The more you walk, the more you will see.

"Where are the mushrooms? Where are the mushrooms?"

After walking for most of the day, Jiangnan began to become decadent, and even his speech became weak.

"Don't even mention mushrooms, I didn't even see any wild vegetables."

"The island owner didn't start well today. He only found some Chinese toon, which can't be eaten as a vegetable."

"Actually, I was surprised that the island owner actually knew about wild vegetables?"

"Anyway, I can't recognize them. Aren't all grasses the same?"

"I remember my father told me a real joke when I was a child. It was during the period when college students went to the countryside. A college student came to the village. After seeing the wheat planted by the villagers, he actually said that the chives here are growing really well!"

Jiangnan glanced at the barrage and shook his head helplessly.

In this season, it is reasonable to say that there are wild vegetables everywhere.

Shepherd's purse, motherwort, chrysanthemum, radish, bread vegetable, etc. can all be eaten.

They are not only wild vegetables, but also Chinese medicine. Some of them can be sold for 80 or 90 yuan per kilogram.

Some people will dig wild vegetables to make money, at least 3,000 or 4,000 yuan a week.

In one sentence, the wild in this season is full of treasures!

Since learning the "Illustrated Guide to Animals and Plants", Jiangnan has learned a lot.

But why can't he meet them?

As soon as the voice fell, Jiangnan suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

"Found wild vegetables?"

"Let me see it quickly, I have never seen it in my life. By the way, the island owner will explain it to me. I will also go to the community to dig it tomorrow to make extra money."

"Fuck! Upstairs, Li Yunlong has to say that you are a real talent when he sees you!"

Under the gaze of the audience, Jiangnan actually picked up a branch from the ground.

This branch is one meter long, thick in front and thin in the back, very straight and smooth, especially handy.

Jiangnan also swung it and said: "It's quite tough, just right for a walking stick."

"Puff! It's just a stick!"

"But who doesn't want to have such a stick when they were young?"

"With this stick in hand, there will be no grass growing within a radius of ten miles."

"If I had this stick back then, all the cauliflowers in ten miles would have no heads!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that when I was a child, I had such a stick, and the children in the village played house with me, all wanting to be my son!"

"This is the legendary dream love stick!"

"Island owner, I'll give you 100, I want this stick!"

Jiangnan smiled, leaned on the stick, and continued to go deeper.

About ten minutes later, a small stream appeared in front of him.

The stream was clear and there were occasionally small fish and shrimps.

Jiangnan stopped, rolled up his sleeves, and just washed his face.

Suddenly, there were bursts of bird calls.

The bird calls were very urgent and seemed very uneasy.

Jiangnan felt a little strange, holding a wooden stick, and ran quickly towards the source of the sound.

When Jiangnan came out of the bushes, he happened to see a "tragedy" happening under a big tree three meters away.

Under the big tree, there was a bird's nest that had fallen to the ground.

There were three sky-blue bird eggs in the bird's nest. Fortunately, the bird's nest was woven with hay, which was strong and soft enough, so the three bird eggs did not break.

But misfortunes never come alone. A king cobra was staring at them and swimming towards this place.

The letter stretched out from its mouth from time to time, wishing to swallow the three bird eggs into its stomach immediately.

The mother bird had already noticed the existence of the cobra, flapping its wings and confronting the king cobra in mid-air.

But its body was too small, and it was no match for the cobra at all. It was only a matter of time before it was defeated.

In the end, they either fled in panic or were eaten by the cobra along with the three eggs.

"Alas! Hemp ropes only break at the thinnest part, and misfortune only finds the unfortunate!"

Seeing this scene, Jiangnan sighed.

It must be because of the rain last night that the bird's nest fell down, and then it was targeted by the king cobra.

"Damn, king cobra!"

"It's over, it's over, this red mother bird is going to die!"

"Will the island owner save them? They look so pitiful?"

"Please, that's a king cobra, how can the island owner save it? Maybe he will even sacrifice himself!"

"Come on, come and sit on the Leshan Giant Buddha!"

In fact, Jiangnan was also considering whether to save it, because he noticed that the red mother bird in front of him was not an ordinary bird.

But this is a king cobra. If he is bitten, his life will be in danger on this isolated island.

King cobra belongs to the animal world

One of the most dangerous snakes, the cobra is also the largest in the world.

The cobra in front of us has reached a body length of 1.8 meters, and it is agile, with a flexible head and can turn. It can not only attack in the front, back, left and right directions, but also jump vertically to attack objects above its head. Once it bites, it will never let go easily. To be honest, Jiangnan really doesn't want to provoke it unless it is absolutely necessary.

But the mother bird seemed to have discovered Jiangnan's existence, and actually led the king cobra to fly towards Jiangnan, and kept chirping, as if seeking Jiangnan's help.

The king cobra soon noticed Jiangnan and had already taken an attacking posture.

Now Jiangnan can't get away at all.

Jiangnan clenched the stick in his hand and pretended to be calm, saying: "Everyone, if you meet a king cobra in the wild, you must turn around and run immediately."

"If you are unfortunate enough to anger it, don't run away, because you can't run away. The king cobra is also known as the grass fly. Its sudden burst speed is the top among snakes."

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was empty.

The sense of substitution was too strong. The audience looked at this king cobra, and their scalps were numb, cold sweats were pouring down, and their breathing was rapid. How could they have the mood to type?

Only a few viewers were still fooling around.

"Where is the barrage? Where is the barrage? I need the barrage to protect me!"

"Actually, what the island owner said is not accurate. In this case, everyone just needs to bring their ID cards, and the police uncle will be able to identify you easily."

"By the way, is the king cobra a protected animal? If I encounter it in the wild and accidentally kill it, does it count as emergency avoidance?"

"Zhang San: If you have the ability to kill it, I will count it as emergency avoidance for you!"

The audience in the live broadcast room have never encountered a king cobra, so they can only worry or pray for Jiangnan.

But praying is praying, you can't let Jiangnan keep wasting time with the king cobra like this, right?

Even if Jiangnan agrees, the king cobra will not agree.

"There is no way! It seems that today we can only let everyone watch a good show of a human-snake battle!"

Jiangnan held the long stick in his hand, ready to take the lead in attacking.

If you wait until the king cobra attacks, you will only be very passive, because you have to worry about the venom that the king cobra sprays anytime and anywhere.

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