The river is so beautiful, but the water is still flowing.

At the end of the river, there is a lush grass.

In the grass, there are crystal clear flowers.

Yes, these flowers are transparent. Under the sunlight, they only reflect a light purple, and the flowers as a whole are like a wide bell.

It is beautiful and magnificent, just like an exquisite handicraft handed down from ancient times.

"Oh my god, what kind of flower is this? It doesn't look real!"

"If you don't recognize it, you will be punished by a life sentence!"

"If the wind hadn't blown it, I would have thought it was fake."

"These days, real flowers are getting more and more fake, and fake flowers are getting more and more real."

"I really want to lie in the flowers and have a good sleep!"

"I'm different from you. I want to pick one and wear it on my head."

The audience in the live broadcast room were surprised to see this magical flower for the first time.

Jiangnan walked forward, reached out and picked a flower, gently put it in his mouth, and began to chew it, saying: "This flower is called Adenophora flower, the whole body is a treasure, and people nicknamed it Little Ginseng."

"There are many kinds of plants, but I always think that the most influential ones are edible. In addition to the crops that are planted, there are those wild species in the fields. Among the many wild vegetation, Adenophora flower is very common, but it is rarely noticed by people."

"The main reason why it is called Adenophora is that it grows mostly in sandy soil. It has a strong ability to adapt to the environment and is distributed in many places in rural areas, such as grass, rubble, hills, under forests, etc."

Jiangnan glanced at the surrounding environment and found that most of the river silt gathered here, which just provided a good growth environment for Adenophora flower.

The flowers of Adenophora flower are beautiful, and it should be easy for humans to find them, but why has no one ever noticed it? It is because before it blooms, it has been picked by people who know the business.

The Adenophora flowers here have never been disturbed. They grow very strong, with upright and thick stems. The hairs on the stems and leaves are not only soft but also very delicate. They are top-quality at first glance.

"Little ginseng?"

"Is it very valuable?"

"Island owner, what can this flower treat? I saw you couldn't wait to put one in your mouth just now!"

"What does Adenophora flower taste like? Island owner, please tell me in detail!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of curiosity. They wanted to get Sadako's skills and immediately pass through the screen to taste it themselves.

After all, in people's cognition, anything that can be related to "ginseng" must be a tonic.

Jiangnan smiled and explained: "It is recorded in the Ben Jing that Adenophora treats blood stasis and shock, eliminates cold and heat, replenishes the middle, and benefits the lungs. Long-term use is beneficial to people."

"In addition, it is also mentioned in Bie Lu and Yao Xing Lun."

"It is said that the whole body is a treasure, and the whole body of Adenophora flower can be used as medicine."

"Of course, the most valuable part is its root. The older the Adenophora flower is, the stronger its root will be. This is similar to many kinds of precious medicinal materials, which also have good root quality and great effects."

"In addition to its medicinal value, Adenophora flower is also extremely nutritious. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body, and contains a large amount of nutrients. It also has a high content of protein and dietary fiber, and its nutritional value is extremely high."

"I have to dig some quickly and put some in the soup later. It is absolutely delicious."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan couldn't wait to start.

In his eyes, these are not a lot of money, but delicious food.

"Island owner, I don't think these are real Adenophora flowers. Please mail them to me so that I can study them carefully."

"Island owner: I don't believe you, you old man are very bad."

"This luck is really amazing. I walked along the riverbed and found wild ginseng."

"No more words. I'm going back to the countryside to find some tomorrow."

"By the way, how much is this thing per pound? Is there any on the market?"

"The guy above, I've seen you as a smart kid since I was a kid. Others want to dig it themselves, but you just spend money to buy it."

The audience was more impatient than Jiangnan, and asked one after another.

Jiangnan dug and glanced at the barrage, saying: "According to me, it's about 20 yuan per pound, the same price as pork, but the wild one is more expensive than the artificially cultivated one, and the nutrition is better."

"Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer wild Adenophora, which is mainly due to the increase in the number of ginseng collectors.


"In the past, it was basically everywhere, and it also affected the ecology."

"Although the number of wild ginseng is constantly decreasing, the profits obtained by grassroots ginseng collectors are not much. After being transferred by middlemen, the price that finally reaches the market is ridiculously high."

"In addition to the flower of Adenophora, it seems that many commodities are transferred by middlemen, resulting in rural growers not making much money, but the market price is so high that urban people can't afford it."

"Finally, I would like to add that the medicinal and nutritional value of the flower of Adenophora is much higher than what I said."

"In my country, although the development of traditional Chinese medicine is very long, many of its medical technologies and prescriptions have been lost and forgotten to varying degrees due to time, inheritance and other historical reasons. Unless some commonly used or extremely precious Chinese medicinal materials and medical methods are passed on orally or treasured, they will be passed down to this day, which is not easy."

"Even now, many Chinese medicine practitioners have been forced to close because they do not have business licenses as experts say. ”

“Therefore, many of us nowadays do not know much about the efficacy of some plants in traditional Chinese medicine. Even if we encounter precious Chinese medicine, we don’t know what it is. It is typical that we are guarding the treasure but cannot find it. ”

“In the countryside, there are actually many Chinese herbal medicines. They seem inconspicuous, but they are very valuable. You think they are decorating the earth with green, but in fact they are the backbone of the air and can save your life at a critical moment! ”

After saying that, Jiangnan shook his head helplessly, with regret and sadness in his tone.

Who would have thought that Chinese medicine, which has been passed down for thousands of years, would eventually be destroyed by a group of self-righteous experts?

There is no way, in China, everything is inseparable from the four words of human relations and worldly wisdom.

Some time ago, a school dismissed a foreign tutor, who would have thought that he would become a Nobel Prize winner.

Therefore, some netizens joked that even if Einstein, Hawking and others came to that school, they would be dismissed if they did not understand human relations and worldly wisdom.

Even if Messi, Ronaldo and others went to the national football team, they would be kicked out of the team if they did not understand human relations and worldly wisdom before they even played.

Even if they played, they would be deliberately sent off because their left foot stepped into the court.

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