In Laura's house, six people were crammed into a small space.

Wang Ting was shocked. Did the Dark Knight lose contact?

He should have gone to the haunted house to check the situation. With the Dark Knight's ability, he did not encounter any major problems in Gonjiam and Silent Hill, so Wang Ting was very confident in him.

Even if this house was very evil, it would not cause the Dark Knight to disappear within an hour after entering it, right?

Wang Ting looked at Cassandra:

"What's going on?"

Cassandra sighed:

"The Black Warrior went to the house to check the situation, and then he never came back. We thought it was a bit too long, so White Shadow went to check, but found no one inside. The Black Warrior couldn't have gone somewhere else....."

Wang Ting nodded:

"That's right, the Black Warrior would never go anywhere else without notifying everyone, and there's nothing strange here except that house."

At this time, Laura looked at the white shadow in surprise:

"You went into that house too?!"

Bai Ying nodded expressionlessly.

Laura's face changed:

"It's bad! You are in danger now!"

Cassandra looked at them with a puzzled look on her face.

"What are you talking about?"

Ren Mei was arranged to rest in the bedroom, so Wang Ting told everyone their discovery without hiding anything.

As soon as the voice fell, Cassandra said seriously:

"You are wrong, you are wrong. After listening to you, I can be sure that this haunted house is definitely not the same as what we encountered in Gonjiam before. This is not just a simple case of wronged ghosts seeking revenge. Otherwise, as you said, how can ghosts leave the haunted house and go to other places?"

Wang Ting then remembered that Cassandra got the book given by Uncle Jiu, which also recorded some descriptions of ghosts and sneaky events, so Cassandra may be the one who knows the most about this among them.

He asked:

"So what do you think is going on?"

Cassandra said:

"Curse! Death curse!"

Everyone present had a serious look on their faces. Curse?

Cassandra continued:

"When you said that just now, I also thought it was the earthbound spirit causing trouble, but the earthbound spirit would never leave that house, so this situation could only be a curse, a curse filled with extremely short-term resentment, and everyone who enters that house will be cursed!"

"This curse will follow everyone who enters the room like a brand, and the resentment in the curse will harm the cursed person, so it is useless to hide anywhere, because the curse has already parasitized on the body."

Laura asked solemnly:

"Then why didn't Renmei die this time? She also entered the room?"

Cassandra thought for a moment and said:

"We can think of this curse as a gas that fills the house, or as a dye that everyone who enters the house will be contaminated, but Renmei stayed there for a very short time, so the amount of contamination was also very small, so she was not killed immediately.���"

Laura was surprised:

"Not killed immediately? You mean she will still die?"

Cassandra sighed:

"The curse is lifelong and difficult to break. Although she didn't die this time, she will still face endless fear and death.

Laura shuddered:

"I wouldn't dare go into that house....."

At this time, the bullet screen was also discussing

【I think what Kassandra said makes sense, and is more reliable than the theory of the earthbound spirit.~】

【What Sister Ka said should be correct. The name of this movie is"The Grudge", isn't it a curse?】

【If this is the case, the White Shadow Goddess might be in trouble too......】

【The Black Warrior is gone, and if something happens to the White Shadow Goddess again, this ghost's record will be incredible.~】

【Sister Ka knows a lot now.】

【What kind of power is the curse? Telekinesis? Can Wang Ting deal with it?

Laura looked at Bai Ying and said worriedly:

"Bai Ying, you have to be careful. If this is true, you and Ren Mei are in the same danger.

Bai Ying nodded calmly, not seeming to care too much.

Wang Ting said:

"The power of the curse.....I haven't experienced it yet. Let me go to that room and you guys wait here."

Originally, this was Laura's live broadcast room. Wang Ting didn't want to take over the host's role, so he had to take Laura in with him.

But Laura said she didn't dare to go in!

Wang Ting had no choice but to go alone.

Cassandra followed him:

"Let me go with you! I know a little bit about exorcism anyway!"

Wang Ting shook his head:

"You stay here. Renmei and Shiro in this house are both infected with the power of the curse. You can only help if you stay here."

Cassandra thought about it and nodded helplessly:

"Alas, I never thought that one day I would be in charge of the rear..."

But she also knew that this time the situation was special, because one of the two masters, Bai Ying and Hei Shishi, lost contact, and the other was cursed?

The audience also felt

【Before I knew it, Sister Ka had become independent.~】

【Even the White Shadow Goddess and the Black Warrior were infected, but Sister Ka is now safe and sound】

【Sister Ka has learned a few tricks from Uncle Jiu, so maybe she can really calm him down!】

【I doubt it....The Dark Lord is missing, Cassandra may not be able to withstand it...】

Wang Ting left the house and walked towards the haunted house.

Cassandra looked at the white shadow and smiled:

"Sister Baiying, maybe I will have to protect you this time."

Just as she finished speaking, she heard a scream from the room!

It was Renmei's voice. Cassandra was shocked. She came so soon?

She immediately rushed into the room and saw Renmei sitting on the bed in fear, while Manager Yuanshan was on the sofa opposite with a confused look on his face.

It turned out to be just a nightmare.

Yuanshan saw Cassandra coming in and immediately explained:

"I didn't do anything! I was sleeping on the sofa just now! But I'm ashamed to say that I wanted to take care of Renmei here, but I went through too many things today and felt a little tired, so I fell asleep just now without realizing it....."

Cassandra frowned immediately:

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I didn't ask you anything. You're so long-winded!"

The audience laughed immediately.

【Hahahaha ~ Sister Ka is still so sharp when criticizing people!】

【Sister Ka never talks about face, she speaks directly~】

【This guy Yuanshan really talks too much nonsense. Will he die if he doesn't talk nonsense?】

【I am dying of laughter, Yuanshan is so confused! 】

Renmei suddenly pointed at the corner of the wall where Yuanshan was narrating:

"He's right there! He's right there!"

Yuanshan shuddered suddenly, and jumped up from the sofa with a scream!

"Who is there?"

But he and Cassandra could not see anything. The corner was clearly empty.

At this time, Bai Ying came into the room after hearing the scream. As soon as she came in, she immediately looked at the corner with vigilance, and the Overlord Spear behind her was immediately held in her hand and pointed at the direction of the corner.

The audience was all stunned!

【What's going on? What's that in the corner?】

【I didn't see any, there wasn't even any hair!】

【I didn’t see it either!】

【Didn't see +1】

【I understand, Renmei and Baiying have both entered the room and been cursed, so only the two of them can see it!】

【But we also saw the ghost that the black warrior encountered just now, right?】

【In a haunted house, ghosts can appear, but after leaving the haunted house, the power of the curse can only be seen by the cursed?

The audience began to make their own guesses.

But in fact, they had already guessed it almost right. The curse was naturally only for the cursed person, just like a virus.

Cassandra also analyzed this point at this moment and shouted to the two of them:

"It's an illusion! It's not real!"

Bai Ying has a strong willpower. After hearing Cassandra's words, he gradually let down his guard, but Renmei continued to scream:

"He's coming! He's coming towards me!"

Cassandra asked:

"Who is he? What does he look like!?"

Ren Mei cried:

"It's the little boy who appeared in my room before...."

Cassandra's face suddenly changed after hearing this!


But that's not right. If the curse is just an illusion, then Renmei should only see the things that she fears in her heart, or the things she imagines?

And she has never seen Junxiong, and she doesn't know Junxiong exists. How can she see something beyond her cognition in her hallucination?

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