wrong with their previous inferences, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why Renmei also saw a ghost in her own home.

Laura's talk about sleep paralysis was just to comfort Renmei.

After all, she is just a girl who just graduated from college and lives alone. Do you want to tell her that you really saw a ghost just now?

Even if she doesn't have a heart disease, she will be scared to death!

Wang Ting said to Laura and Yuanshan:

"You should take Renmei to Laura's place first, she needs someone to accompany her now."

Wang Ting did this for Renmei's safety, and secondly, he hoped that after Renmei calmed down completely, he could ask her about the details of the last time she saw her brother Shengye to see if he could find out anything.

Laura looked at Renmei and asked her what she meant.

Renmei nodded:

"Thank you for your help. I really don't dare to be alone at home now. I always feel like something is following me....."

So the three of them took Renmei to Laura's house.

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