As Jiangnan walked towards the deep water, he said, "There are indeed many lobsters here, and they are very big. But I didn't bring any tools today, so I'll let them go for now and catch them another day."

"After catching them, I'll use them to make the six-shrimp noodles, which are the best among noodles!"

"Now, I'll just touch a river clam, otherwise it would be too monotonous to go home and eat only fish at night."

"In fact, the skill of touching river clams is to 'step on it once and touch it twice!'"

"The so-called step is to touch it once, and then touch it twice!" "Stand on the bottom of the water."

"See if you can touch anything pointed or round. If the shape matches, it's basically a clam!"

"The shell of an empty clam is usually brittle, so you won't slip when you step on it."

"As for the second touch, it's naturally to reach out and touch it."

"Because some clams are hidden in the mud and sand, you really can't touch them without turning them over with your hands."

"Hey, there's something!"

While talking, Jiangnan suddenly stopped, then leaned over and started to feel around in the water with both hands.

Soon, a dark, oval clam was touched out.

Jiangnan pulled out a knife from his lower back, drew a circle along the gap of the clam, and then suddenly exerted force to break open the brown-black shell.

For a moment, the white, tender, and pink clam meat was exposed.

It seemed to be shrinking.

"Wow! This clam meat is good, very plump and plump!"

"It's also pink!"

"I really hate this kind of life that I can understand at a glance. Why do I want to see that thing more and more?"

"What is that thing? Please tell me in detail!"

"The island owner is so pitiful! It took him so long to eat clam meat after coming to the Great Barrier Reef. I can eat it every night!"

"Just a quick question, is the clam meat mentioned above the same?"

"Wait, there's something in the clam meat!"

"Pearls! It's pearls!"

"It's black!"

"The island owner is so lucky. I envy him!"

The audience in the live broadcast room screamed.

Jiangnan was delighted. He took out the black pearl, washed it in water, and then raised it above his head to observe it carefully in the sun. He smiled and said, "I just wanted to eat some clam meat, but I accidentally picked up a precious pearl. Isn't it annoying?"

This pearl is quite round, as big as two glass marbles, and is very transparent in the sun. Most importantly, it has no flaws or damage.

"Damn it, my back teeth are about to break!"

"I can't stand my brother's poverty, but I can't see him being good!"

"You deserve to die! Damn it!"

"I just want to ask, are black pearls precious?"

Jiangnan explained with a smile: "It seems that I need to give you a grand popular science about pearls. When you have a boyfriend or girlfriend in the future, don't be fooled by the pearls given by the other party."

"First, pearls are divided into two types: seawater pearls and freshwater pearls. From the shape: seawater pearls are round, and freshwater pearls are not only round, but also oval, granular, and tower-shaped."

"Seawater pearls take a long time to cultivate and have a small output. In comparison, they are slightly more expensive than freshwater pearls."

"Second, the main colors of pearls are red and white with a slight rose, white, golden yellow, black with purple, etc. The output of black pearls is relatively small, so they are more precious than other colors."

"Third, when rubbing two pearls together, imitation pearls feel slippery, while real pearls feel astringent. Put the pearls on the glass When rubbed, imitation pearls have no streaks, while real pearls have streaks of pearl powder. Real pearls have pearl powder when gently scraped with a knife, and then wiped with cotton cloth or hands, and it feels undamaged.

"Fourth, dyed pearls generally have poor luster, look unnatural, and are gray and black. If you use a cloth dipped in 5% dilute nitric acid to scrub, there will be black marks on the cloth, and the true shape will be immediately revealed by gently scraping the surface with a knife.

"There is an idiom called pearls are round and smooth, so the rounder the shape, the better, the more flawless the surface, the better, and the finer the grains, the better. If it is black, it is definitely a top-grade product.

"Except that my pearl is not from the sea, all other aspects are the best of the best."

"Finally, I would like to add that the so-called natural pearls now are actually artificially cultivated, that is, artificially planted, and the clams must be triangular clams, and other clams are not good. After planting, they are generally kept for three to five years, about 30 centimeters from the water surface.

"And my pearl is 100% from the wild!"

Jiangnan put the black pearl in his pocket

As for the river clams, they were placed on the shore, and then they continued to touch the river clams.

The audience in the live broadcast room became more and more excited after listening to Jiangnan’s popular science.

"So, the island owner really picked up a treasure!"

"Island owner, come to my house and marry into my family! I don't want anything else, just this pearl of yours!"

"Sister, do you think I can do it? I have two pearls on my body!"

"Thank you, island owner. I will take my pearls to test their authenticity. If they are fake, then my boyfriend will be finished!"

"Is there anyone who knows the business who can estimate the price of the island owner's pearl?"

"It's really hard to say, because the price of pearls is not as stable as gold. Its price fluctuates greatly. It's one price today and another price tomorrow."

Jiangnan was touching the river clams and watching the barrage. He found that everyone was very interested in pearls, so he said: "Why don't I tell you about the ten most precious pearls in the world!"

"The tenth one is called the La Paregrana Pearl!"

"It is a pearl with an extremely round shape, weighing 28 carats."

"In 1560, it was discovered in Venezuela The first was presented to Philip II, Spain as a gift, and then hid in the Moscow Museum in the Tsar era, but in the end, the whereabouts were unknown. "Ovido Pearl" "It weighs 26 carats. In 1520, it was discovered by Panama, the southernmost country in Central America, and was also the biggest high -quality pearl at that time. As a result, "Charlie II lost this pearl, and the Queen of Spain was obtained by chance to make it into a pair of earrings. "Pearls made into earrings, is that possible?"

"If you split it in two, wouldn't the price be greatly discounted?"

"Why are all the pearls from the West? Are there any from China?"

"That makes sense. China is such a great country, how could it be possible that there is not a single rare pearl!"

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