The ducklings were so busy that they had to wait for the ducklings to arrive.

The mother duck did not notice Jiangnan either, and she led the way on her own.

On the contrary, the little duck at the end of the team noticed Jiangnan, stood there, tilted its head, and looked at it seriously.

A few seconds later, it quickly caught up with its companions in front, quacking and whispering to each other, as if saying: Look! There is a two-legged beast following us!

Then, they turned their heads, moved their legs, and stumbled towards Jiangnan.

Maybe the animal training technique worked, they were not afraid of Jiangnan at all.

Of course, they were more curious.

After all, it was the first time they saw a human!

And the appearance of this human was comparable to that of the readers of this book!

Jiangnan held the two ducklings in his palms, looked at them closely, and said in shock: "This is actually the Auckland Island Merganser!"

"Didn't they become extinct a hundred years ago?"

Hearing Jiangnan say this, the audience in the live broadcast room also became excited.

"Mergansers are actually classified?"

"I thought all mergansers were exactly the same, I was superficial!"

"Is this an extinct animal? Is the island owner sure?"

"The island owner's luck is too good, he didn't find the bilby, but found an extinct animal!"

"It's just an ordinary duck, how could it be extinct, the island owner is kidding us again!"

Jiangnan's face was written with seriousness, and he said seriously: "I'm really not kidding, this is the extinct Auckland Island Merganser!"

"There are currently five types of mergansers in the world, one of which is the common merganser, which is the largest of all mergansers, with a body length of up to 70 cm and a maximum weight of up to 2 kg."

"Common Merganser" Mergansers often live in small groups. During migration and winter, they often gather in large groups of dozens or even hundreds of individuals. Their footprints are almost all over the northern hemisphere. The colder the weather, the further south they go. "

"You can meet them in Northeast China."

"Some time ago, there was a news in Northeast China. Someone photographed a group of young birds jumping down from a nest 20 stories high. At that time, they thought they were goose cubs. After taking the photos and posting them online, netizens discovered that they were mergansers!"

"The second species is the Chinese merganser, which is a species unique to China."

"The black scales on the feathers on the flanks of the Chinese merganser are the most striking feature of this merganser, so its earlier name was the scaly-flanked merganser."

"Later, ornithologists discovered that they often appear in Changbai Mountain area, the distribution range is narrow, only a few individuals occasionally fly to several neighboring countries, so it is renamed the Chinese merganser. "

"In addition, the Chinese merganser has another feature, that is, there are two tufts of crest feathers behind the head, at first glance, it looks like the head of a phoenix!"

"Finally, the Chinese merganser is an ancient species left over from the end of the Tertiary glacial period. It is a first-class protected wild animal in China and is known as the "giant panda" among birds."

"The third species is the brown merganser. As their name suggests, their feathers are brown. "

"The brown merganser flies very fast and very straight, and a pair of wings often make a clear vibration sound when flapping. "

"Although they fly fast, they are very clumsy when taking off, and need two wings to fly. They can only fly after flapping rapidly on the water surface and running on the water surface for a while. "

"In addition, they are also very good at diving. They can swim underwater for about 40 meters per second each time. They are one of the six most threatened waterfowl in the world."

"And they are mainly distributed in several countries in South America."

"The fourth species is called the Red-breasted Merganser. As their name suggests, their breasts are mostly red and brown."

"Like the common merganser, they are also very common and are also distributed throughout the northern hemisphere."

"Their numbers are currently decreasing rapidly."

"The last species is the Auckland Island Merganser in front of us!"

"They were first discovered by a traveling team of the Mingjiao Julie Dumont D'Urville on Auckland Island in 1840, hence the name."

"Their extinction is mainly caused by human hunting and predation by invasive mammals."

"They like to live among rocks. Their young cannot fly, and they can only fly for a short time after they grow up, so they are easily caught. ”

“In 1973, because they could not find any trace of them, they were determined to have


"But people later found their fossils on Gambell Island, so they are also called Campbell ducks."

"That's right! Mergansers have lived on Earth for a long, long time, and have survived for tens of millions of years, which is longer than the history of mankind."

Jiangnan introduced all the mergansers in one breath.

The two little ducks in his hand were confused and began to close their eyes, feeling sleepy.

Just like when I was in school, whenever the teacher started to lecture seriously, I would always fall asleep, and I couldn't control it.

The audience in the live broadcast room was fascinated.

"My goodness, there is a rescue that exists before us humans!"

"Didn't a scientist say that we humans evolved from fish? Maybe tens of millions of years ago, mergansers ate us!"

"It jumps down from a height of dozens of meters as soon as it is born. No wonder it has become a national first-class protected animal."

"Mergansers: Otherwise, how do you think I got the title of giant panda in the water? That's right, I like to die just like pandas! ”

“What a pity! They survived for tens of millions of years, but were eventually driven extinct by us humans!”

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling bullet screen and said, “Red-breasted Merganser and Common Merganser are currently the most numerous. There are only tens of thousands of them in our country, while there are hundreds of thousands abroad.”

“The Chinese Merganser is on the verge of extinction, and the known population is less than 5,000.”

“There may be less than 250 Brown Mergansers left in the wild, and 4 of them are kept in captivity.”

“As for the Auckland Island Merganser, as I said before, it became extinct a hundred years ago. I didn’t expect to encounter it today. It’s incredible!”

“Quack, quack! "

As soon as Jiangnan finished speaking, he heard the rapid calls of mergansers.

Looking down, he saw that the mother duck was already standing at his feet.

It found the two lost children and came over with a long team.

It was very excited. It spread its wings and pounced on Jiangnan, pecking at Jiangnan's handsome face with its sharp beak.

Jiangnan's face must not be injured, otherwise if there is a beauty contest in the world in the future, it would be too meaningless if he fails to attend due to disfigurement.

"Don't be excited, don't be angry, I'm not a human trafficker!"

"No, I'm not a duck trafficker!"

Jiangnan quickly put the two ducklings in front of the mother duck, and stepped back several steps in a row to eliminate the mother duck's vigilance and anger.

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