The climb was a success, but it was a difficult one.

Jiangnan did break the world record.

It took Honnold 3 hours and 56 minutes to conquer the 914-meter-high El Capitan.

But he climbed the thousand-meter-high cliff in just 4 hours and 40 minutes.

Although it took more than 40 minutes, he climbed more than 100 meters more than Honnold, and the environment along the way was more complex, the cliffs were more dangerous, and the verticality was nearly 90 degrees.

And as he said, the world record is really easy to break.

Because there are many boring and weird world records in this world.

Someone once set a world record of not closing his eyes and not sleeping for 40 consecutive days.

Some people did not take a bath for 60 years, setting a record for the longest time without taking a bath.

There is also a person who can unbutton 91 women's underwear buttons in one minute, setting a world record.

There is also a woman who had a "story" with 919 boys in just one day, and no one has surpassed her so far.

Jiangnan sat on the grass and rested for more than ten minutes. When he recovered his strength, he stood up and said, "The vegetation here is very lush, and no one has ever disturbed it. I believe there will be many small animals that are difficult to encounter on weekdays."

He walked down the mountain and looked around casually.

He did not deliberately look for it.

After all, he was just guessing.

He likes everything to go with the flow, and will not have excessive hope for anything. On the contrary, there will be unexpected gains and surprises, otherwise he will be disappointed with joy.

As he walked, the mountains in front of him began to become complicated, and there were many gravels on the ground, mixed with a lot of weeds.

But it seemed wide.

Walking on it, it felt that the clouds were very close to him.

From the live camera, the ground became more and more spacious.

At this time, Jiangnan seemed to see something, and his pace quickened, and he stopped immediately.

Soon, a pile of... poop appeared in the audience's sight!

The poop was black, round, and very granular.

"Fuck! Isn't this sheep dung!"

"I saw it when I went to the countryside when I was a child!"

"I saw it too, and I thought it was chocolate beans at the time, so I kept stuffing it into my mouth."

"A Shuai: I'm familiar with this operation!"

"I once thought that the pearls in pearl milk tea were this! (dog head)"

"Damn, I was drinking pearl milk tea, and it spurted out in one mouthful. I will never dare to look at pearl milk tea again!"

"Is there any goat nearby?"

The audience discussed curiously.

"This is the feces of the bilby!"

"Among all the marsupials in Australia, the bilby is the most precious and has a nickname called: three-in-one."

"The bilby's ears are long and big, like a rabbit; there is a pocket on the abdomen and two well-developed hind legs, like a kangaroo; and its overall appearance is like a bilby."

"In addition to these, the bilby is also the smallest marsupial in the world, with a body length of only 50 centimeters, and its tail is half as long."

"When running, their tails will become extremely stiff, like a straight flagpole."

"Bilbys are not good at grouping and live a solitary life. They only look for each other during the mating season."

"Like rabbits, they like to dig holes that can be up to three meters long, and the holes are spiral-shaped."

"In addition, these holes may have multiple exits. If a cave is invaded by a predator, it can escape from other exits, which is particularly important. Yes. "

"The entrances to these burrows are hidden in the grass, making them difficult for predators to find, and they can also hide from the harsh sun and various bad weather such as wind and rain."

"When they go out to forage, they will put their cubs in the burrows."

"You heard it right, although there are pouches, the cubs still have to live in the burrows."

"The cubs will stay in the pouch for about two and a half months. During this period, they will grow at a very fast rate. When they leave the pouch, their weight can reach 200 grams."

"Once the cubs come out of the mother's pouch, they will never go back in, and then they will start living in the burrow."

"The mother will continue to feed the child for the next two weeks, after which the young bilby will leave the mother's burrow, take care of itself, and start living independently."

"The bilby has one of the shortest gestation periods of all mammals, only 14-17 days, and each ...

Three cubs will be born each time. If the living environment around is good enough, one more cub will be born. "

"Currently, the bilby has been listed as an endangered species."

Jiangnan spoke very seriously and observed very carefully.

The feces in front of him had completely dried, indicating that there were indeed bilbys nearby, but they did not appear in this area in the short term.

He continued to walk forward, this time with his eyes wide open, paying special attention to the surrounding grass, trying to find the bilby's cave.

"I didn't expect that in addition to the four-in-one, there are also three-in-one in this world!"

"It looks like a rabbit, a kangaroo, and a raccoon. I'm suddenly looking forward to what it looks like!"

"I suddenly remembered the fennec fox, the companion of the protagonist Nick the fox in "Zootopia". It dresses up a little and becomes a baby elephant!"

"To be honest, I have a baby elephant in me! (Dog head)"

"Nonsense! Which man doesn't have one? ”

“Elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long~~”

“So this guy is an endangered animal. I thought almost all animals in Australia were rampant and would endanger human life.”

The audience expressed their thoughts on the public screen.

Jiangnan shook his head and sighed: “In 1930, the bilbies in northern Australia disappeared, and by 1950, they disappeared in the south.”

“Because they rarely appear, they were once suspected to be extinct.”

“The distribution range of the bilbies has rapidly declined from north to south, and the downward trend is very fast. The same is true for the number. Historically, the overall number of bilbies has declined by more than 90%.

“The reason for this is that their fur has commercial value and has been hunted in large numbers.”

“In fact, bilbies have been living a stable life in Australia for thousands of years. It was not until Europeans set foot in Australia that they suffered a devastating disaster. ”

“Europeans frantically captured rare animals such as bilbies in Australia, stripped their fur, and brought them back to sell at high prices. They once became tributes to the royal family. ”

“Not only that, they also brought many alien species, such as hunting dogs, which led to the gradual extinction of the bilbie family, which originally had few natural enemies. ”

“Excessive hunting, coupled with the development of animal husbandry, naturally caused a lot of destruction to the habitat of bilbies, making their survival prospects even worse. ”

“At present, many of them are hiding on small islands that have never been visited by humans! ”

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