The truth is, the truth is that the scorpion dares to eat snakes.

"Scorpions dare to eat snakes?"

"What's the big deal? Many girls like to eat snakes!"

"You better be talking about snakes! (dog head)"

"This world is too crazy. Even mice are bridesmaids for cats!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked, and they didn't forget to drive a good car.

Jiangnan continued to introduce: "Fifth place, Arizona wood scorpion!"

"If you are stung by it, you will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, numbness, and death."

"Fourth place, Arabian fat-tailed scorpion!"

"It is dark all over, 15 cm long, and is known as the ghost of the desert."

"Its tail is longer than its body. In order to reduce energy loss, this scorpion hunts almost the same as Hu Yifei, that is: quiet as a virgin, fast as a rabbit."

"When hunting, it will find a position, and then wait motionlessly for the prey to pass by."

"When the prey comes, the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion will remain motionless, and even when the prey walks around it, it is difficult to arouse their desire to attack."

"Until the prey is completely released, it will not be able to attack. "Its venom only needs 0.1 mg to kill a healthy mouse." "Third place, Brazilian yellow scorpion!" "According to statistics, from 2001 to 2005, in just five years, the number of people stung by this scorpion in various states of Brazil reached 36,000." "In 2005 alone, 30 people died from scorpion stings." "There is no accurate conclusion yet for the first and second place." "Because the first two scorpions are more vicious than each other, not only are they more toxic, but their mortality rate is also high. They are like the top students in the class. In every exam, either you are the first or I am the first. There is no suspense at all." The audience was listening with great interest, and they couldn't wait. "Island owner, don't stop!"

"How high is the mortality rate?"

"How strong is the toxicity? Can it kill elephants?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How can a scorpion kill an elephant!"

Jiangnan smiled and said, "It's impossible to kill an elephant, but it's more than enough to kill a horse."

"These two scorpions are the Israeli golden scorpion and the Indian red scorpion."

"The Indian red scorpion has a mortality rate of up to 40%. The infected person will not feel any particularly serious symptoms at first, only sweating and vomiting. But if not treated in time, the lungs will have problems and eventually die."

"And it is the Israeli golden scorpion that can kill horses."

" This kind of scorpion is very small, only five or six centimeters, and seven centimeters is considered a big one. "

"Its venom can kill a horse within five minutes. If a person is stung by it, he will not survive for more than five minutes."

Finally, Jiangnan repeatedly reminded: "I tell you all this because I hope you will be careful when traveling."

"Don't think that scorpions are small, so you look down on them and tease them, or even want to catch them and soak them in wine."

"Some scorpions should not be provoked!"

"Don't forget that in "Journey to the West", a small scorpion spirit almost killed the powerful Sun Wukong!"

After saying this, Jiangnan began to concentrate on catching scorpions.

After a while, more than thirty were caught.

These scorpions gathered in the plastic bottle, crawling and rolling constantly, like a meeting.

"Call it a day!"

Jiangnan returned home with a full load tonight.

When passing by the ruler emperor scorpion, he took it home.

After returning home, Jiangnan was surprised to find that the ruler emperor scorpion had eaten all the grasshoppers he caught.

No, to be precise, there was still a head left.

Many animals are like this, they don't like to eat the heads of their prey.

"It seems that you are really hungry."

Jiangnan put all his equipment aside, rushed to the yard, caught a few more grasshoppers, and threw them into a glass bottle.

After finishing all this, he turned off the broadcast.

However, he did not go to bed immediately, but returned to the yard and took out the box of Himalayan giant bees rewarded by the system.

Instead of putting them in the yard, he walked hundreds of meters and found a secluded flower bush and placed them here.

In this way, it will be much easier for them to collect honey in the future.

And it will be even more convenient for Jiangnan to collect honey.

After returning to the villa, Jiangnan finally lay on the bed.

And he had a very fulfilling first day back to the main island, and took in many animals. The only drawback is that he has not yet

Meet the bird of paradise, Bird Jianqiang.

After the three babies hatched, it was outside catching insects every minute to feed its children, and the bird was not seen at all.

Jiangnan was worried that it was too hard for a single mother, so before going to bed, he put a few grasshoppers next to the bird's nest so that it could feed its children more conveniently.

However, he was worried that the grasshoppers would fall off and were not fresh enough, so he tied them up with a rope.

He also thought about feeding them directly, but now is the critical moment for the three babies to cultivate feelings with Bird Jianqiang, the mother. If he intervenes forcibly, it may backfire.

Therefore, it is better to wait until the three babies open their eyes before helping.

In his wild thoughts, Jiangnan finally fell asleep and played poker with Zhou Gong's daughter.

He slept well this time.

In order not to be disturbed, he also wore an eye mask and earmuffs.

There are all kinds of busy things to deal with in the next few days, and he must conserve his energy.

At least wearing these, you won't hear the canary couple's annoying chirping.


At seven o'clock the next day, he was still woken up.

At first, Jiangnan just felt a little itchy in his nose, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

But soon, he began to feel itchy on his face and forehead.

Jiangnan decisively took off his eye mask and earmuffs, opened his eyes, and happened to see the bird Jianqiang that he had been thinking about.

At this time, it was standing on his face, so it was naturally itchy.

Seeing Jiangnan open his eyes, the bird of paradise also jumped off his face very tactfully.

"You are so smart, I closed my eyes and ears, and you used pecking to wake me up!"

Jiangnan complained helplessly: "I will carve an alarm clock in the future, and it must be in your image."

In Jiangnan's impression, there used to be a strange alarm clock in many foreign cartoons. As long as the time is up, a wooden bird will eject from the bird's nest and keep chirping.

This is what he wanted to carve. With the image of the bird of paradise, it is absolutely novel and beautiful.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

The bird of paradise tilted its head firmly and stared at Jiangnan and said, "I came to thank you!"

After that, it turned around and jumped under the bed. When it flapped its wings and flew to the bed again, it had something in its mouth.

Jiangnan rubbed his eyes and looked closely, and found that it was a hundred-yuan bill!

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