The sound of rain falling!




This is the sound of rain falling!

The first raindrop hit Jiangnan's face.

The raindrops were big, like broad beans.

"After all, I can't get back before the rain!"

Jiangnan sighed helplessly.

But he was glad that he only brought the moose Lufei today, and not other animals, otherwise they would be scared to death and delay their journey.

Just don't know how they are now, whether they have already hidden in the tent, waiting for him to come back.


The rain is getting heavier.

It was so big that it looked like the river in the sky was overflowing. Even Marshal Tianpeng couldn't control it, and it poured down from the sky.

It was even more terrifying than Liu Xing's other name - hail!

Jiangnan often encountered such heavy rain when I was a child.

I don't know why, but in my memory, it felt like the rain was heavy when I was a child, especially at night. I would be very happy to hear the rain hitting the windows and flowing down the eaves.

Because I could sleep in and didn't have to go to the fields with my parents!

"Hey, why is no one talking in the live broadcast room? Is it because the rain is too heavy and it's stuck?"

Jiangnan suddenly noticed that there was no scrolling barrage on the public screen, and said: "I know, everyone must have never seen such heavy rain, and they are scared."

"In fact, the more times like this, the more you can't be afraid, and you have to learn to have fun in adversity."

"Let me tell you a few idiom stories to ease the atmosphere."

"Cao Pi saw an old man sneak into the widow's house, turned around and asked Cao Chong beside him: Do you think that looks like our father? Cao Chong nodded and said: Yes! This idiom story is called "Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant"!"

"There is also an idiom called "Yanzi's Mission to Chu", the story is that Yanzi was humiliated and left, and a big man who knew Yanzi As soon as I heard it, I hurried to chase him, shouting: Yanzi, Yanzi, how can I live without you! "

"Liu Bei went to Zhuge Liang's house for dinner, and he had a stomachache. He went to the toilet three times in a row, and there was the idiom "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage"! "

"Cao Pi asked his younger brother to learn to drive, and his younger brother killed someone just after starting, and there was the idiom "Seven Steps to Write a Poem"! "

"Kong Rong's parents were getting divorced and asked Kong Rong for his opinion. Kong Rong said: Divorce! Whoever ignores him is a grandson! There was the idiom "Kong Rong Lets Go of the Pear"! "

"Zou Ji dressed in court clothes, looked in the mirror, and said to his wife: Who is more beautiful, me or Xu Gong in the north of the city? His wife said: You are very beautiful, how can Xu Gong compare to you? There was the idiom "Chicken You Are Too Beautiful"! "

Jiangnan told six idiom stories in one breath, each one more exciting than the other.

"Hahaha, island owner, you are such a talent!"

"If I hadn't been to school, I would have been fooled by you!"

"It turns out that Swallow Swallow, how can I live without you? I have been here for a long time, hahaha!"

"Xiaodao pulls the butt, my eyes are opened!"

"The front is normal, what is this idiom story in the back?"

"I didn't expect it, people's hearts are separated by the belly, island owner, you are also a little black!"

"Remember to bring Zou Ji with you when the court is in session!"

"Zou Ji: I can't die anymore, my bones have turned into ashes, and I'm a big gold watch, you're making a fuss!"

"Hahaha, Zou Ji was a Qi person in the Warring States Period, and Qi was in Shandong today. Maybe he really cursed like this!"

After Jiangnan's adjustment, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room finally eased a lot.

Those scared female viewers covered their stomachs and sat in front of the computer desk again.

As the rain got heavier, Jiangnan could only keep wiping his eyes and face with his hands, otherwise he couldn't see the road clearly.

Just like that, after walking for a while, the moose Lufei stopped.


In front of them, an Asian black bear suddenly appeared.

The roar was loud and powerful, which scared the audience in the live broadcast room again.

Jiangnan looked carefully and found that the person who came was actually the black bear mother Jiasha.

"Hey, why are you here?"

Jiangnan opened his throat and shouted.

The rain was too heavy, and he was afraid that the black bear mother couldn't hear it.

The black bear mother walked over with heavy steps, opened her mouth, gently bit Jiangnan's trouser leg, and then turned and left.

"Is this asking me to follow?"

Jiangnan understood it instantly, and easily reminded: "Xiaofei, follow Jiasha!"

Just like that, the black bear mother Jiasha began to lead the way in front, and Jiangnan rode the moose Lufei and kept chasing.

But Jiangnan was quite curious about its

Where did the two children Xiong Da and Xiong Er go?

About ten minutes later, this doubt was solved.

Led by the black bear mother, Jiangnan came to a cave.

The cave entrance was nearly two meters high, and it was obvious that the cave would be even bigger.

The two bear cubs Xiong Da and Xiong Er were lying at the entrance of the cave, anxiously waiting for the black bear mother's robe. When they saw their mother coming back safely, they cried excitedly.

Above Xiong Er's head, there was a familiar animal - the honeyguide!

It was just as Jiangnan thought. The honeyguide and the Asian black bear family became a combination. In the future, many beehives on the heart-shaped island will suffer.

The moose Lu Fei took Jiangnan without hesitation and quickly hid in the cave to avoid being soaked more thoroughly.

"Thank you!"

Jiangnan jumped off the moose Lu Fei's back, came to the black bear mother's robe, and thanked her solemnly.

He didn't know how the mother black bear found him.

Maybe she knew he was going to pass by that road, or maybe she recognized him through her keen hearing, so she came to lead the way.

No matter how the mother black bear found him, she showed up at the right time.

Otherwise, with the speed of the moose, Jiangnan would be soaked by the rain when he returned to the tent camp, and he might even catch a cold.

I don't know if the mother black bear understood what she heard, but she raised her head and put on a proud attitude.

Her round eyes were spinning around, as if she was saying: You saved our family before, now let me, a big black bear, save you, a two-legged beast. If it gets out in the animal world, I will be very proud!

"Hahaha, the look in the mother black bear's eyes made me laugh to death!"

"I didn't expect the mother black bear to come to rescue the island owner. What luck!"

"Anyway, the island owner is safe now!"

"It's the first time I've seen such heavy rain. This weather phenomenon is so scary. It doesn't feel real!"

"I don't know when the rain will stop. What about the quokka twins, Xiyangyang and Lanyangyang, and the other little animals who stayed in the tent camp!"

The audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief for Jiangnan, but at the same time they were worried about the other animals left in the camp.

Whether it was the quokka or the sugar quoll, they were very timid. It was the first time they faced such a big storm and strange weather phenomena. In addition, Jiangnan was not around, and they didn't know if they would be frightened and run away.

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