The battle was about to start.

The intensity was as intense as yesterday.

But the result was exactly the same.

The East Star Otters were defeated again.

After Jiangnan's massage, each of the Hongxing Otters was full of energy, and soon they beat the East Star Otters to the shore.

Even Chen Haonan, who fought against the Crow yesterday, was defeated today.

Looking at the East Star Otters' embarrassed escape, Jiangnan smiled helplessly: "You really perfectly interpret what it means to be both bad and playful!"

The East Star Otters fled one after another.

The Hongxing Otters happily celebrated by playing and fighting in the river.

Jiangnan had already left on his moose Lufei.

Arriving at the entrance of the Parrot Valley, Jiangnan became more and more aware of how right it was for him not to bring the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui with him.

Because there were so many parrots here.

In addition to the various cockatoos seen before, there were other species.

The green-colored parrot.

There are also the more common budgies and cockatiels.

The so-called cockatiels are called cockatiels in China.

These two types of parrots are very common in China and are allowed to be kept, so they have become pet birds for many people.

In addition, there are rose parrots, speed parrots, king parrots, etc.

If the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui suddenly came, it would scare the group of parrots to death.

Jiangnan jumped off the back of the moose Lufei and entered carefully, trying not to disturb them.

Just after walking less than five meters forward, four or five small parrots with yellow chests, blue heads, and green backs appeared in front of Jiangnan.

They were not afraid of Jiangnan at all, and wandered among the flowers on their own.

"This is a honeyeater!"

Jiangnan introduced: "Their favorite thing to do is the same as bees, which is to suck pollen from various flowers."

"You can observe carefully and find that their beaks are longer than those of ordinary parrots, which is convenient for them to go deep into the flowers to get food."

"In fact, their tongues are also very thin and long, and they have brush-like hairs, called brush tongues, which are also used to suck pollen."

"Hahaha, why did I think of hummingbirds!"

"So beautiful! The colors are so bright!"

"This is simply a paradise for parrots!"

"My favorite animal is the bird, and my favorite among birds is the parrot. Island owner, please leave me here for life!"

"Island owner, look over there, there is a pink parrot!"

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was much less.

It's not that so many types of parrots can't attract viewers, but that they are busy taking screenshots and recording videos.

Jiangnan looked over and found the pink parrot.

It was holding a branch in its mouth, standing on a big tree, building its love nest.

"Pink Sunflower Parrot!"

Jiangnan took a look and said the name, "The reason for this name is actually very simple, because most of their feathers are pink, and the feathers on their heads are fluffy, which looks like the petals of sunflowers at first glance, so it got the name."

"Don't look at it because it is small and exquisite. It is alone now. It has a large army."

"Generally speaking, they like to appear in groups, and there can be up to thousands of them at most, so maybe their large army is hiding in a forest."

"Not only that, they are also very long-lived, and can live to at least forty years old."

"What I am more curious about now is why it appears here. You know, although they like forests, grasslands, etc., they are more keen to live in pastures, parks, gardens and other areas built by humans, because they prefer open places rather than dense woods."

After Jiangnan finished speaking, he looked around and understood instantly.

Although this is a large valley, there are still many flat areas in the valley, which are naturally suitable for pink sunflower parrots.

The most important thing is that there are now various kinds of parrots living in the entire valley, with a number of at least one or two thousand, and it has become a paradise for parrots.

Compared with pastures and parks, pink sunflower parrots who like to join in the fun will definitely choose to settle here.

After a while, Jiangnan has come to the valley and has seen many parrots.

These parrots are not afraid of Jiangnan. Some are full of curiosity and will come over on their own initiative.

Perhaps it is because they smell the smell of melon seeds.

Before coming, Jiangnan was worried about his sudden

Breaking in would scare the parrots, so he prepared some melon seeds and put them in his pocket.

He also thought that if the parrots were full of hostility, he would take out their favorite snacks, melon seeds, to bribe them.

Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

Although these parrots are wild and may have never seen a few humans in their lives, they are lively and naughty by nature and are not shy or socially anxious at all.

Jiangnan was admiring the scenery and watching the parrots flying back and forth, and unknowingly came to the stream.

This is where the family of three short-tailed kangaroos lived from a distance before.

He turned around and didn't find the mother short-tailed kangaroo.

Jiangnan also focused on looking for dense grass.

Because short-tailed kangaroos like to hide in it.

In desperation, he had to put the two babies on the ground and whispered: "You are more familiar with this place, look around and see if you can find your mother!"

If their mother is really nearby, maybe the two babies will find it by themselves after smelling her scent.

The two babies looked at Jiangnan, then jumped away.

Jiangnan sat down on the ground, then lay directly on the lawn, and began to appreciate the parrot leisurely.

"The island owner is so careless that he actually let the two quokka babies go to find their own children, not afraid of getting lost!"

"This is their home. Have you ever seen a child get lost from his own home?"

"I used to watch a variety show called "Where Are We Going, Dad?" Now the island owner is performing "Where Is Mom?"

"In ancient times, there was "The Tadpole Looking for Mom," and now there is "The Kangaroo Looking for Mom!"

"There is no way. Who made the quokka mother so irresponsible that she can even abandon her own children!"

"There are so many parrots here. I have captured many pictures, which is just right for research."

"Island owner, get up quickly. There is a very, very big parrot flying towards you. It looks very fierce!"

"It must be the boss here. It hates you for intruding into its territory. You'd better leave quickly!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was afraid that Jiangnan would have an accident, and they reminded him all the time.

The main reason was that if Jiangnan had an accident, they would have less fun in the future.

After watching Jiangnan's live broadcast, watching other people's live broadcasts has become boring, like chewing wax.

Jiangnan raised his head calmly and looked at the huge parrot flying towards him. Instead of worrying, he smiled.

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